
1639 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from heat.engine import constraints
from heat.common import exception
from heat.engine import hot
from heat.engine import parameters
from heat.engine import properties
from heat.engine import resources
from heat.engine import support
import testtools
class PropertySchemaTest(testtools.TestCase):
def test_schema_all(self):
d = {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'A string',
'default': 'wibble',
'required': True,
'update_allowed': False,
'constraints': [
{'length': {'min': 4, 'max': 8}},
s = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING, 'A string',
default='wibble', required=True,
constraints=[constraints.Length(4, 8)])
self.assertEqual(d, dict(s))
def test_schema_list_schema(self):
d = {
'type': 'list',
'description': 'A list',
'schema': {
'*': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'A string',
'default': 'wibble',
'required': True,
'update_allowed': False,
'constraints': [
{'length': {'min': 4, 'max': 8}},
'required': False,
'update_allowed': False
s = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING, 'A string',
default='wibble', required=True,
constraints=[constraints.Length(4, 8)])
l = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.LIST, 'A list', schema=s)
self.assertEqual(d, dict(l))
def test_schema_map_schema(self):
d = {
'type': 'map',
'description': 'A map',
'schema': {
'Foo': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'A string',
'default': 'wibble',
'required': True,
'update_allowed': False,
'constraints': [
{'length': {'min': 4, 'max': 8}},
'required': False,
'update_allowed': False,
s = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING, 'A string',
default='wibble', required=True,
constraints=[constraints.Length(4, 8)])
m = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.MAP, 'A map',
schema={'Foo': s})
self.assertEqual(d, dict(m))
def test_schema_nested_schema(self):
d = {
'type': 'list',
'description': 'A list',
'schema': {
'*': {
'type': 'map',
'description': 'A map',
'schema': {
'Foo': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'A string',
'default': 'wibble',
'required': True,
'update_allowed': False,
'constraints': [
{'length': {'min': 4, 'max': 8}},
'required': False,
'update_allowed': False,
'required': False,
'update_allowed': False,
s = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING, 'A string',
default='wibble', required=True,
constraints=[constraints.Length(4, 8)])
m = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.MAP, 'A map',
schema={'Foo': s})
l = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.LIST, 'A list', schema=m)
self.assertEqual(d, dict(l))
def test_all_resource_schemata(self):
for resource_type in resources.global_env().get_types():
for schema in getattr(resource_type,
def test_from_legacy_idempotency(self):
s = properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING)
self.assertTrue(properties.Schema.from_legacy(s) is s)
def test_from_legacy_minimal_string(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, s.type)
self.assertEqual(0, len(s.constraints))
def test_from_legacy_string(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'Description': 'a string',
'Default': 'wibble',
'Required': True,
'Implemented': False,
'MinLength': 4,
'MaxLength': 8,
'AllowedValues': ['blarg', 'wibble'],
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*',
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, s.type)
self.assertEqual('a string', s.description)
self.assertEqual('wibble', s.default)
self.assertEqual(3, len(s.constraints))
def test_from_legacy_min_length(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': 4,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Length)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
def test_from_legacy_max_length(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'MaxLength': 8,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Length)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_minmax_length(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': 4,
'MaxLength': 8,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Length)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_minmax_string_length(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '4',
'MaxLength': '8',
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Length)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_min_value(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'Integer',
'MinValue': 4,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Range)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
def test_from_legacy_max_value(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'Integer',
'MaxValue': 8,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Range)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_minmax_value(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'Integer',
'MinValue': 4,
'MaxValue': 8,
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Range)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_minmax_string_value(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'Integer',
'MinValue': '4',
'MaxValue': '8',
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.Range)
self.assertEqual(4, c.min)
self.assertEqual(8, c.max)
def test_from_legacy_allowed_values(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['blarg', 'wibble'],
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.AllowedValues)
self.assertEqual(('blarg', 'wibble'), c.allowed)
def test_from_legacy_allowed_pattern(self):
s = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*',
self.assertEqual(1, len(s.constraints))
c = s.constraints[0]
self.assertIsInstance(c, constraints.AllowedPattern)
self.assertEqual('[a-z]*', c.pattern)
def test_from_legacy_list(self):
l = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'List',
'Default': ['wibble'],
'Schema': {
'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'wibble',
'MaxLength': 8,
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.LIST, l.type)
self.assertEqual(['wibble'], l.default)
ss = l.schema[0]
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, ss.type)
self.assertEqual('wibble', ss.default)
def test_from_legacy_map(self):
l = properties.Schema.from_legacy({
'Type': 'Map',
'Schema': {
'foo': {
'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'wibble',
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.MAP, l.type)
ss = l.schema['foo']
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, ss.type)
self.assertEqual('wibble', ss.default)
def test_from_legacy_invalid_key(self):
{'Type': 'String', 'Foo': 'Bar'})
def test_from_string_param(self):
description = "WebServer EC2 instance type"
allowed_values = ["t1.micro", "m1.small", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge",
"m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge",
"c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "cc1.4xlarge"]
constraint_desc = "Must be a valid EC2 instance type."
