# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import hashlib from oslo.config import cfg from oslo.serialization import jsonutils import six from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.common.i18n import _LI from heat.common.i18n import _LW from heat.engine import attributes from heat.engine import environment from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import scheduler from heat.engine import stack as parser from heat.engine import template from heat.openstack.common import log as logging cfg.CONF.import_opt('error_wait_time', 'heat.common.config') LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class StackResource(resource.Resource): ''' An abstract Resource subclass that allows the management of an entire Stack as a resource in a parent stack. ''' # Assume True as this is evaluated before the stack is created # so there is no way to know for sure without subclass-specific # template parsing. requires_deferred_auth = True def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): super(StackResource, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack) self._nested = None def validate(self): super(StackResource, self).validate() self.validate_nested_stack() def validate_nested_stack(self): try: nested_stack = self._parse_nested_stack( self.stack.name, self.child_template(), self.child_params()) nested_stack.strict_validate = False nested_stack.validate() except Exception as ex: msg = _("Failed to validate: %s") % six.text_type(ex) raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg) def _outputs_to_attribs(self, json_snippet): outputs = json_snippet.get('Outputs') if not self.attributes and outputs: self.attributes_schema = ( attributes.Attributes.schema_from_outputs(outputs)) self.attributes = attributes.Attributes(self.name, self.attributes_schema, self._resolve_attribute) def _needs_update(self, after, before, after_props, before_props, prev_resource): # Always issue an update to the nested stack and let the individual # resources in it decide if they need updating. return True def nested(self, force_reload=False, show_deleted=False): '''Return a Stack object representing the nested (child) stack. :param force_reload: Forces reloading from the DB instead of returning the locally cached Stack object :param show_deleted: Returns the stack even if it's been deleted ''' if force_reload: self._nested = None if self._nested is None and self.resource_id is not None: self._nested = parser.Stack.load(self.context, self.resource_id, parent_resource=self, show_deleted=show_deleted, force_reload=force_reload) if self._nested is None: raise exception.NotFound(_("Nested stack not found in DB")) return self._nested def child_template(self): ''' Default implementation to get the child template. Resources that inherit from StackResource should override this method with specific details about the template used by them. ''' raise NotImplementedError() def child_params(self): ''' Default implementation to get the child params. Resources that inherit from StackResource should override this method with specific details about the parameters used by them. ''' raise NotImplementedError() def preview(self): ''' Preview a StackResource as resources within a Stack. This method overrides the original Resource.preview to return a preview of all the resources contained in this Stack. For this to be possible, the specific resources need to override both ``child_template`` and ``child_params`` with specific information to allow the stack to be parsed correctly. If any of these methods is missing, the entire StackResource will be returned as if it were a regular Resource. ''' try: child_template = self.child_template() params = self.child_params() except NotImplementedError: LOG.warn(_LW("Preview of '%s' not yet implemented"), self.__class__.__name__) return self name = "%s-%s" % (self.stack.name, self.name) self._nested = self._parse_nested_stack(name, child_template, params) return self.nested().preview_resources() def _parse_child_template(self, child_template): parsed_child_template = child_template if isinstance(parsed_child_template, template.Template): parsed_child_template = parsed_child_template.t return template.Template(parsed_child_template, files=self.stack.t.files) def _parse_nested_stack(self, stack_name, child_template, child_params, timeout_mins=None, adopt_data=None): if self.stack.nested_depth >= cfg.CONF.max_nested_stack_depth: msg = _("Recursion depth exceeds %d." ) % cfg.CONF.max_nested_stack_depth raise exception.RequestLimitExceeded(message=msg) parsed_template = self._parse_child_template(child_template) self._validate_nested_resources(parsed_template) # Don't overwrite the attributes_schema for subclasses that # define their own attributes_schema. if not hasattr(type(self), 'attributes_schema'): self.attributes = None self._outputs_to_attribs(parsed_template) if timeout_mins is None: timeout_mins = self.stack.timeout_mins stack_user_project_id = self.stack.stack_user_project_id new_nested_depth = self.stack.nested_depth + 1 # Note we disable rollback for nested stacks, since they # should be rolled back by the parent stack on failure child_env = environment.get_child_environment( self.stack.env, child_params) nested = parser.Stack(self.context, stack_name, parsed_template, env=child_env, timeout_mins=timeout_mins, disable_rollback=True, parent_resource=self, owner_id=self.stack.id, user_creds_id=self.stack.user_creds_id, stack_user_project_id=stack_user_project_id, adopt_stack_data=adopt_data, nested_depth=new_nested_depth) return