
636 lines
27 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import itertools
import eventlet
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import netutils
import tenacity
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.engine import resource
from heat.engine.resources.openstack.neutron import port as neutron_port
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ServerNetworkMixin(object):
def _validate_network(self, network):
net_id = network.get(self.NETWORK_ID)
port = network.get(self.NETWORK_PORT)
subnet = network.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET)
fixed_ip = network.get(self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP)
floating_ip = network.get(self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP)
str_network = network.get(self.ALLOCATE_NETWORK)
if (net_id is None and
port is None and
subnet is None and
not str_network):
msg = _('One of the properties "%(id)s", "%(port_id)s", '
'"%(str_network)s" or "%(subnet)s" should be set for the '
'specified network of server "%(server)s".'
'') % dict(id=self.NETWORK_ID,
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
# can not specify str_network with other keys of networks
# at the same time
has_value_keys = [k for k, v in network.items() if v is not None]
if str_network and len(has_value_keys) != 1:
msg = _('Can not specify "%s" with other keys of networks '
'at the same time.') % self.ALLOCATE_NETWORK
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
# Nova doesn't allow specify ip and port at the same time
if fixed_ip and port is not None:
raise exception.ResourcePropertyConflict(
"/".join([self.NETWORKS, self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP]),
"/".join([self.NETWORKS, self.NETWORK_PORT]))
# if user only specifies network and floating ip, floating ip
# can't be associated as the the neutron port isn't created/managed
# by heat
if floating_ip is not None:
if net_id is not None and port is None and subnet is None:
msg = _('Property "%(fip)s" is not supported if only '
'"%(net)s" is specified, because the corresponding '
'port can not be retrieved.'
) % dict(fip=self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP,
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
def _validate_belonging_subnet_to_net(self, network):
if network.get(self.NETWORK_PORT) is None:
net = self._get_network_id(network)
# check if there are subnet and network both specified that
# subnet belongs to specified network
subnet = network.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET)
if (subnet is not None and net is not None):
subnet_net = self.client_plugin(
if subnet_net != net:
msg = _('Specified subnet %(subnet)s does not belongs to '
'network %(network)s.') % {
'subnet': subnet,
'network': net}
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
def _create_internal_port(self, net_data, net_number,
name = _('%(server)s-port-%(number)s') % {'server': self.name,
'number': net_number}
kwargs = self._prepare_internal_port_kwargs(net_data, security_groups)
kwargs['name'] = name
port = self.client('neutron').create_port({'port': kwargs})['port']
# Store ids (used for floating_ip association, updating, etc.)
# in resource's data.
self._data_update_ports(port['id'], 'add')
return port['id']
def _prepare_internal_port_kwargs(self, net_data, security_groups=None):
kwargs = {'network_id': self._get_network_id(net_data)}
fixed_ip = net_data.get(self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP)
subnet = net_data.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET)
body = {}
if fixed_ip:
body['ip_address'] = fixed_ip
if subnet:
body['subnet_id'] = subnet
# we should add fixed_ips only if subnet or ip were provided
if body:
kwargs.update({'fixed_ips': [body]})
if security_groups:
sec_uuids = self.client_plugin(
kwargs['security_groups'] = sec_uuids
extra_props = net_data.get(self.NETWORK_PORT_EXTRA)
if extra_props is not None:
specs = extra_props.pop(neutron_port.Port.VALUE_SPECS)
if specs:
port_extra_keys = list(neutron_port.Port.EXTRA_PROPERTIES)
for key in port_extra_keys:
if extra_props.get(key) is not None:
kwargs[key] = extra_props.get(key)
allowed_address_pairs = extra_props.get(
if allowed_address_pairs is not None:
for pair in allowed_address_pairs:
in pair and pair.get(
is None):
del pair[
port_address_pairs = neutron_port.Port.ALLOWED_ADDRESS_PAIRS
kwargs[port_address_pairs] = allowed_address_pairs
return kwargs
def _delete_internal_port(self, port_id):
"""Delete physical port by id."""
with self.client_plugin('neutron').ignore_not_found:
self._data_update_ports(port_id, 'delete')
def _delete_internal_ports(self):
for port_data in self._data_get_ports():
def _data_update_ports(self, port_id, action, port_type='internal_ports'):
data = self._data_get_ports(port_type)
if action == 'add':
data.append({'id': port_id})
elif action == 'delete':
for port in data:
if port_id == port['id']:
self.data_set(port_type, jsonutils.dumps(data))
def _data_get_ports(self, port_type='internal_ports'):
data = self.data().get(port_type)
return jsonutils.loads(data) if data else []
def store_external_ports(self):
"""Store in resource's data IDs of ports created by nova for server.