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "String",
"Description": description,
"Default": "m1.large",
"AllowedValues": allowed_values,
"ConstraintDescription": constraint_desc,
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(description, schema.description)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
allowed_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(tuple(allowed_values), allowed_constraint.allowed)
self.assertEqual(constraint_desc, allowed_constraint.description)
def test_from_string_allowed_pattern(self):
description = "WebServer EC2 instance type"
allowed_pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9.]*"
constraint_desc = "Must contain only alphanumeric characters."
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "String",
"Description": description,
"Default": "m1.large",
"AllowedPattern": allowed_pattern,
"ConstraintDescription": constraint_desc,
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(description, schema.description)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
allowed_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(allowed_pattern, allowed_constraint.pattern)
self.assertEqual(constraint_desc, allowed_constraint.description)
def test_from_string_multi_constraints(self):
description = "WebServer EC2 instance type"
allowed_pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9.]*"
constraint_desc = "Must contain only alphanumeric characters."
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "String",
"Description": description,
"Default": "m1.large",
"MinLength": "7",
"AllowedPattern": allowed_pattern,
"ConstraintDescription": constraint_desc,
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.STRING, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(description, schema.description)
self.assertEqual(2, len(schema.constraints))
len_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
allowed_constraint = schema.constraints[1]
self.assertEqual(7, len_constraint.min)
self.assertEqual(allowed_pattern, allowed_constraint.pattern)
self.assertEqual(constraint_desc, allowed_constraint.description)
def test_from_param_string_min_len(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "m1.large",
"MinLength": "7",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
len_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(7, len_constraint.min)
def test_from_param_string_max_len(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "m1.large",
"MaxLength": "11",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
len_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(11, len_constraint.max)
def test_from_param_string_min_max_len(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "m1.large",
"MinLength": "7",
"MaxLength": "11",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
len_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(7, len_constraint.min)
self.assertEqual(11, len_constraint.max)
def test_from_param_no_default(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"Type": "String",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(0, len(schema.constraints))
def test_from_number_param_min(self):
default = "42"
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "Number",
"Default": default,
"MinValue": "10",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.NUMBER, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
value_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(10, value_constraint.min)
def test_from_number_param_max(self):
default = "42"
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "Number",
"Default": default,
"MaxValue": "100",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.NUMBER, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
value_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(100, value_constraint.max)
def test_from_number_param_min_max(self):
default = "42"
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "Number",
"Default": default,
"MinValue": "10",
"MaxValue": "100",
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.NUMBER, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
value_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(10, value_constraint.min)
self.assertEqual(100, value_constraint.max)
def test_from_number_param_allowed_vals(self):
default = "42"
constraint_desc = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "Number",
"Default": default,
"AllowedValues": ["10", "42", "100"],
"ConstraintDescription": constraint_desc,
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.NUMBER, schema.type)
self.assertEqual(1, len(schema.constraints))
allowed_constraint = schema.constraints[0]
self.assertEqual(('10', '42', '100'), allowed_constraint.allowed)
self.assertEqual(constraint_desc, allowed_constraint.description)
def test_from_list_param(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "CommaDelimitedList",
"Default": "foo,bar,baz"
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.LIST, schema.type)
def test_from_json_param(self):
param = parameters.Schema.from_dict({
"Type": "Json",
"Default": {"foo": "bar", "blarg": "wibble"}
schema = properties.Schema.from_parameter(param)
self.assertEqual(properties.Schema.MAP, schema.type)
class PropertyTest(testtools.TestCase):
def test_required_default(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String'})
def test_required_false(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String', 'Required': False})
def test_required_true(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String', 'Required': True})
def test_implemented_default(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String'})
def test_implemented_false(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False})
def test_implemented_true(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': True})
def test_no_default(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String'})
def test_default(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String', 'Default': 'wibble'})
