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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import urllib
import urlparse
import json
import eventlet
from oslo.config import cfg
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common import identifier
from heat.engine import resource
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
# FIXME : we should remove the common.ec2signer fallback implementation
# when the versions of keystoneclient we support all have the Ec2Signer
# utility class
# Ref https://review.openstack.org/#/c/16964/
# https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/ec2signer-to-keystoneclient
from keystoneclient.contrib.ec2.utils import Ec2Signer
except ImportError:
from heat.common.ec2signer import Ec2Signer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WaitConditionHandle(resource.Resource):
the main point of this class is to :
have no dependancies (so the instance can reference it)
generate a unique url (to be returned in the refernce)
then the cfn-signal will use this url to post to and
WaitCondition will poll it to see if has been written to.
properties_schema = {}
def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack):
super(WaitConditionHandle, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack)
def _sign_url(self, credentials, path):
Create properly formatted and pre-signed URL using supplied credentials
See http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/
Also see boto/auth.py::QuerySignatureV2AuthHandler
host_url = urlparse.urlparse(cfg.CONF.heat_waitcondition_server_url)
# Note the WSGI spec apparently means that the webob request we end up
# prcessing in the CFN API (ec2token.py) has an unquoted path, so we
# need to calculate the signature with the path component unquoted, but
# ensure the actual URL contains the quoted version...
unquoted_path = urllib.unquote(host_url.path + path)
request = {'host': host_url.netloc.lower(),
'verb': 'PUT',
'path': unquoted_path,
'params': {'SignatureMethod': 'HmacSHA256',
'SignatureVersion': '2',
'AWSAccessKeyId': credentials.access,
# Sign the request
signer = Ec2Signer(credentials.secret)
request['params']['Signature'] = signer.generate(request)
qs = urllib.urlencode(request['params'])
url = "%s%s?%s" % (cfg.CONF.heat_waitcondition_server_url.lower(),
path, qs)
return url
def handle_create(self):
# Create a keystone user so we can create a signed URL via FnGetRefId
user_id = self.keystone().create_stack_user(
kp = self.keystone().get_ec2_keypair(user_id)
if not kp:
raise exception.Error("Error creating ec2 keypair for user %s" %
def handle_delete(self):
if self.resource_id is None:
def handle_update(self, json_snippet):
return self.UPDATE_REPLACE
def FnGetRefId(self):
Override the default resource FnGetRefId so we return the signed URL
if self.resource_id:
urlpath = self.identifier().arn_url_path()
ec2_creds = self.keystone().get_ec2_keypair(self.resource_id)
signed_url = self._sign_url(ec2_creds, urlpath)
return unicode(signed_url)
return unicode(self.name)
def _metadata_format_ok(self, metadata):
Check the format of the provided metadata is as expected.
