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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import re
from heat.common import exception
from heat.engine import parameters
from heat.engine import hot
) = (
'Required', 'Implemented', 'Default', 'Type', 'Schema',
'AllowedPattern', 'MinValue', 'MaxValue', 'AllowedValues',
'MinLength', 'MaxLength', 'Description',
) = (
'String', 'Number', 'Boolean',
'Map', 'List'
class InvalidPropertySchemaError(Exception):
class Schema(collections.Mapping):
A Schema for a resource Property.
Schema objects are serialisable to dictionaries following a superset of
the HOT input Parameter schema using dict().
Serialises to JSON in the form::
'type': 'list',
'required': False
'constraints': [
'length': {'min': 1},
'description': 'List must not be empty'
'schema': {
'*': {
'type': 'string'
'description': 'An example list property.'
KEYS = (
) = (
'type', 'description', 'default', 'schema', 'required', 'constraints',
def __init__(self, data_type, description=None,
default=None, schema=None,
required=False, constraints=[],
self._len = None
self.type = data_type
if self.type not in SCHEMA_TYPES:
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('Invalid type (%s)' % self.type)
self.description = description
self.required = required
self.implemented = implemented
if isinstance(schema, type(self)):
if self.type != LIST:
msg = 'Single schema valid only for %s, not %s' % (LIST,
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError(msg)
self.schema = AnyIndexDict(schema)
self.schema = schema
if self.schema is not None and self.type not in (LIST, MAP):
msg = 'Schema valid only for %s or %s, not %s' % (LIST, MAP,
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError(msg)
self.constraints = constraints
for c in constraints:
if self.type not in c.valid_types:
err_msg = '%s constraint invalid for %s' % (type(c).__name__,
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError(err_msg)
self.default = default
if self.default is not None:
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('Invalid default %s (%s)' %
(self.default, exc))
def from_legacy(cls, schema_dict):
Return a new Schema object from a legacy schema dictionary.
# Check for fully-fledged Schema objects
if isinstance(schema_dict, cls):
return schema_dict
unknown = [k for k in schema_dict if k not in SCHEMA_KEYS]
if unknown:
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('Unknown key(s) %s' % unknown)
def constraints():
def get_num(key):
val = schema_dict.get(key)
if val is not None:
val = Property.str_to_num(val)
return val
if MIN_VALUE in schema_dict or MAX_VALUE in schema_dict:
yield Range(get_num(MIN_VALUE),
if MIN_LENGTH in schema_dict or MAX_LENGTH in schema_dict:
yield Length(get_num(MIN_LENGTH),
if ALLOWED_VALUES in schema_dict:
yield AllowedValues(schema_dict[ALLOWED_VALUES])
if ALLOWED_PATTERN in schema_dict:
yield AllowedPattern(schema_dict[ALLOWED_PATTERN])
data_type = schema_dict[TYPE]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('No %s specified' % TYPE)
if SCHEMA in schema_dict:
if data_type == LIST:
ss = cls.from_legacy(schema_dict[SCHEMA])
elif data_type == MAP:
schema_dicts = schema_dict[SCHEMA].items()
ss = dict((n, cls.from_legacy(sd)) for n, sd in schema_dicts)
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('%s supplied for %s %s' %
(SCHEMA, TYPE, data_type))
ss = None
return cls(data_type,
required=schema_dict.get(REQUIRED, False),
implemented=schema_dict.get(IMPLEMENTED, True))
def from_parameter(cls, param):
Return a property Schema corresponding to a parameter.
Convert a parameter schema from a provider template to a property
Schema for the corresponding resource facade.
