# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import hashlib import itertools from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_serialization import jsonutils import six import yaql from yaql.language import exceptions from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.engine import attributes from heat.engine.cfn import functions as cfn_funcs from heat.engine import function opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('limit_iterators', default=200, help=_('The maximum number of elements in collection ' 'expression can take for its evaluation.')), cfg.IntOpt('memory_quota', default=10000, help=_('The maximum size of memory in bytes that ' 'expression can take for its evaluation.')) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(opts, group='yaql') class GetParam(function.Function): """A function for resolving parameter references. Takes the form:: get_param: or:: get_param: - - - ... """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(GetParam, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self.parameters = self.stack.parameters def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not args: raise ValueError(_('Function "%s" must have arguments') % self.fn_name) if isinstance(args, six.string_types): param_name = args path_components = [] elif isinstance(args, collections.Sequence): param_name = args[0] path_components = args[1:] else: raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be string or list') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(param_name, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('Parameter name in "%s" must be string') % self.fn_name) try: parameter = self.parameters[param_name] except KeyError: raise exception.UserParameterMissing(key=param_name) def get_path_component(collection, key): if not isinstance(collection, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" can\'t traverse path') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(key, (six.string_types, int)): raise TypeError(_('Path components in "%s" ' 'must be strings') % self.fn_name) if isinstance(collection, collections.Sequence ) and isinstance(key, six.string_types): try: key = int(key) except ValueError: raise TypeError(_("Path components in '%s' " "must be a string that can be " "parsed into an " "integer.") % self.fn_name) return collection[key] try: return six.moves.reduce(get_path_component, path_components, parameter) except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError): return '' class GetAttThenSelect(cfn_funcs.GetAtt): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - - - - ... """ def _parse_args(self): if (not isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence) or isinstance(self.args, six.string_types)): raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a list') % self.fn_name) if len(self.args) < 2: raise ValueError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be of the form ' '[resource_name, attribute, (path), ...]') % self.fn_name) self._path_components = self.args[2:] return tuple(self.args[:2]) def result(self): attribute = super(GetAttThenSelect, self).result() if attribute is None: return None path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components) return attributes.select_from_attribute(attribute, path_components) class GetAtt(GetAttThenSelect): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - - - - ... """ def result(self): path_components = function.resolve(self._path_components) attribute = function.resolve(self._attribute) r = self._resource() if (r.status in (r.IN_PROGRESS, r.COMPLETE) and r.action in (r.CREATE, r.ADOPT, r.SUSPEND, r.RESUME, r.UPDATE, r.CHECK, r.SNAPSHOT)): return r.FnGetAtt(attribute, *path_components) else: return None def dep_attrs(self, resource_name): if self._resource().name == resource_name: path = function.resolve(self._path_components) attr = [function.resolve(self._attribute)] if path: attrs = [tuple(attr + path)] else: attrs = attr else: attrs = [] return itertools.chain(function.dep_attrs(self.args, resource_name), attrs) class GetAttAllAttributes(GetAtt): """A function for resolving resource attributes. Takes the form:: get_attr: - - - - ... where and , ... are optional arguments. If there is no , result will be dict of all resource's attributes. Else function returns resolved resource's attribute. """ def _parse_args(self): if not self.args: raise ValueError(_('Arguments to "%s" can be of the next ' 'forms: [resource_name] or ' '[resource_name, attribute, (path), ...]' ) % self.fn_name) elif isinstance(self.args, collections.Sequence): if len(self.args) > 1: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self)._parse_args() else: return self.args[0], None else: raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a list') % self.fn_name) def dep_attrs(self, resource_name): """Check if there is no attribute_name defined, return empty chain.""" if self._attribute is not None: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self).dep_attrs(resource_name) elif self._resource().name == resource_name: res = self._resource() attrs = six.iterkeys(res.attributes_schema) else: attrs = [] return