metadata must use the following format:
"Status" : "Status (must be SUCCESS or FAILURE)"
"UniqueId" : "Some ID, should be unique for Count>1",
"Data" : "Arbitrary Data",
"Reason" : "Reason String"
expected_keys = ['Data', 'Reason', 'Status', 'UniqueId']
if sorted(metadata.keys()) == expected_keys:
return metadata['Status'] in (SUCCESS, FAILURE)
def metadata_update(self, metadata):
Validate and update the resource metadata
if self._metadata_format_ok(metadata):
rsrc_metadata = self.metadata
if metadata['UniqueId'] in rsrc_metadata:
logger.warning("Overwriting Metadata item for UniqueId %s!" %
new_metadata = {}
for k in ('Data', 'Reason', 'Status'):
new_metadata[k] = metadata[k]
# Note we can't update self.metadata directly, as it
# is a Metadata descriptor object which only supports get/set
rsrc_metadata.update({metadata['UniqueId']: new_metadata})
self.metadata = rsrc_metadata
logger.error("Metadata failed validation for %s" % self.name)
raise ValueError("Metadata format invalid")
def get_status(self):
Return a list of the Status values for the handle signals
return [self.metadata[s]['Status']
for s in self.metadata]
def get_status_reason(self, status):
Return the reason associated with a particular status
If there is more than one handle signal matching the specified status
then return a semicolon delimited string containing all reasons
return ';'.join([self.metadata[s]['Reason']
for s in self.metadata
if self.metadata[s]['Status'] == status])
) = (
class WaitCondition(resource.Resource):
properties_schema = {'Handle': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True},
'Timeout': {'Type': 'Number',
'Required': True,
'MinValue': '1'},
'Count': {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '1'}}
# Sleep time between polling for wait completion
# is calculated as a fraction of timeout time
# bounded by MIN_SLEEP and MAX_SLEEP
MIN_SLEEP = 1 # seconds
SLEEP_DIV = 100 # 1/100'th of timeout
def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack):
super(WaitCondition, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack)
self.timeout = int(self.t['Properties']['Timeout'])
self.count = int(self.t['Properties'].get('Count', '1'))
self.sleep_time = max(min(self.MAX_SLEEP,
self.timeout / self.SLEEP_DIV),
def _validate_handle_url(self):
handle_url = self.properties['Handle']
handle_id = identifier.ResourceIdentifier.from_arn_url(handle_url)
if handle_id.tenant != self.stack.context.tenant_id:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle tenant %s" %
if handle_id.stack_name != self.stack.name:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle stack %s" %
if handle_id.stack_id != self.stack.id:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle stack %s" %
if handle_id.resource_name not in self.stack:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle %s" %
if not isinstance(self.stack[handle_id.resource_name],
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle %s" %
def _get_handle_resource_name(self):
handle_url = self.properties['Handle']
handle_id = identifier.ResourceIdentifier.from_arn_url(handle_url)
return handle_id.resource_name
def _create_timeout(self):
return eventlet.Timeout(self.timeout)
def handle_create(self):
tmo = None
status = FAILURE
reason = "Unknown reason"
# keep polling our Metadata to see if the cfn-signal has written
# it yet. The execution here is limited by timeout.
with self._create_timeout() as tmo:
handle_res_name = self._get_handle_resource_name()
handle = self.stack[handle_res_name]
# Poll for WaitConditionHandle signals indicating
# SUCCESS/FAILURE. We need self.count SUCCESS signals
# before we can declare the WaitCondition CREATE_COMPLETE
handle_status = handle.get_status()
while (FAILURE not in handle_status
and len(handle_status) < self.count):
logger.debug('Polling for WaitCondition completion,' +
' sleeping for %s seconds, timeout %s' %
(self.sleep_time, self.timeout))
handle_status = handle.get_status()
if FAILURE in handle_status:
reason = handle.get_status_reason(FAILURE)
elif (len(handle_status) == self.count and
handle_status == [SUCCESS] * self.count):
logger.debug("WaitCondition %s SUCCESS" % self.name)
status = SUCCESS
except eventlet.Timeout as t:
if t is not tmo:
# not my timeout
(status, reason) = (TIMEDOUT, 'Timed out waiting for instance')
if status != SUCCESS:
raise exception.Error(reason)
def handle_update(self, json_snippet):
return self.UPDATE_REPLACE
def handle_delete(self):
if self.resource_id is None:
handle = self.stack[self.resource_id]
handle.metadata = {}
def FnGetAtt(self, key):
res = {}
handle_res_name = self._get_handle_resource_name()
handle = self.stack[handle_res_name]
if key == 'Data':
meta = handle.metadata
# Note, can't use a dict generator on python 2.6, hence:
res = dict([(k, meta[k]['Data']) for k in meta])
raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name,
logger.debug('%s.GetAtt(%s) == %s' % (self.name, key, res))
return unicode(json.dumps(res))
def resource_mapping():
return {
'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition': WaitCondition,
'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle': WaitConditionHandle,