Thomas Herve 798ed7f3d4 Fix barbican resources
Various fixes to barbican resources:
 * Handle change in keystone management
 * Fix exception handling
 * Remove outdated validation

Change-Id: I0c582fc8ec5b17079735411fb8c365fab4d3a697
2015-03-20 16:43:33 +01:00
2015-03-20 16:43:33 +01:00
2014-08-13 20:12:29 -05:00
2014-09-26 13:36:32 +02:00
2014-08-13 20:12:29 -05:00

Barbican plugin for OpenStack Heat

This plugin enables using Barbican resources in a Heat template.

1. Install the Barbican plugin in Heat

NOTE: These instructions assume the value of heat.conf plugin_dirs includes the default directory /usr/lib/heat.

To install the plugin, from this directory run: sudo python ./setup.py install

2. Restart heat

Only the process "heat-engine" needs to be restarted to load the newly installed plugin.