
203 lines
6.8 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
import collections
import functools
from heat.common import exception
from heat.db import api as db_api
from heat.engine import plugin_manager
__all__ = ['Template']
DEFAULT_VERSION = ('HeatTemplateFormatVersion', '2012-12-12')
_template_classes = None
class TemplatePluginManager(object):
'''A Descriptor class for caching PluginManagers.
Keeps a cache of PluginManagers with the search directories corresponding
to the package containing the owner class.
def __init__(self):
self.plugin_managers = {}
def package_name(obj_class):
'''Return the package containing the given class.'''
module_name = obj_class.__module__
return module_name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
def __get__(self, obj, obj_class):
'''Get a PluginManager for a class.'''
pkg = self.package_name(obj_class)
if pkg not in self.plugin_managers:
self.plugin_managers[pkg] = plugin_manager.PluginManager(pkg)
return self.plugin_managers[pkg]
def get_version(template_data, available_versions):
version_keys = set(key for key, version in available_versions)
candidate_keys = set(k for k, v in template_data.iteritems() if
isinstance(v, basestring))
keys_present = version_keys & candidate_keys
if not keys_present:
if len(keys_present) > 1:
explanation = _('Ambiguous versions (%s)') % ', '.join(keys_present)
raise exception.InvalidTemplateVersion(explanation=explanation)
version_key = keys_present.pop()
return version_key, template_data[version_key]
def get_template_class(plugin_mgr, template_data):
global _template_classes
if _template_classes is None:
tmpl_mapping = plugin_manager.PluginMapping('template')
_template_classes = dict(tmpl_mapping.load_all(plugin_mgr))
available_versions = _template_classes.keys()
version = get_version(template_data, available_versions)
version_type = version[0]
return _template_classes[version]
except KeyError:
av_list = [v for k, v in available_versions if k == version_type]
msg_data = {'version': ': '.join(version),
'version_type': version_type,
'available': ', '.join(v for v in av_list)}
if len(av_list) > 1:
explanation = _('"%(version)s". "%(version_type)s" '
'should be one of: %(available)s') % msg_data
explanation = _('"%(version)s". "%(version_type)s" '
'should be: %(available)s') % msg_data
raise exception.InvalidTemplateVersion(explanation=explanation)
class Template(collections.Mapping):
'''A stack template.'''
_plugins = TemplatePluginManager()
_functionmaps = {}
def __new__(cls, template, *args, **kwargs):
'''Create a new Template of the appropriate class.'''
if cls != Template:
TemplateClass = cls
TemplateClass = get_template_class(cls._plugins, template)
return super(Template, cls).__new__(TemplateClass)
def __init__(self, template, template_id=None, files=None):
Initialise the template with a JSON object and a set of Parameters
self.id = template_id
self.t = template
self.files = files or {}
self.maps = self[self.MAPPINGS]
self.version = get_version(self.t, _template_classes.keys())
def load(cls, context, template_id):
'''Retrieve a Template with the given ID from the database.'''
t = db_api.raw_template_get(context, template_id)
return cls(t.template, template_id=template_id, files=t.files)
def store(self, context=None):
'''Store the Template in the database and return its ID.'''
if self.id is None:
rt = {
'template': self.t,
'files': self.files
new_rt = db_api.raw_template_create(context, rt)
self.id = new_rt.id
return self.id
def __iter__(self):
'''Return an iterator over the section names.'''
return (s for s in self.SECTIONS
def __len__(self):
'''Return the number of sections.'''
return len(self.SECTIONS) - len(self.SECTIONS_NO_DIRECT_ACCESS)
def param_schemata(self):
'''Return a dict of parameters.Schema objects for the parameters.'''
def parameters(self, stack_identifier, user_params, validate_value=True,
'''Return a parameters.Parameters object for the stack.'''
def functions(self):
'''Return a dict of template functions keyed by name.'''
if self.version not in self._functionmaps:
mappings = plugin_manager.PluginMapping('function', *self.version)
funcs = dict(mappings.load_all(self._plugins))
self._functionmaps[self.version] = funcs
return self._functionmaps[self.version]
def parse(self, stack, snippet):
return parse(self.functions(), stack, snippet)
def validate(self):
'''Validate the template.
Only validates the top-level sections of the template. Syntax inside
sections is not checked here but in code parts that are responsible
for working with the respective sections.
for k in self.t.keys():
if k not in self.SECTIONS:
raise exception.InvalidTemplateSection(section=k)
def parse(functions, stack, snippet):
recurse = functools.partial(parse, functions, stack)
if isinstance(snippet, collections.Mapping):
if len(snippet) == 1:
fn_name, args = next(snippet.iteritems())
Func = functions.get(fn_name)
if Func is not None:
return Func(stack, fn_name, recurse(args))
return dict((k, recurse(v)) for k, v in snippet.iteritems())
elif (not isinstance(snippet, basestring) and
isinstance(snippet, collections.Iterable)):
return [recurse(v) for v in snippet]
return snippet