# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ /stack endpoint for heat v1 API """ import httplib import json import logging import os import socket import sys import urlparse import webob from webob.exc import (HTTPNotFound, HTTPConflict, HTTPBadRequest) from heat.common import wsgi from heat.common import config from heat import rpc from heat import context logger = logging.getLogger('heat.api.v1.stacks') class StackController(object): """ WSGI controller for stacks resource in heat v1 API """ def __init__(self, options): self.options = options def list(self, req): """ Returns the following information for all stacks: """ con = context.get_admin_context() stack_list = rpc.call(con, 'engine', {'method': 'list_stacks'}) res = {'ListStacksResponse': {'ListStacksResult': {'StackSummaries': [] } } } summaries = res['ListStacksResponse']['ListStacksResult']['StackSummaries'] for s in stack_list: summaries.append(s) return res def describe(self, req): """ Returns the following information for all stacks: """ con = context.get_admin_context() stack_list = rpc.call(con, 'engine', {'method': 'show_stack', 'args': {'stack_name': req.params['StackName']}}) res = {'DescribeStacksResult': {'Stacks': [] } } stacks = res['DescribeStacksResult']['Stacks'] for s in stack_list['stacks']: mem = {'member': s} stacks.append(mem) return res def _get_template(self, req): if req.params.has_key('TemplateBody'): logger.info('TemplateBody ...') return req.params['TemplateBody'] elif req.params.has_key('TemplateUrl'): logger.info('TemplateUrl %s' % req.params['TemplateUrl']) url = urlparse.urlparse(req.params['TemplateUrl']) if url.scheme == 'https': conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url.netloc) else: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc) conn.request("GET", url.path) r1 = conn.getresponse() logger.info('status %d' % r1.status) if r1.status == 200: data = r1.read() conn.close() else: data = None return data return None def create(self, req): """ Returns the following information for all stacks: """ con = context.get_admin_context() try: templ = self._get_template(req) except socket.gaierror: msg = _('Invalid Template URL') return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if templ is None: msg = _("TemplateBody or TemplateUrl were not given.") return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try: stack = json.loads(templ) except ValueError: msg = _("The Template must be a JSON document.") return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) stack['StackName'] = req.params['StackName'] return rpc.call(con, 'engine', {'method': 'create_stack', 'args': {'stack_name': req.params['StackName'], 'template': stack, 'params': dict(req.params)}}) def validate_template(self, req): con = context.get_admin_context() try: templ = self._get_template(req) except socket.gaierror: msg = _('Invalid Template URL') return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) if templ is None: msg = _("TemplateBody or TemplateUrl were not given.") return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try: stack = json.loads(templ) except ValueError: msg = _("The Template must be a JSON document.") return webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) logger.info('validate_template') return con.validate_template(stack, **req.params) def delete(self, req): """ Returns the following information for all stacks: """ con = context.get_admin_context() res = rpc.call(con, 'engine', {'method': 'delete_stack', 'args': {'stack_name': req.params['StackName']}}) if res == None: return {'DeleteStackResult': ''} else: return {'DeleteStackResult': res['Error']} def events_list(self, req): """ Returns the following information for all stacks: """ con = context.get_admin_context() stack_list = rpc.call(con, 'engine', {'method': 'list_events', 'args': {'stack_name': req.params['StackName']}}) res = {'DescribeStackEventsResult': {'StackEvents': [] } } summaries = res['DescribeStackEventsResult']['StackEvents'] for s in stack_list: summaries.append(s) return res def create_resource(options): """Stacks resource factory method.""" deserializer = wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer() serializer = wsgi.JSONResponseSerializer() return wsgi.Resource(StackController(options), deserializer, serializer)