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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import eventlet
import mock
from oslo_context import context
from heat.engine import service
from heat.tests import common
class ThreadGroupManagerTest(common.HeatTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ThreadGroupManagerTest, self).setUp()
self.f = 'function'
self.fargs = ('spam', 'ham', 'eggs')
self.fkwargs = {'foo': 'bar'}
self.cnxt = 'ctxt'
self.engine_id = 'engine_id'
self.stack = mock.Mock()
self.lock_mock = mock.Mock()
self.stlock_mock = self.patch('heat.engine.service.stack_lock')
self.stlock_mock.StackLock.return_value = self.lock_mock
self.tg_mock = mock.Mock()
self.thg_mock = self.patch('heat.engine.service.threadgroup')
self.thg_mock.ThreadGroup.return_value = self.tg_mock
self.cfg_mock = self.patch('heat.engine.service.cfg')
def test_tgm_start_with_lock(self):
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
with self.patchobject(thm, 'start_with_acquired_lock'):
mock_thread_lock = mock.Mock()
mock_thread_lock.__enter__ = mock.Mock(return_value=None)
mock_thread_lock.__exit__ = mock.Mock(return_value=None)
self.lock_mock.thread_lock.return_value = mock_thread_lock
thm.start_with_lock(self.cnxt, self.stack, self.engine_id, self.f,
*self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
self.stack, self.lock_mock,
self.f, *self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
def test_tgm_start(self):
stack_id = 'test'
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
ret = thm.start(stack_id, self.f, *self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
self.assertEqual(self.tg_mock, thm.groups['test'])
thm._start_with_trace, context.get_current(), None,
self.f, *self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
self.assertEqual(ret, self.tg_mock.add_thread())
def test_tgm_add_timer(self):
stack_id = 'test'
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
thm.add_timer(stack_id, self.f, *self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
self.assertEqual(self.tg_mock, thm.groups[stack_id])
self.f, *self.fargs, **self.fkwargs)
def test_tgm_add_msg_queue(self):
stack_id = 'add_msg_queues_test'
e1, e2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e1)
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e2)
self.assertEqual([e1, e2], thm.msg_queues[stack_id])
def test_tgm_remove_msg_queue(self):
stack_id = 'add_msg_queues_test'
e1, e2 = mock.Mock(), mock.Mock()
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e1)
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e2)
thm.remove_msg_queue(None, stack_id, e2)
self.assertEqual([e1], thm.msg_queues[stack_id])
thm.remove_msg_queue(None, stack_id, e1)
self.assertNotIn(stack_id, thm.msg_queues)
def test_tgm_send(self):
stack_id = 'send_test'
e1, e2 = mock.MagicMock(), mock.Mock()
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e1)
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, e2)
thm.send(stack_id, 'test_message')
class ThreadGroupManagerStopTest(common.HeatTestCase):
def test_tgm_stop(self):
stack_id = 'test'
done = []
def function():
while True:
def linked(gt, thread):
for i in range(10):
thm = service.ThreadGroupManager()
thm.add_msg_queue(stack_id, mock.Mock())
thread = thm.start(stack_id, function)
thread.link(linked, thread)
self.assertIn(thread, done)
self.assertNotIn(stack_id, thm.groups)
self.assertNotIn(stack_id, thm.msg_queues)