
241 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron import v2_0 as neutronV20
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as nc
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin
from heat.engine.clients import os as os_client
class NeutronClientPlugin(client_plugin.ClientPlugin):
exceptions_module = exceptions
service_types = [NETWORK] = ['network']
res_cmdres_mapping = {
# resource: cmd_resource
'policy': 'qos_policy',
'loadbalancer': 'lbaas_loadbalancer',
'pool': 'lbaas_pool',
'l7policy': 'lbaas_l7policy'
def _create(self):
con = self.context
interface = self._get_client_option('neutron', 'endpoint_type')
args = {
'session': con.keystone_session,
'service_type': self.NETWORK,
'interface': interface,
'region_name': self._get_region_name(),
'connect_retries': cfg.CONF.client_retry_limit
return nc.Client(**args)
def is_not_found(self, ex):
if isinstance(ex, (exceptions.NotFound,
return True
return (isinstance(ex, exceptions.NeutronClientException) and
ex.status_code == 404)
def is_conflict(self, ex):
bad_conflicts = (exceptions.OverQuotaClient,)
return (isinstance(ex, exceptions.Conflict) and
not isinstance(ex, bad_conflicts))
def is_over_limit(self, ex):
if not isinstance(ex, exceptions.NeutronClientException):
return False
return ex.status_code == 413
def is_no_unique(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch)
def is_invalid(self, ex):
return isinstance(ex, exceptions.StateInvalidClient)
def find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(self, resource, name_or_id,
cmd_resource = (cmd_resource or
return self._find_resource_id(self.context.tenant_id,
resource, name_or_id,
def _find_resource_id(self, tenant_id,
resource, name_or_id, cmd_resource):
# tenant id in the signature is used for the memoization key,
# that would differentiate similar resource names across tenants.
return neutronV20.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
self.client(), resource, name_or_id, cmd_resource=cmd_resource)
def _list_extensions(self):
extensions = self.client().list_extensions().get('extensions')
return set(extension.get('alias') for extension in extensions)
def has_extension(self, alias):
"""Check if specific extension is present."""
return alias in self._list_extensions()
def _resolve(self, props, key, id_key, key_type):
if props.get(key):
props[id_key] = self.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(key_type,
return props[id_key]
def resolve_pool(self, props, pool_key, pool_id_key):
if props.get(pool_key):
props[pool_id_key] = self.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
'pool', props.get(pool_key))
return props[pool_id_key]
def resolve_router(self, props, router_key, router_id_key):
return self._resolve(props, router_key, router_id_key, 'router')
def network_id_from_subnet_id(self, subnet_id):
subnet_info = self.client().show_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet_info['subnet']['network_id']
def check_lb_status(self, lb_id):
lb = self.client().show_loadbalancer(lb_id)['loadbalancer']
status = lb['provisioning_status']
if status == 'ERROR':
raise exception.ResourceInError(resource_status=status)
return status == 'ACTIVE'
def get_qos_policy_id(self, policy):
"""Returns the id of QoS policy.
policy: ID or name of the policy.
return self.find_resourceid_by_name_or_id(
'policy', policy)
def get_secgroup_uuids(self, security_groups):
'''Returns a list of security group UUIDs.
security_groups: List of security group names or UUIDs
seclist = []
all_groups = None
for sg in security_groups:
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(sg):
if not all_groups:
response = self.client().list_security_groups()
all_groups = response['security_groups']
same_name_groups = [g for g in all_groups if g['name'] == sg]
groups = [g['id'] for g in same_name_groups]
if len(groups) == 0:
raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity='Resource', name=sg)
elif len(groups) == 1:
# for admin roles, can get the other users'
# securityGroups, so we should match the tenant_id with
# the groups, and return the own one
own_groups = [g['id'] for g in same_name_groups
if g['tenant_id'] == self.context.tenant_id]
if len(own_groups) == 1:
raise exception.PhysicalResourceNameAmbiguity(name=sg)
return seclist
def _resolve_resource_path(self, resource):
"""Returns sfc resource path."""
if resource == 'port_pair':
path = "/sfc/port_pairs"
elif resource == 'port_pair_group':
path = "/sfc/port_pair_groups"
elif resource == 'flow_classifier':
path = "/sfc/flow_classifiers"
elif resource == 'port_chain':
path = "/sfc/port_chains"
return path
def create_sfc_resource(self, resource, props):
"""Returns created sfc resource record."""
path = self._resolve_resource_path(resource)
record = self.client().create_ext(path, {resource: props}
return record
def update_sfc_resource(self, resource, prop_diff, resource_id):
"""Returns updated sfc resource record."""
path = self._resolve_resource_path(resource)
return self.client().update_ext(path + '/%s', resource_id,
{resource: prop_diff})
def delete_sfc_resource(self, resource, resource_id):
"""Deletes sfc resource record and returns status."""
path = self._resolve_resource_path(resource)
return self.client().delete_ext(path + '/%s', resource_id)
def show_sfc_resource(self, resource, resource_id):
"""Returns specific sfc resource record."""
path = self._resolve_resource_path(resource)
return self.client().show_ext(path + '/%s', resource_id
def resolve_ext_resource(self, resource, name_or_id):
"""Returns the id and validate neutron ext resource."""
path = self._resolve_resource_path(resource)
record = self.client().show_ext(path + '/%s', name_or_id)
return record.get(resource).get('id')
except exceptions.NotFound:
res_plural = resource + 's'
result = self.client().list_ext(collection=res_plural,
path=path, retrieve_all=True)
resources = result.get(res_plural)
matched = []
for res in resources:
if res.get('name') == name_or_id:
if len(matched) > 1:
raise exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch(resource=resource,
elif len(matched) == 0:
not_found_message = (_("Unable to find %(resource)s with name "
"or id '%(name_or_id)s'") %
{'resource': resource,
'name_or_id': name_or_id})
raise exceptions.NotFound(message=not_found_message)
return matched[0]