If no port property is specified and no internal port has been created,
nova client takes no port-id and calls port creating into server
creating. We need to store information about that ports, so store
their IDs to data with key `external_ports`.
# check if os-attach-interfaces extension is available on this cloud.
# If it's not, then novaclient's interface_list method cannot be used
# to get the list of interfaces.
if not self.client_plugin().has_extension('os-attach-interfaces'):
server = self.client().servers.get(self.resource_id)
ifaces = server.interface_list()
external_port_ids = set(iface.port_id for iface in ifaces)
# need to make sure external_ports data doesn't store ids of non-exist
# ports. Delete such port_id if it's needed.
data_external_port_ids = set(
port['id'] for port in self._data_get_ports('external_ports'))
for port_id in data_external_port_ids - external_port_ids:
self._data_update_ports(port_id, 'delete',
internal_port_ids = set(port['id'] for port in self._data_get_ports())
# add ids of new external ports which not contains in external_ports
# data yet. Also, exclude ids of internal ports.
new_ports = ((external_port_ids - internal_port_ids) -
for port_id in new_ports:
self._data_update_ports(port_id, 'add', port_type='external_ports')
def _build_nics(self, networks, security_groups=None):
if not networks:
return None
str_network = self._str_network(networks)
if str_network:
return str_network
nics = []
for idx, net in enumerate(networks):
nic_info = {'net-id': self._get_network_id(net)}
if net.get(self.NETWORK_PORT):
nic_info['port-id'] = net[self.NETWORK_PORT]
elif net.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET):
nic_info['port-id'] = self._create_internal_port(
net, idx, security_groups)
# if nic_info including 'port-id', do not set ip for nic
if not nic_info.get('port-id'):
if net.get(self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP):
ip = net[self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP]
if netutils.is_valid_ipv6(ip):
nic_info['v6-fixed-ip'] = ip
nic_info['v4-fixed-ip'] = ip
if net.get(self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP) and nic_info.get('port-id'):
floating_ip_data = {'port_id': nic_info['port-id']}
if net.get(self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP):
net.get(self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP), floating_ip_data)
if net.get(self.NIC_TAG):
nic_info[self.NIC_TAG] = net.get(self.NIC_TAG)
return nics
def _floating_ip_neutron_associate(self, floating_ip, floating_ip_data):
floating_ip, {'floatingip': floating_ip_data})
def _floating_ip_disassociate(self, floating_ip):
with self.client_plugin('neutron').ignore_not_found:
floating_ip, {'floatingip': {'port_id': None}})
def _find_best_match(self, existing_interfaces, specified_net):
specified_net_items = set(specified_net.items())
if specified_net.get(self.NETWORK_PORT) is not None:
for iface in existing_interfaces:
if (iface[self.NETWORK_PORT] ==
specified_net[self.NETWORK_PORT] and
return iface
elif specified_net.get(self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP) is not None:
for iface in existing_interfaces:
if (iface[self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP] ==
specified_net[self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP] and
return iface
# Best subset intersection
best, matches, num = None, 0, 0
for iface in existing_interfaces:
iface_items = set(iface.items())
if specified_net_items.issubset(iface_items):
num = len(specified_net_items.intersection(iface_items))
if num > matches:
best, matches = iface, num
return best
def _exclude_not_updated_networks(self, old_nets, new_nets, interfaces):
not_updated_nets = []
# Update old_nets to match interfaces
self.update_networks_matching_iface_port(old_nets, interfaces)
# make networks similar by adding None values for not used keys
for key in self._NETWORK_KEYS:
# if _net.get(key) is '', convert to None
for _net in itertools.chain(new_nets, old_nets):
_net[key] = _net.get(key) or None
for new_net in list(new_nets):
new_net_reduced = {k: v for k, v in new_net.items()
