Peter Razumovsky 6294168760 Add descriptions to all openstack resources (Part 1)
Add description of resources in openstack folder
of heat engine. It should help users to understand
which resource is need to.

Resources' services updated in this patch:
 * barbican
 * ceilometer
 * cinder
 * designate
 * glance
 * heat (partial)
 * keystone
 * magnum
 * mistral
 * monasca
 * neutron (one resource)

implements bp docstring-improvements

Change-Id: I68813427ef8944cc7b05f1d8dcf12190d3ca45d1
2015-12-24 20:33:16 +03:00
api Fix event filtering in event-show 2015-12-08 10:20:11 +01:00
cloudinit Optimize "open" method with context manager 2015-11-27 07:48:55 -05:00
cmd Merge "Stop ignore skipped crypt_operation option" 2015-12-15 14:13:31 +00:00
common Merge "Add trustee config group to sample config" 2015-12-22 08:35:24 +00:00
db Merge "remove the mutable default arguments "[]" or "{}"" 2015-12-16 11:11:43 +00:00
engine Add descriptions to all openstack resources (Part 1) 2015-12-24 20:33:16 +03:00
httpd Use pbr for installing wsgi scripts 2015-11-03 09:53:19 +00:00
locale Imported Translations from Zanata 2015-10-22 06:03:07 +00:00
objects heat-manage resource_data_list 2015-12-15 04:37:35 +00:00
openstack replace git protocol by https 2015-10-22 10:06:05 +08:00
rpc Use user id instead of user name in notification body 2015-12-07 08:25:04 -06:00
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tests Merge "Added ResourceChain plugin" 2015-12-23 17:33:23 +00:00
__init__.py Make import of oslo libraries namespaceless 2015-02-18 22:54:10 +01:00
version.py Make the first line of every file consistent. 2014-03-04 09:03:04 -06:00