nested def _validate_nested_resources(self, templ): total_resources = (len(templ[templ.RESOURCES]) + self.stack.root_stack.total_resources()) if self.nested(): # It's an update and these resources will be deleted total_resources -= len(self.nested().resources) if (total_resources > cfg.CONF.max_resources_per_stack): message = exception.StackResourceLimitExceeded.msg_fmt raise exception.RequestLimitExceeded(message=message) def create_with_template(self, child_template, user_params, timeout_mins=None, adopt_data=None): """Create the nested stack with the given template.""" name = self.physical_resource_name() self._nested = self._parse_nested_stack(name, child_template, user_params, timeout_mins, adopt_data) self._nested.validate() nested_id = self._nested.store() self.resource_id_set(nested_id) action = self._nested.CREATE error_wait_time = cfg.CONF.error_wait_time if adopt_data: action = self._nested.ADOPT error_wait_time = None stack_creator = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._nested.stack_task, action=action, error_wait_time=error_wait_time) stack_creator.start(timeout=self._nested.timeout_secs()) return stack_creator def check_create_complete(self, stack_creator): if stack_creator is None: return True done = stack_creator.step() if done: if self._nested.state != (self._nested.CREATE, self._nested.COMPLETE): raise exception.Error(self._nested.status_reason) return done def update_with_template(self, child_template, user_params, timeout_mins=None): """Update the nested stack with the new template.""" nested_stack = self.nested() if nested_stack is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot update %s, stack not created') % self.name) name = self.physical_resource_name() stack = self._parse_nested_stack(name, child_template, user_params, timeout_mins) stack.validate() stack.parameters.set_stack_id(nested_stack.identifier()) nested_stack.updated_time = self.updated_time updater = scheduler.TaskRunner(nested_stack.update_task, stack) updater.start() return updater def check_update_complete(self, updater): if updater is None: return True if not updater.step(): return False nested_stack = self.nested() if nested_stack.state != (nested_stack.UPDATE, nested_stack.COMPLETE): raise exception.Error(_("Nested stack UPDATE failed: %s") % nested_stack.status_reason) return True def delete_nested(self): ''' Delete the nested stack. ''' try: stack = self.nested() except exception.NotFound: LOG.info(_LI("Stack not found to delete")) else: if stack is not None: delete_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(stack.delete) delete_task.start() return delete_task def check_delete_complete(self, delete_task): if delete_task is None: return True done = delete_task.step() if done: nested_stack = self.nested() if nested_stack.state != (nested_stack.DELETE, nested_stack.COMPLETE): raise exception.Error(nested_stack.status_reason) return done def handle_suspend(self): stack = self.nested() if stack is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot suspend %s, stack not created') % self.name) suspend_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._nested.stack_task, action=self._nested.SUSPEND, reverse=True) suspend_task.start(timeout=self._nested.timeout_secs()) return suspend_task def check_suspend_complete(self, suspend_task): done = suspend_task.step() if done: if self._nested.state != (self._nested.SUSPEND, self._nested.COMPLETE): raise exception.Error(self._nested.status_reason) return done def handle_resume(self): stack = self.nested() if stack is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot resume %s, stack not created') % self.name) resume_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._nested.stack_task, action=self._nested.RESUME, reverse=False) resume_task.start(timeout=self._nested.timeout_secs()) return resume_task def check_resume_complete(self, resume_task): done = resume_task.step() if done: if self._nested.state != (self._nested.RESUME, self._nested.COMPLETE): raise exception.Error(self._nested.status_reason) return done def handle_check(self): stack = self.nested() if stack is None: raise exception.Error(_('Cannot check %s, stack not created') % self.name) check_task = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._nested.stack_task, action=self._nested.CHECK, aggregate_exceptions=True) check_task.start(timeout=self._nested.timeout_secs()) return check_task def check_check_complete(self, check_task): return check_task.step() def prepare_abandon(self): return self.nested().prepare_abandon() def get_output(self, op): ''' Return the specified Output value from the nested stack. If the output key does not exist, raise an InvalidTemplateAttribute exception. ''' stack = self.nested() if stack is None: return None if op not in stack.outputs: raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name, key=op) return stack.output(op) def _resolve_attribute(self, name): return self.get_output(name) def implementation_signature(self): schema_names = ([prop for prop in self.properties_schema] + [at for at in self.attributes_schema]) schema_hash = hashlib.sha1(';'.join(schema_names)) definition = {'template': self.child_template(), 'files': self.stack.t.files} definition_hash = hashlib.sha1(jsonutils.dumps(definition)) return (schema_hash.hexdigest(), definition_hash.hexdigest())