# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import numbers import re import warnings from oslo_utils import strutils import six from heat.common import exception from heat.common.i18n import _ from heat.engine import resources class Schema(collections.Mapping): """ Schema base class for validating properties or parameters. Schema objects are serialisable to dictionaries following a superset of the HOT input Parameter schema using dict(). Serialises to JSON in the form:: { 'type': 'list', 'required': False 'constraints': [ { 'length': {'min': 1}, 'description': 'List must not be empty' } ], 'schema': { '*': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'description': 'An example list property.' } """ KEYS = ( TYPE, DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT, SCHEMA, REQUIRED, CONSTRAINTS, ) = ( 'type', 'description', 'default', 'schema', 'required', 'constraints', ) # Keywords for data types; each Schema subclass can define its respective # type name used in templates TYPE_KEYS = ( INTEGER_TYPE, STRING_TYPE, NUMBER_TYPE, BOOLEAN_TYPE, MAP_TYPE, LIST_TYPE, ) = ( 'INTEGER', 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'BOOLEAN', 'MAP', 'LIST', ) # Default type names for data types used in templates; can be overridden by # subclasses TYPES = ( INTEGER, STRING, NUMBER, BOOLEAN, MAP, LIST, ) = ( 'Integer', 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'Map', 'List', ) def __init__(self, data_type, description=None, default=None, schema=None, required=False, constraints=None, label=None): self._len = None self.label = label self.type = data_type if self.type not in self.TYPES: raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('Invalid type (%s)') % self.type) if required and default is not None: warnings.warn("Option 'required=True' should not be used with " "any 'default' value ({0})".format(default)) self.description = description self.required = required if isinstance(schema, type(self)): if self.type != self.LIST: msg = _('Single schema valid only for ' '%(ltype)s, not %(utype)s') % dict(ltype=self.LIST, utype=self.type) raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(message=msg) self.schema = AnyIndexDict(schema) else: self.schema = schema if self.schema is not None and self.type not in (self.LIST, self.MAP): msg = _('Schema valid only for %(ltype)s or ' '%(mtype)s, not %(utype)s') % dict(ltype=self.LIST, mtype=self.MAP, utype=self.type) raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(message=msg) self.constraints = constraints or [] self.default = default def validate(self, context=None): """Validates the schema. This method checks if the schema itself is valid, and if the default value - if present - complies to the schema's constraints. """ for c in self.constraints: if not self._is_valid_constraint(c): err_msg = _('%(name)s constraint ' 'invalid for %(utype)s') % dict( name=type(c).__name__, utype=self.type) raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(message=err_msg) self._validate_default(context) # validated nested schema(ta) if self.schema: if isinstance(self.schema, AnyIndexDict): self.schema.value.validate(context) else: for nested_schema in six.itervalues(self.schema): nested_schema.validate(context) def _validate_default(self, context): if self.default is not None: try: self.validate_constraints(self.default, context, [CustomConstraint]) except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc: raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('Invalid default %(default)s (%(exc)s)') % dict(default=self.default, exc=exc)) def set_default(self, default=None): """Set the default value for this Schema object.""" self.default = default def _is_valid_constraint(self, constraint): valid_types = getattr(constraint, 'valid_types', []) return any(self.type == getattr(self, t, None) for t in valid_types) @staticmethod def str_to_num(value): """Convert a string representation of a number into a numeric type.""" if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): return value try: return int(value) except ValueError: return float(value) def to_schema_type(self, value): """Returns the value in the schema's data type.""" try: # We have to be backwards-compatible for Integer and Number # Schema types and try to convert string representations of # number into "real" number types, therefore calling # str_to_num below. if self.type == self.INTEGER: num = Schema.str_to_num(value) if isinstance(num, float): raise ValueError(_('%s is not an integer.') % num) return num elif self.type == self.NUMBER: return Schema.str_to_num(value) elif self.type == self.STRING: return str(value) elif self.type == self.BOOLEAN: return strutils.bool_from_string(str(value), strict=True) except ValueError: raise ValueError(_('Value "%(val)s" is invalid for