if k not in self._IFACE_MANAGED_KEYS or
v is not None}
match = self._find_best_match(old_nets, new_net_reduced)
if match is not None:
return not_updated_nets
def _get_network_id(self, net):
net_id = net.get(self.NETWORK_ID) or None
subnet = net.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET) or None
if not net_id and subnet:
net_id = self.client_plugin(
return net_id
def update_networks_matching_iface_port(self, old_nets, interfaces):
def get_iface_props(iface):
ipaddr = None
subnet = None
if len(iface.fixed_ips) > 0:
ipaddr = iface.fixed_ips[0]['ip_address']
subnet = iface.fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id']
return {self.NETWORK_PORT: iface.port_id,
self.NETWORK_ID: iface.net_id,
self.NETWORK_FIXED_IP: ipaddr,
self.NETWORK_SUBNET: subnet}
interfaces_net_props = [get_iface_props(iface) for iface in interfaces]
for old_net in old_nets:
if old_net[self.NETWORK_PORT] is None:
old_net[self.NETWORK_ID] = self._get_network_id(old_net)
old_net_reduced = {k: v for k, v in old_net.items()
if k in self._IFACE_MANAGED_KEYS and
v is not None}
match = self._find_best_match(interfaces_net_props,
if match is not None:
def _get_available_networks(self):
# first we get the private networks owned by the tenant
search_opts = {'tenant_id': self.context.tenant_id, 'shared': False,
'admin_state_up': True, }
nc = self.client('neutron')
nets = nc.list_networks(**search_opts).get('networks', [])
# second we get the public shared networks
search_opts = {'shared': True}
nets += nc.list_networks(**search_opts).get('networks', [])
ids = [net['id'] for net in nets]
return ids
def _auto_allocate_network(self):
topology = self.client('neutron').get_auto_allocated_topology(
return topology['id']
def _calculate_using_str_network(self, ifaces, str_net,
add_nets = []
remove_ports = [iface.port_id for iface in ifaces or []]
if str_net == self.NETWORK_AUTO:
nets = self._get_available_networks()
if not nets:
nets = [self._auto_allocate_network()]
if len(nets) > 1:
msg = 'Multiple possible networks found.'
raise exception.UnableToAutoAllocateNetwork(message=msg)
handle_args = {'port_id': None, 'net_id': nets[0], 'fip': None}
if security_groups:
sg_ids = self.client_plugin(
handle_args['security_groups'] = sg_ids
return remove_ports, add_nets
def _calculate_using_list_networks(self, old_nets, new_nets, ifaces,
remove_ports = []
add_nets = []
# if update networks between None and empty, no need to
# detach and attach, the server got first free port already.
if not new_nets and not old_nets:
return remove_ports, add_nets
new_nets = new_nets or []
old_nets = old_nets or []
remove_ports, not_updated_nets = self._calculate_remove_ports(
old_nets, new_nets, ifaces)
add_nets = self._calculate_add_nets(new_nets, not_updated_nets,
return remove_ports, add_nets
def _calculate_remove_ports(self, old_nets, new_nets, ifaces):
remove_ports = []
not_updated_nets = []
# if old nets is empty, it means that the server got first
# free port. so we should detach this interface.
if not old_nets:
for iface in ifaces:
# if we have any information in networks field, we should:
# 1. find similar networks, if they exist
# 2. remove these networks from new_nets and old_nets
# lists
# 3. detach unmatched networks, which were present in old_nets
# 4. attach unmatched networks, which were present in new_nets
# if old net is string net, remove the interfaces
if self._str_network(old_nets):
remove_ports = [iface.port_id for iface in ifaces or []]
# remove not updated networks from old and new networks lists,
# also get list these networks
not_updated_nets = self._exclude_not_updated_networks(
old_nets, new_nets, ifaces)
# according to nova interface-detach command detached port
# will be deleted
inter_port_data = self._data_get_ports()
inter_port_ids = [p['id'] for p in inter_port_data]
for net in old_nets:
port_id = net.get(self.NETWORK_PORT)
# we can't match the port for some user case, like:
# the internal port was detached in nova first, then
# user update template to detach this nic. The internal
# port will remains till we delete the server resource.
if port_id:
if port_id in inter_port_ids:
