The 'attachments' attribute of OS::Cinder::Volume is being processed by Heat as a string rather than the native list of dicts that come from Cinder. This makes it hard to consume the data downstream. This change marks the 'attachments' attribute deprecated in the pike release in favor of 'attachments_list', which has the correct type of LIST. An example of where this change is useful is in python-openstackclient; using the new attribute changes the output of 'openstack stack output show mystack' from: ... output_value: - u"[{u'server_id': u'0f5731c1-da17-4209-a2ef-270c7056f9a3', ... }]" ... to: ... output_value: - attached_at: '2017-03-31T14:05:28.000000' - attachment_id: 19436dc5-233d-49cc-a719-f6a92bff466c ... ... Change-Id: I52746f87a3872b18e7ae9a7296d6abd2c12c8b9a Closes-Bug: #1679087
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The 'attachments' attribute of OS::Cinder::Volume has been deprecated in
favor of 'attachments_list', which has the correct type of LIST. This makes
this data easier for end users to process.