itertools.chain(function.dep_attrs(self.args, resource_name), attrs) def result(self): if self._attribute is None: r = self._resource() if (r.status in (r.IN_PROGRESS, r.COMPLETE) and r.action in (r.CREATE, r.ADOPT, r.SUSPEND, r.RESUME, r.UPDATE, r.CHECK, r.SNAPSHOT)): return r.FnGetAtts() else: return None else: return super(GetAttAllAttributes, self).result() def _allow_without_attribute_name(self): return True class Replace(cfn_funcs.Replace): """A function for performing string substitutions. Takes the form:: str_replace: template: params: : : ... And resolves to:: " " This is implemented using Python's str.replace on each key. The order in which replacements are performed is undefined. """ def _parse_args(self): if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') % self.fn_name) try: mapping = self.args['params'] string = self.args['template'] except (KeyError, TypeError): example = ('''str_replace: template: This is var1 template var2 params: var1: a var2: string''') raise KeyError(_('"str_replace" syntax should be %s') % example) else: return mapping, string class ReplaceJson(Replace): """A function for performing string substitutions. Behaves the same as Replace, but tolerates non-string parameter values, e.g map/list - these are serialized as json before doing the string substitution. """ def result(self): template = function.resolve(self._string) mapping = function.resolve(self._mapping) if not isinstance(template, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" template must be a string') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(mapping, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('"%s" params must be a map') % self.fn_name) def replace(string, change): placeholder, value = change if not isinstance(placeholder, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" param placeholders must be strings') % self.fn_name) if value is None: value = '' if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, six.integer_types, float, bool)): if isinstance(value, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): try: value = jsonutils.dumps(value, default=None) except TypeError: raise TypeError(_('"%(name)s" params must be strings, ' 'numbers, list or map. ' 'Failed to json serialize %(value)s' ) % {'name': self.fn_name, 'value': value}) else: raise TypeError(_('"%s" params must be strings, numbers, ' 'list or map.') % self.fn_name) return string.replace(placeholder, six.text_type(value)) return six.moves.reduce(replace, six.iteritems(mapping), template) class GetFile(function.Function): """A function for including a file inline. Takes the form:: get_file: And resolves to the content stored in the files dictionary under the given key. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(GetFile, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self.files = self.stack.t.files def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not (isinstance(args, six.string_types)): raise TypeError(_('Argument to "%s" must be a string') % self.fn_name) f = self.files.get(args) if f is None: fmt_data = {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'file_key': args} raise ValueError(_('No content found in the "files" section for ' '%(fn_name)s path: %(file_key)s') % fmt_data) return f class Join(cfn_funcs.Join): """A function for joining strings. Takes the form:: { "list_join" : [ "", [ "", "", ... ] ] } And resolves to:: "..." """ class JoinMultiple(function.Function): """A function for joining one or more lists of strings. Takes the form:: { "list_join" : [ "", [ "", "", ... ] ] } And resolves to:: "..." Optionally multiple lists may be specified, which will also be joined. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(JoinMultiple, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = '"%s" : [ " ", [ "str1", "str2"] ...]' % fn_name fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} if not isinstance(args, list): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data) try: self._delim = args[0] self._joinlists = args[1:] if len(self._joinlists) < 1: raise ValueError except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % fmt_data) def result(self): r_joinlists = function.resolve(self._joinlists) strings = [] for jl in r_joinlists: if jl: if (isinstance(jl, six.string_types) or not isinstance(jl, collections.Sequence)): raise TypeError(_('"%s" must operate on ' 'a list') % self.fn_name) strings += jl delim = function.resolve(self._delim) if not isinstance(delim, six.string_types): raise TypeError(_('"%s" delimiter must be a string') % self.fn_name) def ensure_string(s): msg = _('Items to join must be string, map or list not %s' ) % (repr(s)[:200]) if s is None: return '' elif isinstance(s, six.string_types): return s elif isinstance(s, (collections.Mapping, collections.Sequence)): try: return jsonutils.dumps(s, default=None) except TypeError: msg = _('Items to join must be string, map or list. ' '%s failed json serialization' ) % (repr(s)[:200]) raise TypeError(msg) return delim.join(ensure_string(s) for s in strings) class MapMerge(function.Function): """A function for merging maps. Takes the form:: { "map_merge" : [{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}, {'k1': 