# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging from oslo_service import service from osprofiler import profiler import six from heat.common import context from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _LE from heat.common.i18n import _LI from heat.common import messaging as rpc_messaging from heat.engine import dependencies from heat.engine import resource from heat.engine import stack as parser from heat.engine import sync_point from heat.engine import template as templatem from heat.objects import resource as resource_objects from heat.rpc import listener_client from heat.rpc import worker_client as rpc_client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @profiler.trace_cls("rpc") class WorkerService(service.Service): """ This service is dedicated to handle internal messages to the 'worker' (a.k.a. 'converger') actor in convergence. Messages on this bus will use the 'cast' rather than 'call' method to anycast the message to an engine that will handle it asynchronously. It won't wait for or expect replies from these messages. """ RPC_API_VERSION = '1.1' def __init__(self, host, topic, engine_id, thread_group_mgr): super(WorkerService, self).__init__() self.host = host self.topic = topic self.engine_id = engine_id self.thread_group_mgr = thread_group_mgr self._rpc_client = None self._rpc_server = None def start(self): target = oslo_messaging.Target( version=self.RPC_API_VERSION, server=self.host, topic=self.topic) LOG.info(_LI("Starting WorkerService ...")) self._rpc_server = rpc_messaging.get_rpc_server(target, self) self._rpc_server.start() self._rpc_client = rpc_client.WorkerClient() super(WorkerService, self).start() def stop(self): # Stop rpc connection at first for preventing new requests LOG.info(_LI("Stopping WorkerService ...")) try: self._rpc_server.stop() self._rpc_server.wait() except Exception as e: LOG.error(_LE("WorkerService is failed to stop, %s"), e) super(WorkerService, self).stop() def _try_steal_engine_lock(self, cnxt, resource_id): rs_obj = resource_objects.Resource.get_obj(cnxt, resource_id) if (rs_obj.engine_id != self.engine_id and rs_obj.engine_id is not None): if not listener_client.EngineListenerClient( rs_obj.engine_id).is_alive(cnxt): # steal the lock. rs_obj.update_and_save({'engine_id': None}) return True return False def _trigger_rollback(self, cnxt, stack): LOG.info(_LI("Triggering rollback of %(stack_name)s %(action)s "), {'action': stack.action, 'stack_name': stack.name}) old_tmpl_id = stack.prev_raw_template_id if old_tmpl_id is None: rollback_tmpl = templatem.Template.create_empty_template( version=stack.t.version) else: rollback_tmpl = templatem.Template.load(cnxt, old_tmpl_id) stack.prev_raw_template_id = None stack.store() stack.converge_stack(rollback_tmpl, action=stack.ROLLBACK) def _handle_resource_failure(self, cnxt, stack_id, traversal_id, failure_reason): stack = parser.Stack.load(cnxt, stack_id=stack_id) # make sure no new stack operation was triggered if stack.current_traversal != traversal_id: return stack.state_set(stack.action, stack.FAILED, failure_reason) if (not stack.disable_rollback and stack.action in (stack.CREATE, stack.ADOPT, stack.UPDATE)): self._trigger_rollback(cnxt, stack) else: stack.purge_db() @context.request_context def check_resource(self, cnxt, resource_id, current_traversal, data, is_update): ''' Process a node in the dependency graph. The node may be associated with either an update or a cleanup of its associated resource. ''' adopt_data = data.get('adopt_stack_data') data = dict(sync_point.deserialize_input_data(data)) try: cache_data = {in_data.get( 'name'): in_data for in_data in data.values() if in_data is not None} cache_data['adopt_stack_data'] = adopt_data rsrc, stack = resource.Resource.load(cnxt, resource_id, cache_data) except (exception.ResourceNotFound, exception.NotFound): return tmpl = stack.t if current_traversal != rsrc.stack.current_traversal: LOG.debug('[%s] Traversal cancelled; stopping.', current_traversal) return current_deps = ([tuple(i), (tuple(j) if j is not None else None)] for i, j in rsrc.stack.current_deps['edges']) deps = dependencies.Dependencies(edges=current_deps) graph = deps.graph() if is_update: if (rsrc.replaced_by is not None and rsrc.current_template_id != tmpl.id): return try: check_resource_update(rsrc, tmpl.id, data, self.engine_id) except resource.UpdateReplace: new_res_id = rsrc.make_replacement(tmpl.id) LOG.info("Replacing resource with new id %s", new_res_id) data = sync_point.serialize_input_data(data) self._rpc_client.check_resource(cnxt, new_res_id, current_traversal, data, is_update) return