# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import eventlet import os import json from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText import pkgutil from urlparse import urlparse from heat.engine import clients from heat.engine import resource from heat.common import exception from heat.openstack.common import cfg from heat.openstack.common import log as logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Restarter(resource.Resource): properties_schema = {'InstanceId': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}} def _find_resource(self, resource_id): ''' Return the resource with the specified instance ID, or None if it cannot be found. ''' for resource in self.stack: if resource.resource_id == resource_id: return resource return None def alarm(self): victim = self._find_resource(self.properties['InstanceId']) if victim is None: logger.info('%s Alarm, can not find instance %s' % (self.name, self.properties['InstanceId'])) return logger.info('%s Alarm, restarting resource: %s' % (self.name, victim.name)) self.stack.restart_resource(victim.name) class Instance(resource.Resource): # AWS does not require KeyName and InstanceType but we seem to tags_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'Value': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}} properties_schema = {'ImageId': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'InstanceType': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'KeyName': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}, 'AvailabilityZone': {'Type': 'String', 'Default': 'nova'}, 'DisableApiTermination': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'KernelId': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'Monitoring': {'Type': 'Boolean', 'Implemented': False}, 'PlacementGroupName': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'PrivateIpAddress': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'RamDiskId': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'SecurityGroups': {'Type': 'List'}, 'SecurityGroupIds': {'Type': 'List', 'Implemented': False}, 'SourceDestCheck': {'Type': 'Boolean', 'Implemented': False}, 'SubnetId': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}, 'Tags': {'Type': 'List', 'Schema': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': tags_schema}}, 'NovaSchedulerHints': {'Type': 'List', 'Schema': { 'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': tags_schema }}, 'Tenancy': {'Type': 'String', 'AllowedValues': ['dedicated', 'default'], 'Implemented': False}, 'UserData': {'Type': 'String'}, 'Volumes': {'Type': 'List', 'Implemented': False}} def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack): super(Instance, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack) self.ipaddress = None self.mime_string = None def _set_ipaddress(self, networks): ''' Read the server's IP address from a list of networks provided by Nova ''' # Just record the first ipaddress for n in networks: self.ipaddress = networks[n][0] break def _ipaddress(self): ''' Return the server's IP address, fetching it from Nova if necessary ''' if self.ipaddress is None: try: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound as ex: logger.warn('Instance IP address not found (%s)' % str(ex)) else: self._set_ipaddress(server.networks) return self.ipaddress or '' def FnGetAtt(self, key): res = None if key == 'AvailabilityZone': res = self.properties['AvailabilityZone'] elif key == 'PublicIp': res = self._ipaddress() elif key == 'PrivateIp': res = self._ipaddress() elif key == 'PublicDnsName': res = self._ipaddress() elif key == 'PrivateDnsName': res = self._ipaddress() else: raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name, key=key) logger.info('%s.GetAtt(%s) == %s' % (self.name, key, res)) return unicode(res) def _build_userdata(self, userdata): if not self.mime_string: # Build mime multipart data blob for cloudinit userdata def make_subpart(content, filename, subtype=None): if subtype is None: subtype = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype=subtype) msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) return msg def read_cloudinit_file(fn): return pkgutil.get_data('heat', 'cloudinit/%s' % fn) attachments = [(read_cloudinit_file('config'), 'cloud-config'), (read_cloudinit_file('part-handler.py'), 'part-handler.py'), (userdata, 'cfn-userdata', 'x-cfninitdata'), (read_cloudinit_file('loguserdata.sh'), 'loguserdata.sh', 'x-shellscript')] if 'Metadata' in self.t: attachments.append((json.dumps(self.metadata), 'cfn-init-data', 'x-cfninitdata')) attachments.append((cfg.CONF.heat_watch_server_url, 'cfn-watch-server', 'x-cfninitdata')) attachments.append((cfg.CONF.heat_metadata_server_url, 'cfn-metadata-server', 'x-cfninitdata')) # Create a boto config which the cfntools on the host use to know # where the cfn and cw API's are to be accessed cfn_url = urlparse(cfg.CONF.heat_metadata_server_url) cw_url = urlparse(cfg.CONF.heat_watch_server_url) boto_cfg = "\n".join(["[Boto]", "debug = 0", "cfn_region_name = heat", "cfn_region_endpoint = %s" % cfn_url.hostname, "cloudwatch_region_name = heat", "cloudwatch_region_endpoint = %s" % cw_url.hostname]) attachments.append((boto_cfg, 'cfn-boto-cfg', 'x-cfninitdata')) subparts = [make_subpart(*args) for args in attachments] mime_blob = MIMEMultipart(_subparts=subparts) self.mime_string = mime_blob.as_string() return self.mime_string def handle_create(self): if self.properties.get('SecurityGroups') == None: security_groups = None else: security_groups = [self.physical_resource_name_find(sg) for sg in self.properties.get('SecurityGroups')] userdata = self.properties['UserData'] or '' userdata += '\ntouch /var/lib/cloud/instance/provision-finished\n' flavor = self.properties['InstanceType'] key_name = self.properties['KeyName'] keypairs = [k.name for k in self.nova().keypairs.list()] if key_name not in keypairs: raise exception.UserKeyPairMissing(key_name=key_name) image_name = self.properties['ImageId'] image_id = None image_list = self.nova().images.list() for o in image_list: if o.name == image_name: image_id = o.id if image_id is None: logger.info("Image %s was not found in glance" % image_name) raise exception.ImageNotFound(image_name=image_name) flavor_list = self.nova().flavors.list() for o in flavor_list: if o.name == flavor: flavor_id = o.id tags = {} if self.properties['Tags']: for tm in self.properties['Tags']: tags[tm['Key']] = tm['Value'] else: tags = None scheduler_hints = {} if self.properties['NovaSchedulerHints']: for tm in self.properties['NovaSchedulerHints']: scheduler_hints[tm['Key']] = tm['Value'] else: scheduler_hints = None server_userdata = self._build_userdata(userdata) server = self.nova().servers.create(name=self.physical_resource_name(), image=image_id, flavor=flavor_id, key_name=key_name, security_groups=security_groups, userdata=server_userdata, meta=tags, scheduler_hints=scheduler_hints) while server.status == 'BUILD': server.get() eventlet.sleep(1) if server.status == 'ACTIVE': self.resource_id_set(server.id) self._set_ipaddress(server.networks) else: raise exception.Error('%s instance[%s] status[%s]' % ('nova reported unexpected', self.name, server.status)) def handle_update(self): return self.UPDATE_REPLACE def validate(self): ''' Validate any of the provided params ''' res = super(Instance, self).validate() if res: return res #check validity of key try: key_name = self.properties['KeyName'] except ValueError: return else: keypairs = self.nova().keypairs.list() for k in keypairs: if k.name == key_name: return return {'Error': 'Provided KeyName is not registered with nova'} def handle_delete(self): ''' Delete an instance, blocking until it is disposed by OpenStack ''' if self.resource_id is None: return try: server = self.nova().servers.get(self.resource_id) except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: pass else: server.delete() while server.status == 'ACTIVE': try: server.get() except clients.novaclient.exceptions.NotFound: break eventlet.sleep(0.2) self.resource_id = None def resource_mapping(): return { 'AWS::EC2::Instance': Instance, 'HEAT::HA::Restarter': Restarter, }