Steven Hardy 96af1144b0 heat templates : add LinuxDistribution parameter to HAProxy
Add LinuxDistribution section and mappings to HAProxy template,
to align with other templates and for compatibility with functional
test infrastructure

Change-Id: Ib86ac4f587aebf712df1c9ad09cebc44f853e114
Signed-off-by: Steven Hardy <shardy@redhat.com>
2012-09-17 17:13:37 +01:00

125 lines
4.0 KiB

"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "A Database instance running a local MySQL server",
"Parameters": {
"KeyName": {
"Description": "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instances",
"Type": "String"
"Server1": {
"Description": "Server1 to load balance <ip:port>",
"Type": "String"
"InstanceType": {
"Description": "Database server EC2 instance type",
"Default": "m1.small",
"Type": "String",
"AllowedValues": [ "t1.micro", "m1.small", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "cc1.4xlarge" ],
"ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid EC2 instance type."
"LinuxDistribution": {
"Default": "F17",
"Description" : "Distribution of choice",
"Type": "String",
"AllowedValues" : [ "F16", "F17", "U10", "RHEL-6.1", "RHEL-6.2", "RHEL-6.3" ]
"Mappings" : {
"AWSInstanceType2Arch" : {
"t1.micro" : { "Arch" : "32" },
"m1.small" : { "Arch" : "32" },
"m1.large" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"m1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"m2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"m2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"m2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"c1.medium" : { "Arch" : "32" },
"c1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" },
"cc1.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "64" }
"DistroArch2AMI": {
"F16" : { "32" : "F16-i386-cfntools", "64" : "F16-x86_64-cfntools" },
"F17" : { "32" : "F17-i386-cfntools", "64" : "F17-x86_64-cfntools" },
"U10" : { "32" : "U10-i386-cfntools", "64" : "U10-x86_64-cfntools" },
"RHEL-6.1" : { "32" : "rhel61-i386-cfntools", "64" : "rhel61-x86_64-cfntools" },
"RHEL-6.2" : { "32" : "rhel62-i386-cfntools", "64" : "rhel62-x86_64-cfntools" },
"RHEL-6.3" : { "32" : "rhel63-i386-cfntools", "64" : "rhel63-x86_64-cfntools" }
"Resources": {
"LoadBalancerInstance": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"config": {
"packages": {
"yum": {
"haproxy" : []
"services": {
"systemd": {
"haproxy" : { "enabled": "true", "ensureRunning": "true" }
"files": {
"/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg": {
"content": { "Fn::Join": ["", [
" global\n",
" daemon\n",
" maxconn 256\n",
" defaults\n",
" mode http\n",
" timeout connect 5000ms\n",
" timeout client 50000ms\n",
" timeout server 50000ms\n",
" frontend http-in\n",
" bind *:80\n",
" default_backend servers\n",
" backend servers\n",
" balance roundrobin\n",
" option http-server-close\n",
" option forwardfor\n",
" server server1 ", { "Ref" : "Server1" }, "\n"
"mode": "000644",
"owner": "root",
"group": "root"
"Properties": {
"ImageId": "F16-x86_64-cfntools",
"InstanceType": { "Ref": "InstanceType" },
"KeyName": { "Ref": "KeyName" },
"UserData": { "Fn::Base64": { "Fn::Join": ["", [
"#!/bin/bash -v\n",
"/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -s ",
{ "Ref": "AWS::StackName" },
" --region ", { "Ref": "AWS::Region" }, "\n"
"Outputs": {
"PublicIp": {
"Value": { "Fn::GetAtt": [ "LoadBalancerInstance", "PublicIp" ] },
"Description": "instance IP"