except resource.UpdateInProgress: if self._try_steal_engine_lock(cnxt, resource_id): self._rpc_client.check_resource(cnxt, resource_id, current_traversal, data, is_update) return except exception.ResourceFailure as ex: reason = 'Resource %s failed: %s' % (stack.action, six.text_type(ex)) self._handle_resource_failure( cnxt, stack.id, current_traversal, reason) return input_data = construct_input_data(rsrc) else: try: check_resource_cleanup(rsrc, tmpl.id, data, self.engine_id) except resource.UpdateInProgress: if self._try_steal_engine_lock(cnxt, resource_id): self._rpc_client.check_resource(cnxt, resource_id, current_traversal, data, is_update) return except exception.ResourceFailure as ex: reason = 'Resource %s failed: %s' % (stack.action, six.text_type(ex)) self._handle_resource_failure( cnxt, stack.id, current_traversal, reason) return graph_key = (resource_id, is_update) if graph_key not in graph and rsrc.replaces is not None: # If we are a replacement, impersonate the replaced resource for # the purposes of calculating whether subsequent resources are # ready, since everybody has to work from the same version of the # graph. Our real resource ID is sent in the input_data, so the # dependencies will get updated to point to this resource in time # for the next traversal. graph_key = (rsrc.replaces, is_update) try: for req, fwd in deps.required_by(graph_key): propagate_check_resource( cnxt, self._rpc_client, req, current_traversal, set(graph[(req, fwd)]), graph_key, input_data if fwd else None, fwd) check_stack_complete(cnxt, rsrc.stack, current_traversal, resource_id, deps, is_update) except sync_point.SyncPointNotFound: # Reload the stack to determine the current traversal, and check # the SyncPoint for the current node to determine if it is ready. # If it is, then retrigger the current node with the appropriate # data for the latest traversal. stack = parser.Stack.load(cnxt, stack_id=rsrc.stack.id) if current_traversal == rsrc.stack.current_traversal: LOG.debug('[%s] Traversal sync point missing.', current_traversal) return current_traversal = stack.current_traversal current_deps = ([tuple(i), (tuple(j) if j is not None else None)] for i, j in stack.current_deps['edges']) deps = dependencies.Dependencies(edges=current_deps) key = sync_point.make_key(resource_id, current_traversal, is_update) predecessors = deps.graph()[key] def do_check(target_key, data): self.check_resource(resource_id, current_traversal, data) try: sync_point.sync(cnxt, resource_id, current_traversal, is_update, do_check, predecessors, {key: None}) except sync_point.sync_points.NotFound: pass def construct_input_data(rsrc): attributes = rsrc.stack.get_dep_attrs( six.itervalues(rsrc.stack.resources), rsrc.stack.outputs, rsrc.name) resolved_attributes = {attr: rsrc.FnGetAtt(attr) for attr in attributes} input_data = {'id': rsrc.id, 'name': rsrc.name, 'physical_resource_id': rsrc.resource_id, 'attrs': resolved_attributes} return input_data def check_stack_complete(cnxt, stack, current_traversal, sender_id, deps, is_update): ''' Mark the stack complete if the update is complete. Complete is currently in the sense that all desired resources are in service, not that superfluous ones have been cleaned up. ''' roots = set(deps.roots()) if (sender_id, is_update) not in roots: return def mark_complete(stack_id, data): stack.mark_complete(current_traversal) sender_key = (sender_id, is_update) sync_point.sync(cnxt, stack.id, current_traversal, True, mark_complete, roots, {sender_key: None}) def propagate_check_resource(cnxt, rpc_client, next_res_id, current_traversal, predecessors, sender_key, sender_data, is_update): ''' Trigger processing of a node if all of its dependencies are satisfied. ''' def do_check(entity_id, data): rpc_client.check_resource(cnxt, entity_id, current_traversal, data, is_update) sync_point.sync(cnxt, next_res_id, current_traversal, is_update, do_check, predecessors, {sender_key: sender_data}) def check_resource_update(rsrc, template_id, data, engine_id): ''' Create or update the Resource if appropriate. ''' if (rsrc.resource_id is None and not (rsrc.action == resource.Resource.CREATE and rsrc.status in [ resource.Resource.COMPLETE, resource.Resource.FAILED ])): rsrc.create_convergence(data, engine_id) else: rsrc.update_convergence(template_id, data, engine_id) def check_resource_cleanup(rsrc, template_id, data, engine_id): ''' Delete the Resource if appropriate. ''' if rsrc.current_template_id != template_id: rsrc.delete_convergence(engine_id)