'v2'}] } And resolves to:: {'k1': 'v2', 'k2': 'v2'} """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(MapMerge, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = (_('"%s" : [ { "key1": "val1" }, { "key2": "val2" } ]') % fn_name) self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) if not isinstance(args, collections.Sequence): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) def ensure_map(m): if m is None: return {} elif isinstance(m, collections.Mapping): return m else: msg = _('Incorrect arguments: Items to merge must be maps.') raise TypeError(msg) ret_map = {} for m in args: ret_map.update(ensure_map(m)) return ret_map class MapReplace(function.Function): """A function for performing substitutions on maps. Takes the form:: {"map_replace" : [{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}, {'keys': {'k1': 'K1'}, 'values': {'v2': 'V2'}}]} And resolves to:: {'K1': 'v1', 'k2': 'V2'} """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(MapReplace, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = (_('"%s" : [ { "key1": "val1" }, ' '{"keys": {"key1": "key2"}, "values": {"val1": "val2"}}]') % fn_name) self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) def ensure_map(m): if m is None: return {} elif isinstance(m, collections.Mapping): return m else: msg = (_('Incorrect arguments: to "%(fn_name)s", arguments ' 'must be a list of maps. Example: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) raise TypeError(msg) try: in_map = ensure_map(args.pop(0)) repl_map = ensure_map(args.pop(0)) if args != []: raise IndexError except (IndexError, AttributeError): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) for k in repl_map: if k not in ('keys', 'values'): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) repl_keys = ensure_map(repl_map.get('keys', {})) repl_values = ensure_map(repl_map.get('values', {})) ret_map = {} for k, v in six.iteritems(in_map): key = repl_keys.get(k) if key is None: key = k elif key in in_map: # Keys collide msg = _('key replacement %s collides with ' 'a key in the input map') raise ValueError(msg % key) elif key in ret_map: # Keys collide msg = _('key replacement %s collides with ' 'a key in the output map') raise ValueError(msg % key) try: value = repl_values.get(v, v) except TypeError: # If the value is unhashable, we get here value = v ret_map[key] = value return ret_map class ResourceFacade(cfn_funcs.ResourceFacade): """A function for retrieving data in a parent provider template. A function for obtaining data from the facade resource from within the corresponding provider template. Takes the form:: resource_facade: where the valid attribute types are "metadata", "deletion_policy" and "update_policy". """ _RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES = ( METADATA, DELETION_POLICY, UPDATE_POLICY, ) = ( 'metadata', 'deletion_policy', 'update_policy' ) class Removed(function.Function): """This function existed in previous versions of HOT, but has been removed. Check the HOT guide for an equivalent native function. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): exp = (_("The function %s is not supported in this version of HOT.") % fn_name) raise exception.InvalidTemplateVersion(explanation=exp) def result(self): return super(Removed, self).result() class Repeat(function.Function): """A function for iterating over a list of items. Takes the form:: repeat: template: for_each: : The result is a new list of the same size as , where each element is a copy of with any occurrences of replaced with the corresponding item of . """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Repeat, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map') % self.fn_name) # We don't check for invalid keys appearing here, which is wrong but # it's probably too late to change try: self._for_each = self.args['for_each'] self._template = self.args['template'] except KeyError: example = ('''repeat: template: This is %var% for_each: %var%: ['a', 'b', 'c']''') raise KeyError(_('"repeat" syntax should be %s') % example) self.validate_args() def validate_args(self): if not isinstance(self._for_each, function.Function): if not isinstance(self._for_each, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('The "for_each" argument to "%s" must ' 'contain a map') % self.fn_name) if not all(self._valid_list(v) for v in self._for_each.values()): raise TypeError(_('The values of the "for_each" argument ' 'to "%s" must be lists') % self.fn_name) @staticmethod def _valid_list(arg): return (isinstance(arg, (collections.Sequence, function.Function)) and not isinstance(arg, six.string_types)) def _do_replacement(self, keys, values, template): if isinstance(template, six.string_types): for (key, value) in zip(keys, values): template = template.replace(key, value) return template elif isinstance(template, collections.Sequence): return [self._do_replacement(keys, values, elem) for elem in template] elif isinstance(template, collections.Mapping): return dict((self._do_replacement(keys, values, k), self._do_replacement(keys, values, v)) for (k, v) in template.items()) def result(self): for_each = function.resolve(self._for_each) if not all(self._valid_list(l) for l in for_each.values()): raise TypeError(_('The values of the "for_each" argument to ' '"%s" must be lists') % self.fn_name) template = function.resolve(self._template) keys, lists = six.moves.zip(*for_each.items()) return [self._do_replacement(keys, replacements, template) for replacements in itertools.product(*lists)] class Digest(function.Function): """A function for performing digest operations. Takes the form:: digest: - - Valid algorithms are the ones provided by natively by hashlib (md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512) or any one provided by OpenSSL. """ def validate_usage(self, args): if not (isinstance(args, list) and all([isinstance(a, six.string_types) for a in args])): msg = _('Argument to function "%s" must be a list of strings') raise TypeError(msg % self.fn_name) if len(args) != 2: msg = _('Function "%s" usage: ["", ""]') raise ValueError(msg % self.fn_name) if six.PY3: algorithms = hashlib.algorithms_available else: algorithms = hashlib.algorithms if args[0].lower() not in algorithms: msg = _('Algorithm must be one of %s') raise ValueError(msg % six.text_type(algorithms)) def digest(self, algorithm, value): _hash = hashlib.new(algorithm) _hash.update(six.b(value)) return _hash.hexdigest() def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) self.validate_usage(args) return self.digest(*args) class StrSplit(function.Function): """A function for splitting delimited strings into a list. Optionally extracting a specific list member by index. Takes the form:: str_split: [delimiter, string, ] or:: str_split: - delimiter - string - If is specified, the specified list item will be returned otherwise, the whole list is returned, similar to get_attr with path based attributes accessing lists. """ def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(StrSplit, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) example = '"%s" : [ ",", "apples,pears", ]' % fn_name self.fmt_data = {'fn_name': fn_name, 'example': example} self.fn_name = fn_name if isinstance(args, (six.string_types, collections.Mapping)): raise TypeError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) def result(self): args = function.resolve(self.args) try: delim = args.pop(0) str_to_split = args.pop(0) except (AttributeError, IndexError): raise ValueError(_('Incorrect arguments to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) split_list = str_to_split.split(delim) # Optionally allow an index to be specified if args: try: index = int(args.pop(0)) except ValueError: raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be: %(example)s') % self.fmt_data) else: try: res = split_list[index] except IndexError: raise ValueError(_('Incorrect index to "%(fn_name)s" ' 'should be between 0 and ' '%(max_index)s') % {'fn_name': self.fn_name, 'max_index': len(split_list) - 1}) else: res = split_list return res class Yaql(function.Function): """A function for executing a yaql expression. Takes the form:: yaql: expression: data: : Evaluates expression on the given data. """ _parser = None @classmethod def get_yaql_parser(cls): if cls._parser is None: global_options = { 'yaql.limitIterators': cfg.CONF.yaql.limit_iterators, 'yaql.memoryQuota': cfg.CONF.yaql.memory_quota } cls._parser = yaql.YaqlFactory().create(global_options) return cls._parser def __init__(self, stack, fn_name, args): super(Yaql, self).__init__(stack, fn_name, args) self.parser = self.get_yaql_parser() self.context = yaql.create_context() if not isinstance(self.args, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('Arguments to "%s" must be a map.') % self.fn_name) try: self._expression = self.args['expression'] self._data = self.args.get('data', {}) for arg in six.iterkeys(self.args): if arg not in ['expression', 'data']: raise KeyError except (KeyError, TypeError): example = ('''%s: expression: $.data.var1.sum() data: var1: [3, 2, 1]''') % self.fn_name raise KeyError(_('"%(name)s" syntax should be %(example)s') % { 'name': self.fn_name, 'example': example}) self.validate_args() def validate_expression(self, expression): try: self.parser(expression) except exceptions.YaqlException as yex: raise ValueError(_('Bad expression %s.') % yex) def validate_args(self): if not isinstance(self._data, (collections.Mapping, function.Function)): raise TypeError(_('The "data" argument to "%s" must contain ' 'a map.') % self.fn_name) if not isinstance(self._expression, (six.string_types, function.Function)): raise TypeError(_('The "expression" argument to %s must ' 'contain a string or a ' 'function.') % self.fn_name) if isinstance(self._expression, six.string_types): self.validate_expression(self._expression) def result(self): data = function.resolve(self._data) if not isinstance(data, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError(_('The "data" argument to "%s" must contain ' 'a map.') % self.fn_name) ctxt = {'data': data} self.context['$'] = ctxt if not isinstance(self._expression, six.string_types): self._expression = function.resolve(self._expression) self.validate_expression(self._expression) return self.parser(self._expression).evaluate(context=self.context)