Switch to openstackdocstheme 2.2.1 and reno 3.1.0 versions. Using these versions will allow especially: * Linking from HTML to PDF document * Allow parallel building of documents * Fix some rendering problems Update Sphinx version as well. Set openstackdocs_pdf_link to link to PDF file. Note that the link to the published document only works on docs.openstack.org where the PDF file is placed in the top-level html directory. The site-preview places the PDF in a pdf directory. Change pygments_style to 'native' since old theme version always used 'native' and the theme now respects the setting and using 'sphinx' can lead to some strange rendering. openstackdocstheme renames some variables, so follow the renames before the next release removes them. A couple of variables are also not needed anymore, remove them. See also http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-May/014971.html Change-Id: I4ebb6e663471a7096bd9d0e1a90d8114d1875546
Building the developer docs
For user and admin docs, go to the directory doc/docbkx.
You'll need to install python Sphinx package and oslosphinx package:
sudo pip install sphinx oslosphinx
If you are using the virtualenv you'll need to install them in the virtualenv.
Get Help
Just type make to get help:
It will list available build targets.
Build Doc
To build the man pages:
make man
To build the developer documentation as HTML:
make html
Type make for more formats.
Test Doc
If you modify doc files, you can type:
make doctest
to check whether the format has problem.