param_type_map = {
parameters.STRING: STRING,
parameters.NUMBER: NUMBER,
parameters.JSON: MAP
def get_num(key, context=param):
val = context.get(key)
if val is not None:
val = Property.str_to_num(val)
return val
def constraints():
desc = param.get(parameters.CONSTRAINT_DESCRIPTION)
if parameters.MIN_VALUE in param or parameters.MAX_VALUE in param:
yield Range(get_num(parameters.MIN_VALUE),
if (parameters.MIN_LENGTH in param or
parameters.MAX_LENGTH in param):
yield Length(get_num(parameters.MIN_LENGTH),
if parameters.ALLOWED_VALUES in param:
yield AllowedValues(param[parameters.ALLOWED_VALUES], desc)
if parameters.ALLOWED_PATTERN in param:
yield AllowedPattern(param[parameters.ALLOWED_PATTERN], desc)
def constraints_hot():
constraints = param.get(hot.CONSTRAINTS)
if constraints is None:
for constraint in constraints:
desc = constraint.get(hot.DESCRIPTION)
if hot.RANGE in constraint:
const_def = constraint.get(hot.RANGE)
yield Range(get_num(hot.MIN, const_def),
get_num(hot.MAX, const_def), desc)
if hot.LENGTH in constraint:
const_def = constraint.get(hot.LENGTH)
yield Length(get_num(hot.MIN, const_def),
get_num(hot.MAX, const_def), desc)
if hot.ALLOWED_VALUES in constraint:
const_def = constraint.get(hot.ALLOWED_VALUES)
yield AllowedValues(const_def, desc)
if hot.ALLOWED_PATTERN in constraint:
const_def = constraint.get(hot.ALLOWED_PATTERN)
yield AllowedPattern(const_def, desc)
if isinstance(param, hot.HOTParamSchema):
constraint_list = list(constraints_hot())
constraint_list = list(constraints())
return cls(param_type_map.get(param[parameters.TYPE], MAP),
required=parameters.DEFAULT not in param,
def validate_constraints(self, value):
for constraint in self.constraints:
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == self.TYPE:
return self.type.lower()
elif key == self.DESCRIPTION:
if self.description is not None:
return self.description
elif key == self.DEFAULT:
if self.default is not None:
return self.default
elif key == self.SCHEMA:
if self.schema is not None:
return dict((n, dict(s)) for n, s in self.schema.items())
elif key == self.REQUIRED:
return self.required
elif key == self.CONSTRAINTS:
if self.constraints:
return [dict(c) for c in self.constraints]
raise KeyError(key)
def __iter__(self):
for k in self.KEYS:
except KeyError:
yield k
def __len__(self):
if self._len is None:
self._len = len(list(iter(self)))
return self._len
class AnyIndexDict(collections.Mapping):
A Mapping that returns the same value for any integer index.
Used for storing the schema for a list. When converted to a dictionary,
it contains a single item with the key '*'.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key != self.ANYTHING and not isinstance(key, (int, long)):
raise KeyError('Invalid key %s' % str(key))
return self.value
def __iter__(self):
yield self.ANYTHING
def __len__(self):
return 1
class Constraint(collections.Mapping):
Parent class for constraints on allowable values for a Property.
Constraints are serialisable to dictionaries following the HOT input
Parameter constraints schema using dict().
(DESCRIPTION,) = ('description',)
def __init__(self, description=None):
self.description = description
def __str__(self):
def desc():
if self.description:
yield self.description
yield self._str()
return '\n'.join(desc())
def validate(self, value):
if not self._is_valid(value):
if self.description:
err_msg = self.description
err_msg = self._err_msg(value)
raise ValueError(err_msg)
def _name(cls):
return '_'.join(w.lower() for w in re.findall('[A-Z]?[a-z]+',
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key == self.DESCRIPTION:
if self.description is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return self.description
if key == self._name():
return self._constraint()
raise KeyError(key)
def __iter__(self):
if self.description is not None:
yield self.DESCRIPTION
yield self._name()
def __len__(self):
return 2 if self.description is not None else 1
class Range(Constraint):
Constrain values within a range.
Serialises to JSON as::
'range': {'min': <min>, 'max': <max>},
'description': <description>
(MIN, MAX) = ('min', 'max')
valid_types = (INTEGER, NUMBER)
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, description=None):
super(Range, self).__init__(description)
self.min = min
self.max = max
for param in (min, max):
if not isinstance(param, (float, int, long, type(None))):
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('min/max must be numeric')
if min is max is None:
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('range must have min and/or max')
def _str(self):
if self.max is None:
fmt = _('The value must be at least %(min)s.')
elif self.min is None:
fmt = _('The value must be no greater than %(max)s.')
fmt = _('The value must be in the range %(min)s to %(max)s.')
return fmt % self._constraint()
def _err_msg(self, value):
return '%s is out of range (min: %s, max: %s)' % (value,
def _is_valid(self, value):
value = Property.str_to_num(value)
if self.min is not None:
if value < self.min:
return False
if self.max is not None:
if value > self.max:
return False
return True
def _constraint(self):
def constraints():
if self.min is not None:
yield self.MIN, self.min
if self.max is not None:
yield self.MAX, self.max
return dict(constraints())
class Length(Range):
Constrain the length of values within a range.