self.assertEqual('wibble', p.default())
def test_type(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'String'})
self.assertEqual('String', p.type())
def test_bad_type(self):
properties.Property, {'Type': 'Fish'})
def test_bad_key(self):
{'Type': 'String', 'Foo': 'Bar'})
def test_string_pattern_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual('foo', p.validate_data('foo'))
def test_string_pattern_bad_prefix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, '1foo')
def test_string_pattern_bad_suffix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 'foo1')
def test_string_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual('bar', p.validate_data('bar'))
def test_string_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 'blarg')
def test_string_maxlength_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MaxLength': '5'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual('abcd', p.validate_data('abcd'))
def test_string_exceeded_maxlength(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MaxLength': '5'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 'abcdef')
def test_string_length_in_range(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '5',
'MaxLength': '10'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual('abcdef', p.validate_data('abcdef'))
def test_string_minlength_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '5'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual('abcde', p.validate_data('abcde'))
def test_string_smaller_than_minlength(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '5'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 'abcd')
def test_int_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer',
'MinValue': 3,
'MaxValue': 3}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(3, p.validate_data(3))
def test_int_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
ex = self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, [1])
self.assertEqual("int() argument must be a string or a number, "
"not 'list'", str(ex))
def test_int_from_str_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(3, p.validate_data('3'))
def test_int_from_str_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
ex = self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, '3a')
self.assertEqual("Value '3a' is not an integer", str(ex))
def test_integer_low(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer',
'MinValue': 4}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 3)
def test_integer_high(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer',
'MaxValue': 2}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 3)
def test_integer_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer',
'AllowedValues': [1, 3, 5]}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(5, p.validate_data(5))
def test_integer_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Integer',
'AllowedValues': [1, 3, 5]}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 2)
def test_number_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3',
'MaxValue': '3'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(3, p.validate_data(3))
def test_numbers_from_strings(self):
"""Numbers can be converted from strings."""
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3',
'MaxValue': '3'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(3, p.validate_data('3'))
def test_number_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'AllowedValues': [1, 3, 5]}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(5, p.validate_data('5'))
def test_number_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'AllowedValues': ['1', '3', '5']}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, '2')
def test_number_low(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '4'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, '3')
def test_number_high(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MaxValue': '2'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, '3')
def test_boolean_true(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Boolean'})
self.assertIs(True, p.validate_data('True'))
self.assertIs(True, p.validate_data('true'))
self.assertIs(True, p.validate_data(True))
def test_boolean_false(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Boolean'})
self.assertIs(False, p.validate_data('False'))
self.assertIs(False, p.validate_data('false'))
self.assertIs(False, p.validate_data(False))
def test_boolean_invalid(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Boolean'})
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, 'fish')
def test_list_string(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List'})
self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, 'foo')
def test_list_good(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List'})
self.assertEqual(['foo', 'bar'], p.validate_data(['foo', 'bar']))
def test_list_dict(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List'})
self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, {'foo': 'bar'})
def test_list_maxlength_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'List',
'MaxLength': '3'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(['1', '2'], p.validate_data(['1', '2']))
def test_list_exceeded_maxlength(self):
schema = {'Type': 'List',
'MaxLength': '2'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, ['1', '2', '3'])
def test_list_length_in_range(self):
schema = {'Type': 'List',
'MinLength': '2',
'MaxLength': '4'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '3'], p.validate_data(['1', '2', '3']))
def test_list_minlength_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'List',
'MinLength': '3'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertEqual(['1', '2', '3'], p.validate_data(['1', '2', '3']))
def test_list_smaller_than_minlength(self):
schema = {'Type': 'List',
'MinLength': '4'}
p = properties.Property(schema)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.validate_data, ['1', '2', '3'])
