Fedora 36 is already EOLed so we should use more recent version. Because guest enters to emergency shell when Fedora 38 (latest at the time of writing) is used, we select Fedora 37 for now. Change-Id: Ie0876080c771fb124d4dd36f803fbfd3b108e240
Building the developer docs
For user and admin docs, go to the directory doc/docbkx.
You'll need to install python Sphinx package and oslosphinx package:
sudo pip install sphinx oslosphinx
If you are using the virtualenv you'll need to install them in the virtualenv.
Get Help
Just type make to get help:
It will list available build targets.
Build Doc
To build the man pages:
make man
To build the developer documentation as HTML:
make html
Type make for more formats.
Test Doc
If you modify doc files, you can type:
make doctest
to check whether the format has problem.