Serialises to JSON as::
'length': {'min': <min>, 'max': <max>},
'description': <description>
valid_types = (STRING, LIST)
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, description=None):
super(Length, self).__init__(min, max, description)
for param in (min, max):
if not isinstance(param, (int, long, type(None))):
msg = 'min/max length must be integral'
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError(msg)
def _str(self):
if self.max is None:
fmt = _('The length must be at least %(min)s.')
elif self.min is None:
fmt = _('The length must be no greater than %(max)s.')
fmt = _('The length must be in the range %(min)s to %(max)s.')
return fmt % self._constraint()
def _err_msg(self, value):
return 'length (%d) is out of range (min: %s, max: %s)' % (len(value),
def _is_valid(self, value):
return super(Length, self)._is_valid(len(value))
class AllowedValues(Constraint):
Constrain values to a predefined set.
Serialises to JSON as::
'allowed_values': [<allowed1>, <allowed2>, ...],
'description': <description>
def __init__(self, allowed, description=None):
super(AllowedValues, self).__init__(description)
if (not isinstance(allowed, collections.Sequence) or
isinstance(allowed, basestring)):
raise InvalidPropertySchemaError('AllowedValues must be a list')
self.allowed = tuple(allowed)
def _str(self):
allowed = ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.allowed)
return _('Allowed values: %s') % allowed
def _err_msg(self, value):
allowed = '[%s]' % ', '.join(str(a) for a in self.allowed)
return '"%s" is not an allowed value %s' % (value, allowed)
def _is_valid(self, value):
return value in self.allowed
def _constraint(self):
return list(self.allowed)
class AllowedPattern(Constraint):
Constrain values to a predefined regular expression pattern.
Serialises to JSON as::
'allowed_pattern': <pattern>,
'description': <description>
valid_types = (STRING,)
def __init__(self, pattern, description=None):
super(AllowedPattern, self).__init__(description)
self.pattern = pattern
self.match = re.compile(pattern).match
def _str(self):
return _('Value must match pattern: %s') % self.pattern
def _err_msg(self, value):
return '"%s" does not match pattern "%s"' % (value, self.pattern)
def _is_valid(self, value):
match = self.match(value)
return match is not None and match.end() == len(value)
def _constraint(self):
return self.pattern
class Property(object):
def __init__(self, schema, name=None):
self.schema = Schema.from_legacy(schema)
self.name = name
def required(self):
return self.schema.required
def implemented(self):
return self.schema.implemented
def has_default(self):
return self.schema.default is not None
def default(self):
return self.schema.default
def type(self):
return self.schema.type
def str_to_num(value):
return int(value)
except ValueError:
return float(value)
def _validate_integer(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or 0
if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('value is not an integer')
return self._validate_number(value)
def _validate_number(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or 0
num = self.str_to_num(value)
return value
def _validate_string(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or ''
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
raise ValueError('Value must be a string')
return value
def _validate_children(self, child_values, keys=None):
if self.schema.schema is not None:
if keys is None:
keys = list(self.schema.schema)
schemata = dict((k, self.schema.schema[k]) for k in keys)
properties = Properties(schemata, dict(child_values),
return ((k, properties[k]) for k in keys)
return child_values
def _validate_map(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or {}
if not isinstance(value, collections.Mapping):
raise TypeError('"%s" is not a map' % value)
return dict(self._validate_children(value.iteritems()))
def _validate_list(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or []
if (not isinstance(value, collections.Sequence) or
isinstance(value, basestring)):
raise TypeError('"%s" is not a list' % repr(value))
return [v for i, v in self._validate_children(enumerate(value),
def _validate_bool(self, value):
if value is None:
value = self.has_default() and self.default() or False
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
normalised = value.lower()
if normalised not in ['true', 'false']:
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid boolean')
return normalised == 'true'
def _validate_data_type(self, value):
t = self.type()
if t == STRING:
return self._validate_string(value)
elif t == INTEGER:
return self._validate_integer(value)
elif t == NUMBER:
return self._validate_number(value)
elif t == MAP:
return self._validate_map(value)
elif t == LIST:
return self._validate_list(value)
elif t == BOOLEAN:
return self._validate_bool(value)
def validate_data(self, value):
value = self._validate_data_type(value)
return value
def schemata(schema_dicts):
Return a dictionary of Schema objects for the given dictionary of schemata.
