# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import six from heat.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api from heat.engine import service from heat.engine import stack from heat.tests.convergence.framework import message_processor from heat.tests.convergence.framework import message_queue from heat.tests.convergence.framework import scenario_template from heat.tests import utils class SynchronousThreadGroupManager(service.ThreadGroupManager): """Wrapper for thread group manager. The start method of thread group manager needs to be overridden to run the function synchronously so the convergence scenario tests can be run. """ def start(self, stack_id, func, *args, **kwargs): func(*args, **kwargs) class Engine(message_processor.MessageProcessor): """Wrapper for the engine service. Methods of this class will be called from the scenario tests. """ queue = message_queue.MessageQueue('engine') def __init__(self, worker): super(Engine, self).__init__('engine') self.worker = worker def scenario_template_to_hot(self, scenario_tmpl): """Converts the scenario template into hot template.""" hot_tmpl = {"heat_template_version": "2013-05-23"} resources = {} for res_name, res_def in six.iteritems(scenario_tmpl.resources): props = getattr(res_def, 'properties') depends = getattr(res_def, 'depends_on') res_defn = {"type": "OS::Heat::TestResource"} if props: props_def = {} for prop_name, prop_value in props.items(): if type(prop_value) == scenario_template.GetRes: prop_res = getattr(prop_value, "target_name") prop_value = {'get_resource': prop_res} elif type(prop_value) == scenario_template.GetAtt: prop_res = getattr(prop_value, "target_name") prop_attr = getattr(prop_value, "attr") prop_value = {'get_attr': [prop_res, prop_attr]} props_def[prop_name] = prop_value res_defn["properties"] = props_def if depends: res_defn["depends_on"] = depends resources[res_name] = res_defn hot_tmpl['resources'] = resources return hot_tmpl @message_processor.asynchronous def create_stack(self, stack_name, scenario_tmpl): cnxt = utils.dummy_context() srv = service.EngineService("host", "engine") srv.thread_group_mgr = SynchronousThreadGroupManager() srv.worker_service = self.worker hot_tmpl = self.scenario_template_to_hot(scenario_tmpl) srv.create_stack(cnxt, stack_name, hot_tmpl, params={}, files={}, environment_files=None, args={}) @message_processor.asynchronous def update_stack(self, stack_name, scenario_tmpl): cnxt = utils.dummy_context() db_stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(cnxt, stack_name) srv = service.EngineService("host", "engine") srv.thread_group_mgr = SynchronousThreadGroupManager() srv.worker_service = self.worker hot_tmpl = self.scenario_template_to_hot(scenario_tmpl) stack_identity = {'stack_name': stack_name, 'stack_id': db_stack.id, 'tenant': db_stack.tenant, 'path': ''} srv.update_stack(cnxt, stack_identity, hot_tmpl, params={}, files={}, environment_files=None, args={}) @message_processor.asynchronous def delete_stack(self, stack_name): cnxt = utils.dummy_context() db_stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(cnxt, stack_name) stack_identity = {'stack_name': stack_name, 'stack_id': db_stack.id, 'tenant': db_stack.tenant, 'path': ''} srv = service.EngineService("host", "engine") srv.thread_group_mgr = SynchronousThreadGroupManager() srv.worker_service = self.worker srv.delete_stack(cnxt, stack_identity) @message_processor.asynchronous def rollback_stack(self, stack_name): cntxt = utils.dummy_context() db_stack = db_api.stack_get_by_name(cntxt, stack_name) stk = stack.Stack.load(cntxt, stack=db_stack) stk.thread_group_mgr = SynchronousThreadGroupManager() stk.rollback()