Angus Salkeld 5d1f45b0ea Make the waitcondition signed url more generic
This will be used in a later patch, for alarms as well.

blueprint watch-ceilometer
Change-Id: I4b3a6be0effb975ddd8214741cfca6f40c493dbe
2013-07-08 09:08:40 +10:00

230 lines
8.3 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common import identifier
from heat.engine import resource
from heat.engine import scheduler
from heat.engine import signal_responder
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class WaitConditionHandle(signal_responder.SignalResponder):
the main point of this class is to :
have no dependancies (so the instance can reference it)
generate a unique url (to be returned in the refernce)
then the cfn-signal will use this url to post to and
WaitCondition will poll it to see if has been written to.
properties_schema = {}
def FnGetRefId(self):
Override the default resource FnGetRefId so we return the signed URL
if self.resource_id:
wc = signal_responder.WAITCONDITION
return unicode(self._get_signed_url(signal_type=wc))
return unicode(self.name)
def _metadata_format_ok(self, metadata):
Check the format of the provided metadata is as expected.
metadata must use the following format:
"Status" : "Status (must be SUCCESS or FAILURE)"
"UniqueId" : "Some ID, should be unique for Count>1",
"Data" : "Arbitrary Data",
"Reason" : "Reason String"
expected_keys = ['Data', 'Reason', 'Status', 'UniqueId']
if sorted(metadata.keys()) == expected_keys:
return metadata['Status'] in WAIT_STATUSES
def metadata_update(self, new_metadata=None):
Validate and update the resource metadata
if new_metadata is None:
if self._metadata_format_ok(new_metadata):
rsrc_metadata = self.metadata
if new_metadata['UniqueId'] in rsrc_metadata:
logger.warning("Overwriting Metadata item for UniqueId %s!" %
safe_metadata = {}
for k in ('Data', 'Reason', 'Status'):
safe_metadata[k] = new_metadata[k]
# Note we can't update self.metadata directly, as it
# is a Metadata descriptor object which only supports get/set
rsrc_metadata.update({new_metadata['UniqueId']: safe_metadata})
self.metadata = rsrc_metadata
logger.error("Metadata failed validation for %s" % self.name)
raise ValueError("Metadata format invalid")
def get_status(self):
Return a list of the Status values for the handle signals
return [self.metadata[s]['Status']
for s in self.metadata]
def get_status_reason(self, status):
Return the reason associated with a particular status
If there is more than one handle signal matching the specified status
then return a semicolon delimited string containing all reasons
return ';'.join([self.metadata[s]['Reason']
for s in self.metadata
if self.metadata[s]['Status'] == status])
) = (
class WaitConditionFailure(Exception):
def __init__(self, wait_condition, handle):
reasons = handle.get_status_reason(STATUS_FAILURE)
super(WaitConditionFailure, self).__init__(reasons)
class WaitConditionTimeout(Exception):
def __init__(self, wait_condition, handle):
reasons = handle.get_status_reason(STATUS_SUCCESS)
message = '%d of %d received' % (len(reasons), wait_condition.count)
if reasons:
message += ' - %s' % reasons
super(WaitConditionTimeout, self).__init__(message)
class WaitCondition(resource.Resource):
properties_schema = {'Handle': {'Type': 'String',
'Required': True},
'Timeout': {'Type': 'Number',
'Required': True,
'MinValue': '1'},
'Count': {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '1'}}
def __init__(self, name, json_snippet, stack):
super(WaitCondition, self).__init__(name, json_snippet, stack)
self.count = int(self.t['Properties'].get('Count', '1'))
def _validate_handle_url(self):
handle_url = self.properties['Handle']
handle_id = identifier.ResourceIdentifier.from_arn_url(handle_url)
if handle_id.tenant != self.stack.context.tenant_id:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle tenant %s" %
if handle_id.stack_name != self.stack.name:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle stack %s" %
if handle_id.stack_id != self.stack.id:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle stack %s" %
if handle_id.resource_name not in self.stack:
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle %s" %
if not isinstance(self.stack[handle_id.resource_name],
raise ValueError("WaitCondition invalid Handle %s" %
def _get_handle_resource_name(self):
handle_url = self.properties['Handle']
handle_id = identifier.ResourceIdentifier.from_arn_url(handle_url)
return handle_id.resource_name
def _wait(self, handle):
while True:
except scheduler.Timeout:
timeout = WaitConditionTimeout(self, handle)
logger.info('%s Timed out (%s)' % (str(self), str(timeout)))
raise timeout
handle_status = handle.get_status()
if any(s != STATUS_SUCCESS for s in handle_status):
failure = WaitConditionFailure(self, handle)
logger.info('%s Failed (%s)' % (str(self), str(failure)))
raise failure
if len(handle_status) >= self.count:
logger.info("%s Succeeded" % str(self))
def handle_create(self):
handle_res_name = self._get_handle_resource_name()
handle = self.stack[handle_res_name]
runner = scheduler.TaskRunner(self._wait, handle)
return runner
def check_create_complete(self, runner):
return runner.step()
def handle_delete(self):
if self.resource_id is None:
handle = self.stack[self.resource_id]
handle.metadata = {}
def FnGetAtt(self, key):
res = {}
handle_res_name = self._get_handle_resource_name()
handle = self.stack[handle_res_name]
if key == 'Data':
meta = handle.metadata
# Note, can't use a dict generator on python 2.6, hence:
res = dict([(k, meta[k]['Data']) for k in meta])
raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name,
logger.debug('%s.GetAtt(%s) == %s' % (self.name, key, res))
return unicode(json.dumps(res))
def resource_mapping():
return {
'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition': WaitCondition,
'AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle': WaitConditionHandle,