Steven Dake 637740a4f1 Update infrastructure to more closely match other OpenStack projects
This patch imports nova's HACKING.rst guidelines altered for Heat.
This patch imports nova's run_pep8.sh with some minor alterations.
This patch imports nova's hacking.py extensions to pep8.

This patch places the run_pep8 logic in a separate file rather than
having it spread between tox.ini and run_tests.sh.  The HACKING.rst
requirements as well as general pep8 requirements are then enforced
with run_pep8.sh.

Avoid running once the N802 rule until dependency changelogs are
less then 50 characters.

Change-Id: If46c14668eae3cf11b8fbff46d766cc589d701aa
Fixes: Bug #1131275
2013-02-28 20:18:01 +00:00

37 lines
773 B

envlist = py26,py27,pep8
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/pip-requires
commands = nosetests -a tag='unit'
commands = bash tools/run_pep8.sh
commands = {posargs}
commands = nosetests --cover-erase --cover-package=heat --with-xcoverage -a tag='unit'
downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
basepython = python2.6
setenv = NOSE_WITH_XUNIT=1
basepython = python2.7
setenv = NOSE_WITH_XUNIT=1
setenv = NOSE_WITH_XUNIT=1
commands = nosetests --cover-erase --cover-package=heat --with-xcoverage -a tag='unit'
setenv = NOSE_WITH_XUNIT=1
commands = {posargs}