def test_map_string(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map'})
self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, 'foo')
def test_map_list(self):
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map'})
self.assertRaises(TypeError, p.validate_data, ['foo'])
def test_map_schema_good(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema})
self.assertEqual({'valid': True}, p.validate_data({'valid': 'TRUE'}))
def test_map_schema_bad_data(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema})
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
p.validate_data, {'valid': 'fish'})
self.assertEqual('Property error : valid "fish" is not '
'a valid boolean', str(ex))
def test_map_schema_missing_data(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema})
self.assertEqual({'valid': None}, p.validate_data({}))
def test_map_schema_missing_required_data(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean', 'Required': True}}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema})
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
p.validate_data, {})
self.assertEqual('Property error : Property valid not assigned',
def test_list_schema_good(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
list_schema = {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema})
self.assertEqual([{'valid': True},
{'valid': False}],
p.validate_data([{'valid': 'TRUE'},
{'valid': 'False'}]))
def test_list_schema_bad_data(self):
map_schema = {'valid': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
list_schema = {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema})
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
[{'valid': 'True'}, {'valid': 'fish'}])
self.assertEqual('Property error : 1 Property error : 1: valid '
'"fish" is not a valid boolean', str(ex))
def test_list_schema_int_good(self):
list_schema = {'Type': 'Integer'}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema})
self.assertEqual([1, 2, 3], p.validate_data([1, 2, 3]))
def test_list_schema_int_bad_data(self):
list_schema = {'Type': 'Integer'}
p = properties.Property({'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema})
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
p.validate_data, [42, 'fish'])
self.assertEqual('Property error : 1 Value \'fish\' is not '
'an integer', str(ex))
class PropertiesTest(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(PropertiesTest, self).setUp()
schema = {
'int': {'Type': 'Integer'},
'string': {'Type': 'String'},
'required_int': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Required': True},
'bad_int': {'Type': 'Integer'},
'missing': {'Type': 'Integer'},
'defaulted': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': 1},
'default_override': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': 1},
data = {
'int': 21,
'string': 'foo',
'bad_int': 'foo',
'default_override': 21,
double = lambda d: d * 2
self.props = properties.Properties(schema, data, double, 'wibble')
def test_integer_good(self):
self.assertEqual(42, self.props['int'])
def test_string_good(self):
self.assertEqual('foofoo', self.props['string'])
def test_missing_required(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.props.get, 'required_int')
def test_integer_bad(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.props.get, 'bad_int')
def test_missing(self):
def test_default(self):
self.assertEqual(1, self.props['defaulted'])
def test_default_override(self):
self.assertEqual(42, self.props['default_override'])
def test_bad_key(self):
self.assertEqual('wibble', self.props.get('foo', 'wibble'))
def test_none_string(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual('', props['foo'])
def test_none_integer(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(0, props['foo'])
def test_none_number(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(0, props['foo'])
def test_none_boolean(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertIs(False, props['foo'])
def test_none_map(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual({}, props['foo'])
def test_none_list(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual([], props['foo'])
def test_none_default_string(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Default': 'bar'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual('bar', props['foo'])
def test_none_default_integer(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': 42}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(42, props['foo'])
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': 0}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(0, props['foo'])
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': -273}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(-273, props['foo'])
def test_none_default_number(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': 42.0}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(42.0, props['foo'])
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': 0.0}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(0.0, props['foo'])
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': -273.15}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(-273.15, props['foo'])
def test_none_default_boolean(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Boolean', 'Default': True}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertIs(True, props['foo'])
def test_none_default_map(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Default': {'bar': 'baz'}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual({'bar': 'baz'}, props['foo'])
def test_none_default_list(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List', 'Default': ['one', 'two']}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
self.assertEqual(['one', 'two'], props['foo'])
def test_bad_resolver(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Default': 'bar'}}
def bad_resolver(prop):
raise Exception('resolution failed!')