The input schemata are converted from the legacy (dictionary-based) format
to Schema objects where necessary.
return dict((n, Schema.from_legacy(s)) for n, s in schema_dicts.items())
class Properties(collections.Mapping):
def __init__(self, schema, data, resolver=lambda d: d, parent_name=None):
self.props = dict((k, Property(s, k)) for k, s in schema.items())
self.resolve = resolver
self.data = data
if parent_name is None:
self.error_prefix = ''
self.error_prefix = '%s: ' % parent_name
def schema_from_params(params_snippet):
Convert a template snippet that defines parameters
into a properties schema
:param params_snippet: parameter definition from a template
:returns: an equivalent properties schema for the specified params
if params_snippet:
return dict((n, Schema.from_parameter(p)) for n, p
in params_snippet.items())
return {}
def validate(self, with_value=True):
for (key, prop) in self.props.items():
if with_value:
except ValueError as e:
msg = "Property error : %s" % str(e)
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
# are there unimplemented Properties
if not prop.implemented() and key in self.data:
msg = "Property %s not implemented yet" % key
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
for key in self.data:
if key not in self.props:
msg = "Unknown Property %s" % key
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key not in self:
raise KeyError(self.error_prefix + 'Invalid Property %s' % key)
prop = self.props[key]
if key in self.data:
value = self.resolve(self.data[key])
return prop.validate_data(value)
# the resolver function could raise any number of exceptions,
# so handle this generically
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(self.error_prefix + '%s %s' % (key, str(e)))
elif prop.has_default():
return prop.default()
elif prop.required():
raise ValueError(self.error_prefix +
'Property %s not assigned' % key)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.props)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.props
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.props)
def _generate_input(schema, params=None, path=None):
'''Generate an input based on a path in the schema or property
:param schema: The schema to generate a parameter or value for.
:param params: A dict to map a schema to a parameter path.
:param path: Required if params != None. The params key
to save the schema at.
:returns: A Ref to the parameter if path != None and params != None
:returns: The property default if params == None or path == None
if schema.get('Implemented') is False:
if schema[TYPE] == LIST:
params[path] = {parameters.TYPE: parameters.COMMA_DELIMITED_LIST}
return {'Fn::Split': {'Ref': path}}
elif schema[TYPE] == MAP:
params[path] = {parameters.TYPE: parameters.JSON}
return {'Ref': path}
elif params is not None and path is not None:
for prop in schema.keys():
if prop not in parameters.PARAMETER_KEYS and prop in schema:
del schema[prop]
params[path] = schema
return {'Ref': path}
prop = Property(schema)
return prop.has_default() and prop.default() or None
def _schema_to_params_and_props(schema, params=None):
'''Generates a default template based on the provided schema.
ex: input: schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}, params = {}
output: {'foo': {'Ref': 'foo'}},
params = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
ex: input: schema = {'foo' :{'Type': 'List'}, 'bar': {'Type': 'Map'}}
output: {'foo': {'Fn::Split': {'Ref': 'foo'}},
'bar': {'Ref': 'bar'}},
params = {'foo' : {parameters.TYPE:
'bar': {parameters.TYPE: parameters.JSON}}
:param schema: The schema to generate a parameter or value for.
:param params: A dict to map a schema to a parameter path.
:returns: A dict of properties resolved for a template's schema
properties = {}
for prop, nested_schema in schema.iteritems():
properties[prop] = Properties._generate_input(nested_schema,
#remove not implemented properties
if properties[prop] is None:
del properties[prop]
return properties
def schema_to_parameters_and_properties(schema):
'''Generates properties with params resolved for a resource's
:param schema: A resource's properties_schema
:returns: A tuple of params and properties dicts
params = {}
properties = (Properties.
_schema_to_params_and_props(schema, params=params))
return (params, properties)