# if we have internal port with such id, remove it
# instantly.
if net.get(self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP):
return remove_ports, not_updated_nets
def _calculate_add_nets(self, new_nets, not_updated_nets,
add_nets = []
# if new_nets is empty (including the non_updated_nets), we should
# attach first free port, similar to the behavior for instance
# creation
if not new_nets and not not_updated_nets:
handler_kwargs = {'port_id': None, 'net_id': None, 'fip': None}
if security_groups:
sec_uuids = self.client_plugin(
handler_kwargs['security_groups'] = sec_uuids
# attach section similar for both variants that
# were mentioned above
for idx, net in enumerate(new_nets):
handler_kwargs = {'port_id': None,
'net_id': None,
'fip': None}
if net.get(self.NETWORK_PORT):
handler_kwargs['port_id'] = net.get(self.NETWORK_PORT)
elif net.get(self.NETWORK_SUBNET):
handler_kwargs['port_id'] = self._create_internal_port(
net, idx, security_groups)
if not handler_kwargs['port_id']:
handler_kwargs['net_id'] = self._get_network_id(net)
if security_groups:
sec_uuids = self.client_plugin(
handler_kwargs['security_groups'] = sec_uuids
if handler_kwargs['net_id']:
handler_kwargs['fip'] = net.get('fixed_ip')
floating_ip = net.get(self.NETWORK_FLOATING_IP)
if floating_ip:
flip_associate = {'port_id': handler_kwargs.get('port_id')}
if net.get('fixed_ip'):
flip_associate['fixed_ip_address'] = net.get(
return add_nets
def _str_network(self, networks):
# if user specify 'allocate_network', return it
# otherwise we return None
for net in networks or []:
str_net = net.get(self.ALLOCATE_NETWORK)
if str_net:
return str_net
def _is_nic_tagged(self, networks):
# if user specify 'tag', return True
# otherwise return False
for net in networks or []:
if net.get(self.NIC_TAG):
return True
return False
def calculate_networks(self, old_nets, new_nets, ifaces,
new_str_net = self._str_network(new_nets)
if new_str_net:
return self._calculate_using_str_network(ifaces, new_str_net,
return self._calculate_using_list_networks(
old_nets, new_nets, ifaces, security_groups)
def update_floating_ip_association(self, floating_ip, flip_associate):
if flip_associate.get('port_id'):
self._floating_ip_neutron_associate(floating_ip, flip_associate)
def get_all_ports(server):
return itertools.chain(
def detach_ports(self, server):
existing_server_id = server.resource_id
for port in self.get_all_ports(server):
detach_called = self.client_plugin().interface_detach(
existing_server_id, port['id'])
if not detach_called:
if self.client_plugin().check_interface_detach(
existing_server_id, port['id']):
LOG.info('Detach interface %(port)s successful from '
'server %(server)s.',
{'port': port['id'],
'server': existing_server_id})
except tenacity.RetryError:
raise exception.InterfaceDetachFailed(
port=port['id'], server=existing_server_id)
def attach_ports(self, server):
prev_server_id = server.resource_id
for port in self.get_all_ports(server):
if self.client_plugin().check_interface_attach(
prev_server_id, port['id']):
LOG.info('Attach interface %(port)s successful to '
'server %(server)s',
{'port': port['id'],
'server': prev_server_id})
except tenacity.RetryError:
raise exception.InterfaceAttachFailed(
port=port['id'], server=prev_server_id)
def prepare_ports_for_replace(self):
# Check that the interface can be detached
server = None
# TODO(TheJulia): Once Story #2002001 is underway,
# we should be able to replace the query to nova and
# the check for the failed status with just a check
# to see if the resource has failed.
with self.client_plugin().ignore_not_found:
server = self.client().servers.get(self.resource_id)
if server and server.status != 'ERROR':
# If we are replacing an ERROR'ed node, we need to delete
# internal ports that we have created, otherwise we can
# encounter deployment issues with duplicate internal
# port data attempting to be created in instances being
# deployed.
def restore_ports_after_rollback(self, convergence):
# In case of convergence, during rollback, the previous rsrc is
# already selected and is being acted upon.
if convergence:
prev_server = self
rsrc, rsrc_owning_stack, stack = resource.Resource.load(
prev_server.context, prev_server.replaced_by,
prev_server.stack.current_traversal, True,
existing_server = rsrc
backup_stack = self.stack._backup_stack()
prev_server = backup_stack.resources.get(self.name)
existing_server = self
# Wait until server will move to active state. We can't
# detach interfaces from server in BUILDING state.
# In case of convergence, the replacement resource may be
# created but never have been worked on because the rollback was
# trigerred or new update was trigerred.
if existing_server.resource_id is not None:
while True:
active = self.client_plugin()._check_active(
if active:
except exception.ResourceInError: