# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import uuid from oslo.config import cfg from heat.tests import generic_resource from heat.tests import fakes from heat.tests.common import HeatTestCase from heat.tests.utils import stack_delete_after from heat.tests.utils import setup_dummy_db from heat.common import context from heat.common import exception from heat.common import template_format from heat.engine import parser from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import signal_responder as sr test_template_signal = ''' { "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "Just a test.", "Parameters" : {}, "Resources" : { "signal_handler" : {"Type" : "SignalResourceType"}, "resource_X" : {"Type" : "GenericResourceType"} }, "Outputs": { "signed_url": {"Fn::GetAtt": ["signal_handler", "AlarmUrl"]} } } ''' class UUIDStub(object): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __enter__(self): self.uuid4 = uuid.uuid4 uuid_stub = lambda: self.value uuid.uuid4 = uuid_stub def __exit__(self, *exc_info): uuid.uuid4 = self.uuid4 class SignalTest(HeatTestCase): def setUp(self): super(SignalTest, self).setUp() setup_dummy_db() resource._register_class('SignalResourceType', generic_resource.SignalResource) resource._register_class('GenericResourceType', generic_resource.GenericResource) cfg.CONF.set_default('heat_waitcondition_server_url', '') self.stack_id = 'STACKABCD1234' self.fc = fakes.FakeKeystoneClient() # Note tests creating a stack should be decorated with @stack_delete_after # to ensure the stack is properly cleaned up def create_stack(self, stack_name='test_stack', stub=True): temp = template_format.parse(test_template_signal) template = parser.Template(temp) ctx = context.get_admin_context() ctx.tenant_id = 'test_tenant' stack = parser.Stack(ctx, stack_name, template, disable_rollback=True) # Stub out the stack ID so we have a known value with UUIDStub(self.stack_id): stack.store() if stub: self.m.StubOutWithMock(sr.SignalResponder, 'keystone') sr.SignalResponder.keystone().MultipleTimes().AndReturn( self.fc) return stack @stack_delete_after def test_FnGetAtt_Alarm_Url(self): self.stack = self.create_stack() self.m.ReplayAll() self.stack.create() rsrc = self.stack.resources['signal_handler'] created_time = datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 29, 13, 49, 37) rsrc.created_time = created_time self.assertEqual(rsrc.state, (rsrc.CREATE, rsrc.COMPLETE)) expected_url = "".join([ '', 'arn%3Aopenstack%3Aheat%3A%3Atest_tenant%3Astacks%2F', 'test_stack%2FSTACKABCD1234%2Fresources%2F', 'signal_handler?', 'Timestamp=2012-11-29T13%3A49%3A37Z&', 'SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&', 'AWSAccessKeyId=4567&', 'SignatureVersion=2&', 'Signature=', 'MJIFh7LKCpVlK6pCxe2WfYrRsfO7FU3Wt%2BzQFo2rYSY%3D']) self.assertEqual(expected_url, rsrc.FnGetAtt('AlarmUrl')) self.m.VerifyAll() @stack_delete_after def test_signal(self): test_d = {'Data': 'foo', 'Reason': 'bar', 'Status': 'SUCCESS', 'UniqueId': '123'} self.stack = self.create_stack() # to confirm we get a call to handle_signal self.m.StubOutWithMock(generic_resource.SignalResource, 'handle_signal') generic_resource.SignalResource.handle_signal(test_d).AndReturn(None) self.m.ReplayAll() self.stack.create() rsrc = self.stack.resources['signal_handler'] self.assertEqual(rsrc.state, (rsrc.CREATE, rsrc.COMPLETE)) rsrc.signal(details=test_d) self.m.VerifyAll() @stack_delete_after def test_signal_wrong_resource(self): # assert that we get the correct exception when calling a # resource.signal() that does not have a handle_signal() self.stack = self.create_stack() self.m.ReplayAll() self.stack.create() rsrc = self.stack.resources['resource_X'] self.assertEqual(rsrc.state, (rsrc.CREATE, rsrc.COMPLETE)) err_metadata = {'Data': 'foo', 'Status': 'SUCCESS', 'UniqueId': '123'} self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceFailure, rsrc.signal, details=err_metadata) self.m.VerifyAll() @stack_delete_after def test_signal_reception_wrong_state(self): # assert that we get the correct exception when calling a # resource.signal() that is in having a destructive action. self.stack = self.create_stack() self.m.ReplayAll() self.stack.create() rsrc = self.stack.resources['signal_handler'] self.assertEqual(rsrc.state, (rsrc.CREATE, rsrc.COMPLETE)) # manually override the action to DELETE rsrc.action = rsrc.DELETE err_metadata = {'Data': 'foo', 'Status': 'SUCCESS', 'UniqueId': '123'} self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceFailure, rsrc.signal, details=err_metadata) self.m.VerifyAll() @stack_delete_after def test_signal_reception_failed_call(self): # assert that we get the correct exception from resource.signal() # when resource.handle_signal() raises an exception. self.stack = self.create_stack() test_d = {'Data': 'foo', 'Reason': 'bar', 'Status': 'SUCCESS', 'UniqueId': '123'} # to confirm we get a call to handle_signal self.m.StubOutWithMock(generic_resource.SignalResource, 'handle_signal') generic_resource.SignalResource.handle_signal(test_d).AndRaise( ValueError) self.m.ReplayAll() self.stack.create() rsrc = self.stack.resources['signal_handler'] self.assertEqual(rsrc.state, (rsrc.CREATE, rsrc.COMPLETE)) self.assertRaises(exception.ResourceFailure, rsrc.signal, details=test_d) self.m.VerifyAll()