#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Routines for configuring Heat """ import logging import logging.config import logging.handlers import os import socket # TODO ^ eventlet.socket ? import sys from heat import version from heat.common import wsgi from heat.openstack.common import cfg DEFAULT_PORT = 8000 paste_deploy_group = cfg.OptGroup('paste_deploy') paste_deploy_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('flavor'), cfg.StrOpt('config_file'), ] FLAGS = None rpc_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('rpc_backend', default='heat.rpc.impl_qpid', help="The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu."), cfg.IntOpt('rpc_thread_pool_size', default=1024, help='Size of RPC thread pool'), cfg.IntOpt('rpc_conn_pool_size', default=30, help='Size of RPC connection pool'), cfg.IntOpt('rpc_response_timeout', default=60, help='Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_hostname', default='localhost', help='Qpid broker hostname'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_port', default='5672', help='Qpid broker port'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_username', default='', help='Username for qpid connection'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_password', default='', help='Password for qpid connection'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_sasl_mechanisms', default='', help='Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth'), cfg.BoolOpt('qpid_reconnect', default=True, help='Automatically reconnect'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_reconnect_timeout', default=0, help='Reconnection timeout in seconds'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_reconnect_limit', default=0, help='Max reconnections before giving up'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_reconnect_interval_min', default=0, help='Minimum seconds between reconnection attempts'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_reconnect_interval_max', default=0, help='Maximum seconds between reconnection attempts'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_reconnect_interval', default=0, help='Equivalent to setting max and min to the same value'), cfg.IntOpt('qpid_heartbeat', default=5, help='Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats'), cfg.StrOpt('qpid_protocol', default='tcp', help="Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'"), cfg.BoolOpt('qpid_tcp_nodelay', default=True, help='Disable Nagle algorithm'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_host', default='localhost', help='the RabbitMQ host'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_port', default=5672, help='the RabbitMQ port'), cfg.BoolOpt('rabbit_use_ssl', default=False, help='connect over SSL for RabbitMQ'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_userid', default='guest', help='the RabbitMQ userid'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_password', default='guest', help='the RabbitMQ password'), cfg.StrOpt('rabbit_virtual_host', default='/', help='the RabbitMQ virtual host'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_retry_interval', default=1, help='how frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_retry_backoff', default=2, help='how long to backoff for between retries when connecting ' 'to RabbitMQ'), cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_max_retries', default=0, help='maximum retries with trying to connect to RabbitMQ ' '(the default of 0 implies an infinite retry count)'), cfg.StrOpt('control_exchange', default='heat-engine', help='the main RabbitMQ exchange to connect to'), ] class HeatConfigOpts(cfg.CommonConfigOpts): def __init__(self, default_config_files=None, **kwargs): super(HeatConfigOpts, self).__init__( project='heat', version='%%prog %s' % version.version_string(), default_config_files=default_config_files, **kwargs) self.register_cli_opts(rpc_opts) class HeatEngineConfigOpts(cfg.CommonConfigOpts): service_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('report_interval', default=10, help='seconds between nodes reporting state to datastore'), cfg.IntOpt('periodic_interval', default=60, help='seconds between running periodic tasks'), cfg.StrOpt('ec2_listen', default="", help='IP address for EC2 API to listen'), cfg.IntOpt('ec2_listen_port', default=8773, help='port for ec2 api to listen'), cfg.StrOpt('osapi_compute_listen', default="", help='IP address for OpenStack API to listen'), cfg.IntOpt('osapi_compute_listen_port', default=8774, help='list port for osapi compute'), cfg.StrOpt('metadata_manager', default='nova.api.manager.MetadataManager', help='OpenStack metadata service manager'), cfg.StrOpt('metadata_listen', default="", help='IP address for metadata api to listen'), cfg.IntOpt('metadata_listen_port', default=8775, help='port for