Here are some skeletons for the documentation which will need to be written. doc/source A Sphinx based document which will be aimed at heat developers. This also contains .rst files which generate the man files doc/docbkx/api-ref Docbook and WADL for the REST API, with the intent of moving this to api-site to publish to api.openstack.org doc/docbkx/heat-admin Docbook manual targeted at Heat admins, with the intent of moving this to openstack-manuals to publish to docs.openstack.org doc/docbkx/heat-cli Docbook manual targeted at users of the Heat CLI, with the intent of moving this to openstack-manuals to publish to docs.openstack.org Dude, wheres my man pages? docs/man is deleted, now generated into doc/build/man Packaging will need to be updated to generate the man pages Change-Id: Idf2f37086b6f97df18ed57172de2f9e3d4c7706a
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