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': 'baz'}, bad_resolver)
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, props.get, 'foo')
self.assertEqual('foo resolution failed!', str(err))
def test_schema_from_params(self):
params_snippet = {
"DBUsername": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The WordPress database admin account username",
"Default": "admin",
"MinLength": "1",
"AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"NoEcho": "true",
"MaxLength": "16",
"ConstraintDescription": ("must begin with a letter and "
"contain only alphanumeric "
"KeyName": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": ("Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable "
"SSH access to the instances")
"LinuxDistribution": {
"Default": "F17",
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Distribution of choice",
"AllowedValues": [
"DBPassword": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The WordPress database admin account password",
"Default": "admin",
"MinLength": "1",
"AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"NoEcho": "true",
"MaxLength": "41",
"ConstraintDescription": ("must contain only alphanumeric "
"DBName": {
"AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The WordPress database name",
"MaxLength": "64",
"Default": "wordpress",
"MinLength": "1",
"ConstraintDescription": ("must begin with a letter and "
"contain only alphanumeric "
"InstanceType": {
"Default": "m1.large",
"Type": "String",
"ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 instance type.",
"Description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"AllowedValues": [
"DBRootPassword": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Root password for MySQL",
"Default": "admin",
"MinLength": "1",
"AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"NoEcho": "true",
"MaxLength": "41",
"ConstraintDescription": ("must contain only alphanumeric "
expected = {
"DBUsername": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account username",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 16},
"description": "must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters."},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": "must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters."},
"LinuxDistribution": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Distribution of choice",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["F18", "F17", "U10",
"RHEL-6.1", "RHEL-6.2", "RHEL-6.3"]}
"InstanceType": {
"type": "string",
"description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["t1.micro",
"description": "must be a valid EC2 instance type."},
"DBRootPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Root password for MySQL",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "must contain only alphanumeric "
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": "must contain only alphanumeric "
"KeyName": {
"type": "string",
"description": ("Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable "
"SSH access to the instances"),
"required": True,
'update_allowed': True,
"DBPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account password",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "must contain only alphanumeric "
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": "must contain only alphanumeric "
"DBName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database name",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 64},
"description": "must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters."},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": "must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters."},
params = dict((n, parameters.Schema.from_dict(s)) for n, s
in params_snippet.items())
props_schemata = properties.Properties.schema_from_params(params)
dict((n, dict(s)) for n, s in props_schemata.items()))
def test_schema_from_hot_params(self):
params_snippet = {
"KeyName": {
"type": "string",
"description": ("Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable "
"SSH access to the instances")
"InstanceType": {
"default": "m1.large",
"type": "string",
"description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["t1.micro", "m1.small", "m1.large",
"m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge",
"m2.4xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge",
"description": "Must be a valid EC2 instance type."}
"LinuxDistribution": {
"default": "F17",
"type": "string",
"description": "Distribution of choice",
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["F18", "F17", "U10", "RHEL-6.1",
"RHEL-6.2", "RHEL-6.3"],
"description": "Must be a valid Linux distribution"}
"DBName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database name",
"default": "wordpress",
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 64},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 64"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters.")}
"DBUsername": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account username",
"default": "admin",
"hidden": "true",
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 16},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 16"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must begin with a letter and only "
"contain alphanumeric characters")}
"DBPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account password",
"default": "admin",
"hidden": "true",
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 41"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must contain only alphanumeric "
"DBRootPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Root password for MySQL",
"default": "admin",
"hidden": "true",
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 41"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must contain only alphanumeric "
expected = {
"KeyName": {
"type": "string",
"description": ("Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable "
"SSH access to the instances"),
"required": True,
'update_allowed': True,
"InstanceType": {
"type": "string",
"description": "WebServer EC2 instance type",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["t1.micro", "m1.small", "m1.large",
"m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge",
"m2.4xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge",
"description": "Must be a valid EC2 instance type."},
"LinuxDistribution": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Distribution of choice",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"allowed_values": ["F18", "F17", "U10",
"RHEL-6.1", "RHEL-6.2", "RHEL-6.3"],
"description": "Must be a valid Linux distribution"}
"DBName": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database name",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 64},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 64"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must begin with a letter and contain "
"only alphanumeric characters.")},
"DBUsername": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account username",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 16},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 16"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must begin with a letter and only "
"contain alphanumeric characters")},
"DBPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The WordPress database admin account password",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 41"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must contain only alphanumeric "
"DBRootPassword": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Root password for MySQL",
"required": False,
'update_allowed': True,
"constraints": [
{"length": {"min": 1, "max": 41},
"description": "Length must be between 1 and 41"},
{"allowed_pattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9]*",