metadata api to listen'), cfg.StrOpt('osapi_volume_listen', default="", help='IP address for OpenStack Volume API to listen'), cfg.IntOpt('osapi_volume_listen_port', default=8776, help='port for os volume api to listen'), ] db_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('db_backend', default='heat.db.anydbm.api', help='The backend to use for db'), cfg.StrOpt('sql_connection', default='mysql://heat:heat@localhost/heat', help='The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the ' 'database'), cfg.IntOpt('sql_idle_timeout', default=3600, help='timeout before idle sql connections are reaped'), ] engine_opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('host', default=socket.gethostname(), help='Name of this node. This can be an opaque identifier. ' 'It is not necessarily a hostname, FQDN, or IP address.'), cfg.StrOpt('instance_driver', default='heat.engine.nova', help='Driver to use for controlling instances'), ] def __init__(self, default_config_files=None, **kwargs): super(HeatEngineConfigOpts, self).__init__( project='heat', version='%%prog %s' % version.version_string(), **kwargs) config_files = cfg.find_config_files(project='heat', prog='heat-engine') self.register_cli_opts(self.engine_opts) self.register_cli_opts(self.db_opts) self.register_cli_opts(self.service_opts) self.register_cli_opts(rpc_opts) def setup_logging(conf): """ Sets up the logging options for a log with supplied name :param conf: a cfg.ConfOpts object """ if conf.log_config: # Use a logging configuration file for all settings... if os.path.exists(conf.log_config): logging.config.fileConfig(conf.log_config) return else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to locate specified logging " "config file: %s" % conf.log_config) root_logger = logging.root if conf.debug: root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif conf.verbose: root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: root_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) formatter = logging.Formatter(conf.log_format, conf.log_date_format) if conf.use_syslog: try: facility = getattr(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler, conf.syslog_log_facility) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(_("Invalid syslog facility")) handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log', facility=facility) elif conf.log_file: logfile = conf.log_file if conf.log_dir: logfile = os.path.join(conf.log_dir, logfile) handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(logfile) else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(handler) def _register_paste_deploy_opts(conf): """ Idempotent registration of paste_deploy option group :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object """ conf.register_group(paste_deploy_group) conf.register_opts(paste_deploy_opts, group=paste_deploy_group) def _get_deployment_flavor(conf): """ Retrieve the paste_deploy.flavor config item, formatted appropriately for appending to the application name. :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object """ _register_paste_deploy_opts(conf) flavor = conf.paste_deploy.flavor return '' if not flavor else ('-' + flavor) def _get_deployment_config_file(conf): """ Retrieve the deployment_config_file config item, formatted as an absolute pathname. :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object """ _register_paste_deploy_opts(conf) config_file = conf.paste_deploy.config_file if not config_file: if conf.config_file: # Assume paste config is in a paste.ini file corresponding # to the last config file path = os.path.splitext(conf.config_file[-1])[0] + "-paste.ini" else: return None else: path = config_file return os.path.abspath(path) def load_paste_app(conf, app_name=None): """ Builds and returns a WSGI app from a paste config file. We assume the last config file specified in the supplied ConfigOpts object is the paste config file. :param conf: a cfg.ConfigOpts object :param app_name: name of the application to load :raises RuntimeError when config file cannot be located or application cannot be loaded from config file """ if app_name is None: app_name = conf.prog # append the deployment flavor to the application name, # in order to identify the appropriate paste pipeline app_name += _get_deployment_flavor(conf) conf_file = _get_deployment_config_file(conf) if conf_file is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to locate config file") try: # Setup logging early setup_logging(conf) app = wsgi.paste_deploy_app(conf_file, app_name, conf) # Log the options used when starting if we're in debug mode... if conf.debug: conf.log_opt_values(logging.getLogger(app_name), logging.DEBUG) return app except (LookupError, ImportError), e: raise RuntimeError("Unable to load %(app_name)s from " "configuration file %(conf_file)s." "\nGot: %(e)r" % locals())