data type ' '"%(type)s".') % {'val': value, 'type': self.type}) return value def validate_constraints(self, value, context=None, skipped=None): if not skipped: skipped = [] try: for constraint in self.constraints: if type(constraint) not in skipped: constraint.validate(value, self, context) except ValueError as ex: raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=six.text_type(ex)) def __getitem__(self, key): if key == self.TYPE: return self.type.lower() elif key == self.DESCRIPTION: if self.description is not None: return self.description elif key == self.DEFAULT: if self.default is not None: return self.default elif key == self.SCHEMA: if self.schema is not None: return dict((n, dict(s)) for n, s in self.schema.items()) elif key == self.REQUIRED: return self.required elif key == self.CONSTRAINTS: if self.constraints: return [dict(c) for c in self.constraints] raise KeyError(key) def __iter__(self): for k in self.KEYS: try: self[k] except KeyError: pass else: yield k def __len__(self): if self._len is None: self._len = len(list(iter(self))) return self._len class AnyIndexDict(collections.Mapping): """ A Mapping that returns the same value for any integer index. Used for storing the schema for a list. When converted to a dictionary, it contains a single item with the key '*'. """ ANYTHING = '*' def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __getitem__(self, key): if key != self.ANYTHING and not isinstance(key, six.integer_types): raise KeyError(_('Invalid key %s') % str(key)) return self.value def __iter__(self): yield self.ANYTHING def __len__(self): return 1 class Constraint(collections.Mapping): """ Parent class for constraints on allowable values for a Property. Constraints are serialisable to dictionaries following the HOT input Parameter constraints schema using dict(). """ (DESCRIPTION,) = ('description',) def __init__(self, description=None): self.description = description def __str__(self): def desc(): if self.description: yield self.description yield self._str() return '\n'.join(desc()) def validate(self, value, schema=None, context=None): if not self._is_valid(value, schema, context): if self.description: err_msg = self.description else: err_msg = self._err_msg(value) raise ValueError(err_msg) @classmethod def _name(cls): return '_'.join(w.lower() for w in re.findall('[A-Z]?[a-z]+', cls.__name__)) def __getitem__(self, key): if key == self.DESCRIPTION: if self.description is None: raise KeyError(key) return self.description if key == self._name(): return self._constraint() raise KeyError(key) def __iter__(self): if self.description is not None: yield self.DESCRIPTION yield self._name() def __len__(self): return 2 if self.description is not None else 1 class Range(Constraint): """ Constrain values within a range. Serialises to JSON as:: { 'range': {'min': , 'max': }, 'description': } """ (MIN, MAX) = ('min', 'max') valid_types = (Schema.INTEGER_TYPE, Schema.NUMBER_TYPE,) def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, description=None): super(Range, self).__init__(description) self.min = min self.max = max for param in (min, max): if not isinstance(param, (float, six.integer_types, type(None))): raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('min/max must be numeric')) if min is max is None: raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('A range constraint must have a min value and/or ' 'a max value specified.')) def _str(self): if self.max is None: fmt = _('The value must be at least %(min)s.') elif self.min is None: fmt = _('The value must be no greater than %(max)s.') else: fmt = _('The value must be in the range %(min)s to %(max)s.') return fmt % self._constraint() def _err_msg(self, value): return '%s is out of range (min: %s, max: %s)' % (value, self.min, self.max) def _is_valid(self, value, schema, context): value = Schema.str_to_num(value) if self.min is not None: if value < self.min: return False if self.max is not None: if value > self.max: return False return True def _constraint(self): def constraints(): if self.min is not None: yield self.MIN, self.min if self.max is not None: yield self.MAX, self.max return dict(constraints()) class Length(Range): """ Constrain the length of values within a range. Serialises to JSON as:: { 'length': {'min': , 'max': }, 'description': } """ valid_types = (Schema.STRING_TYPE, Schema.LIST_TYPE, Schema.MAP_TYPE,) def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, description=None): if min is max is None: raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('A length constraint must have a min value and/or ' 'a max value specified.')) super(Length, self).