"description": ("Must contain only alphanumeric "
params = dict((n, hot.HOTParamSchema.from_dict(s)) for n, s
in params_snippet.items())
props_schemata = properties.Properties.schema_from_params(params)
dict((n, dict(s)) for n, s in props_schemata.items()))
class PropertiesValidationTest(testtools.TestCase):
def test_required(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': 'bar'})
def test_missing_required(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Required': True}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {})
self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, props.validate)
def test_missing_unimplemented(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {})
def test_present_unimplemented(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Implemented': False}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': 'bar'})
self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, props.validate)
def test_missing(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {})
def test_bad_data(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': 42})
self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, props.validate)
def test_unknown_typo(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'food': 42})
self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed, props.validate)
def test_none_string(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_integer(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_number(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_boolean(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Boolean'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_map(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_list(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_string(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String', 'Default': 'bar'}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_integer(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Integer', 'Default': 42}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_number(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': 42.0}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_boolean(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Boolean', 'Default': True}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_map(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Default': {'bar': 'baz'}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_none_default_list(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List', 'Default': ['one', 'two']}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, {'foo': None})
def test_schema_to_template_nested_map_map_schema(self):
nested_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True},
'Value': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True,
'Default': 'fewaf'}}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': nested_schema}}
prop_expected = {'foo': {'Ref': 'foo'}}
param_expected = {'foo': {'Type': 'Json'}}
(parameters, props) = \
self.assertEqual(param_expected, parameters)
self.assertEqual(prop_expected, props)
def test_schema_to_template_nested_map_list_map_schema(self):
key_schema = {'bar': {'Type': 'Number'}}
nested_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': key_schema},
'Value': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True}}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List', 'Schema': {'Type': 'Map',
'Schema': nested_schema}}}
prop_expected = {'foo': {'Fn::Split': [",", {'Ref': 'foo'}]}}
param_expected = {'foo': {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList'}}
(parameters, props) = \
self.assertEqual(param_expected, parameters)
self.assertEqual(prop_expected, props)
def test_schema_object_to_template_nested_map_list_map_schema(self):
key_schema = {'bar': properties.Schema(properties.Schema.NUMBER)}
nested_schema = {
'Key': properties.Schema(properties.Schema.MAP, schema=key_schema),
'Value': properties.Schema(properties.Schema.STRING, required=True)
schema = {
'foo': properties.Schema(properties.Schema.LIST,
prop_expected = {'foo': {'Fn::Split': [",", {'Ref': 'foo'}]}}
param_expected = {'foo': {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList'}}
(parameters, props) = \
self.assertEqual(param_expected, parameters)
self.assertEqual(prop_expected, props)
def test_schema_invalid_parameters_stripped(self):
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True,
'Implemented': True}}
prop_expected = {'foo': {'Ref': 'foo'}}
param_expected = {'foo': {'Type': 'String'}}
(parameters, props) = \
self.assertEqual(param_expected, parameters)
self.assertEqual(prop_expected, props)
def test_schema_support_status(self):
schema = {
'foo_sup': properties.Schema(
'bar_dep': properties.Schema(
'Do not use this ever')
props = properties.Properties(schema, {})
'Do not use this ever')
def test_nested_properties_schema_invalid_property_in_list(self):
child_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True},
'Value': {'Type': 'Boolean',
'Required': True,
'Default': True}}
list_schema = {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': child_schema}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema}}
valid_data = {'foo': [{'Key': 'Test'}]}
props = properties.Properties(schema, valid_data)
invalid_data = {'foo': [{'Key': 'Test', 'bar': 'baz'}]}
props = properties.Properties(schema, invalid_data)
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
self.assertEqual('Property error : foo Property error : foo: 0 '
'Unknown Property bar', str(ex))
def test_nested_properties_schema_invalid_property_in_map(self):
child_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True},
'Value': {'Type': 'Boolean',
'Required': True,
'Default': True}}
map_schema = {'boo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': child_schema}}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema}}
valid_data = {'foo': {'boo': {'Key': 'Test'}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, valid_data)
invalid_data = {'foo': {'boo': {'Key': 'Test', 'bar': 'baz'}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, invalid_data)
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
self.assertEqual('Property error : foo Property error : foo: boo '
'Unknown Property bar', str(ex))
def test_more_nested_properties_schema_invalid_property_in_list(self):
nested_child_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True}}
child_schema = {'doo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': nested_child_schema}}
list_schema = {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': child_schema}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'List', 'Schema': list_schema}}
valid_data = {'foo': [{'doo': {'Key': 'Test'}}]}
props = properties.Properties(schema, valid_data)
invalid_data = {'foo': [{'doo': {'Key': 'Test', 'bar': 'baz'}}]}
props = properties.Properties(schema, invalid_data)
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
self.assertEqual('Property error : foo Property error : foo: 0 '
'Property error : 0: doo Unknown Property bar',
def test_more_nested_properties_schema_invalid_property_in_map(self):
nested_child_schema = {'Key': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True}}
child_schema = {'doo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': nested_child_schema}}
map_schema = {'boo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': child_schema}}
schema = {'foo': {'Type': 'Map', 'Schema': map_schema}}
valid_data = {'foo': {'boo': {'doo': {'Key': 'Test'}}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, valid_data)
invalid_data = {'foo': {'boo': {'doo': {'Key': 'Test', 'bar': 'baz'}}}}
props = properties.Properties(schema, invalid_data)
ex = self.assertRaises(exception.StackValidationFailed,
self.assertEqual('Property error : foo Property error : foo: boo '
'Property error : boo: doo Unknown Property bar',