__init__(min, max, description) for param in (min, max): if not isinstance(param, (six.integer_types, type(None))): msg = _('min/max length must be integral') raise exception.InvalidSchemaError(message=msg) def _str(self): if self.max is None: fmt = _('The length must be at least %(min)s.') elif self.min is None: fmt = _('The length must be no greater than %(max)s.') else: fmt = _('The length must be in the range %(min)s to %(max)s.') return fmt % self._constraint() def _err_msg(self, value): return 'length (%d) is out of range (min: %s, max: %s)' % (len(value), self.min, self.max) def _is_valid(self, value, schema, context): return super(Length, self)._is_valid(len(value), schema, context) class AllowedValues(Constraint): """ Constrain values to a predefined set. Serialises to JSON as:: { 'allowed_values': [, , ...], 'description': } """ valid_types = (Schema.STRING_TYPE, Schema.INTEGER_TYPE, Schema.NUMBER_TYPE, Schema.BOOLEAN_TYPE, Schema.LIST_TYPE,) def __init__(self, allowed, description=None): super(AllowedValues, self).__init__(description) if (not isinstance(allowed, collections.Sequence) or isinstance(allowed, six.string_types)): raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('AllowedValues must be a list')) self.allowed = tuple(allowed) def _str(self): allowed = ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.allowed) return _('Allowed values: %s') % allowed def _err_msg(self, value): allowed = '[%s]' % ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.allowed) return '"%s" is not an allowed value %s' % (value, allowed) def _is_valid(self, value, schema, context): # For list values, check if all elements of the list are contained # in allowed list. if isinstance(value, list): return all(v in self.allowed for v in value) if schema is not None: _allowed = tuple(schema.to_schema_type(v) for v in self.allowed) return schema.to_schema_type(value) in _allowed return value in self.allowed def _constraint(self): return list(self.allowed) class AllowedPattern(Constraint): """ Constrain values to a predefined regular expression pattern. Serialises to JSON as:: { 'allowed_pattern': , 'description': } """ valid_types = (Schema.STRING_TYPE,) def __init__(self, pattern, description=None): super(AllowedPattern, self).__init__(description) if not isinstance(pattern, six.string_types): raise exception.InvalidSchemaError( message=_('AllowedPattern must be a string')) self.pattern = pattern self.match = re.compile(pattern).match def _str(self): return _('Value must match pattern: %s') % self.pattern def _err_msg(self, value): return '"%s" does not match pattern "%s"' % (value, self.pattern) def _is_valid(self, value, schema, context): match = self.match(value) return match is not None and match.end() == len(value) def _constraint(self): return self.pattern class CustomConstraint(Constraint): """ A constraint delegating validation to an external class. """ valid_types = (Schema.STRING_TYPE, Schema.INTEGER_TYPE, Schema.NUMBER_TYPE, Schema.BOOLEAN_TYPE, Schema.LIST_TYPE) def __init__(self, name, description=None, environment=None): super(CustomConstraint, self).__init__(description) self.name = name self._environment = environment self._custom_constraint = None def _constraint(self): return self.name @property def custom_constraint(self): if self._custom_constraint is None: if self._environment is None: self._environment = resources.global_env() constraint_class = self._environment.get_constraint(self.name) if constraint_class: self._custom_constraint = constraint_class() return self._custom_constraint def _str(self): message = getattr(self.custom_constraint, "message", None) if not message: message = _('Value must be of type %s') % self.name return message def _err_msg(self, value): constraint = self.custom_constraint if constraint is None: return _('"%(value)s" does not validate %(name)s ' '(constraint not found)') % { "value": value, "name": self.name} error = getattr(constraint, "error", None) if error: return error(value) return _('"%(value)s" does not validate %(name)s') % { "value": value, "name": self.name} def _is_valid(self, value, schema, context): constraint = self.custom_constraint if not constraint: return False return constraint.validate(value, context) class BaseCustomConstraint(object): """A base class for validation using API clients. It will provide a better error message, and reduce a bit of duplication. Subclass must provide `expected_exceptions` and implement `validate_with_client`. """ expected_exceptions = () _error_message = None def error(self, value): if self._error_message is None: return _("Error validating value %(value)r") % {"value": value} return _("Error validating value %(value)r: %(message)s") % { "value": value, "message": self._error_message} def validate(self, value, context): try: self.validate_with_client(context.clients, value) except self.expected_exceptions as e: self._error_message = str(e) return False else: return True