
425 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import testtools
import json
from heat.common import exception
from heat.engine import parameters
from heat.engine import template
class ParameterTest(testtools.TestCase):
def new_parameter(self, name, schema, value=None,
tmpl = template.Template({template.PARAMETERS: {name:
schema = tmpl.param_schemata()[name]
return parameters.Parameter(name, schema, value,
def test_new_string(self):
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'String'}, validate_value=False)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.StringParam))
def test_new_number(self):
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'Number'}, validate_value=False)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.NumberParam))
def test_new_list(self):
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList'},
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.CommaDelimitedListParam))
def test_new_json(self):
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'Json'}, validate_value=False)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(p, parameters.JsonParam))
def test_new_bad_type(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.new_parameter, 'p',
{'Type': 'List'})
def test_new_no_type(self):
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.new_parameter,
'p', {'Default': 'blarg'})
def test_default_no_override(self):
p = self.new_parameter('defaulted', {'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'blarg'})
self.assertEqual(p.default(), 'blarg')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'blarg')
def test_default_override(self):
p = self.new_parameter('defaulted',
{'Type': 'String',
'Default': 'blarg'},
self.assertEqual(p.default(), 'blarg')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'wibble')
def test_default_invalid(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo'],
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'Default': 'bar'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_no_echo_true(self):
p = self.new_parameter('anechoic',
{'Type': 'String',
'NoEcho': 'true'},
self.assertNotEqual(str(p), 'wibble')
def test_no_echo_true_caps(self):
p = self.new_parameter('anechoic',
{'Type': 'String',
'NoEcho': 'TrUe'},
self.assertNotEqual(str(p), 'wibble')
def test_no_echo_false(self):
p = self.new_parameter('echoic',
{'Type': 'String',
'NoEcho': 'false'},
self.assertEqual(str(p), 'wibble')
def test_description(self):
description = 'Description of the parameter'
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'String',
'Description': description},
self.assertEqual(p.description(), description)
def test_no_description(self):
p = self.new_parameter('p', {'Type': 'String'}, validate_value=False)
self.assertEqual(p.description(), '')
def test_string_len_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'MinLength': '3',
'MaxLength': '3'}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'foo')
def test_string_underflow(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MinLength': '4'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_string_overflow(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MaxLength': '2'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_string_pattern_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, 'foo')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'foo')
def test_string_pattern_bad_prefix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, '1foo')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_string_pattern_bad_suffix(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedPattern': '[a-z]*'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, 'foo1')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_string_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, 'bar')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'bar')
def test_string_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'String',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, 'blarg')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_number_int_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3',
'MaxValue': '3'}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, '3')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 3)
def test_number_float_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'MinValue': '3.0',
'MaxValue': '4.0'}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, '3.5')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 3.5)
def test_number_low(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MinValue': '4'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, '3')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_number_high(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'MaxValue': '2'}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, '3')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_number_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'AllowedValues': ['1', '3', '5']}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, '5')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 5)
def test_number_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'Number',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['1', '3', '5']}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, '2')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_list_value_list_good(self):
schema = {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, 'baz,foo,bar')
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'baz,foo,bar'.split(','))
schema['Default'] = []
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema)
self.assertEqual(p.value(), [])
schema['Default'] = 'baz,foo,bar'
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema)
self.assertEqual(p.value(), 'baz,foo,bar'.split(','))
def test_list_value_list_bad(self):
schema = {'Type': 'CommaDelimitedList',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble',
'AllowedValues': ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.new_parameter,
'p', schema, 'foo,baz,blarg')
self.assertIn('wibble', str(err))
def test_map_value(self):
'''Happy path for value thats already a map.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json'}
val = {"foo": "bar", "items": [1, 2, 3]}
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, val)
self.assertEqual(val, p.value())
self.assertEqual(val, p.parsed)
def test_map_value_bad(self):
'''Map value is not JSON parsable.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble'}
val = {"foo": "bar", "not_json": len}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, val)
self.assertIn('Value must be valid JSON', str(err))
def test_map_value_parse(self):
'''Happy path for value that's a string.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json'}
val = {"foo": "bar", "items": [1, 2, 3]}
val_s = json.dumps(val)
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, val_s)
self.assertEqual(val, p.value())
self.assertEqual(val, p.parsed)
def test_map_value_bad_parse(self):
'''Test value error for unparsable string value.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'ConstraintDescription': 'wibble'}
val = "I am not a map"
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, val)
self.assertIn('Value must be valid JSON', str(err))
def test_map_values_good(self):
'''Happy path for map keys.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'AllowedValues': ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}
val = {"foo": "bar", "baz": [1, 2, 3]}
val_s = json.dumps(val)
p = self.new_parameter('p', schema, val_s)
self.assertEqual(val, p.value())
self.assertEqual(val, p.parsed)
def test_map_values_bad(self):
'''Test failure of invalid map keys.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'AllowedValues': ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}
val = {"foo": "bar", "items": [1, 2, 3]}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, val)
self.assertIn("items", str(err))
def test_map_underrun(self):
'''Test map length under MIN_LEN.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'MinLength': 3}
val = {"foo": "bar", "items": [1, 2, 3]}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, val)
self.assertIn('underflows', str(err))
def test_map_overrun(self):
'''Test map length over MAX_LEN.'''
schema = {'Type': 'Json',
'MaxLength': 1}
val = {"foo": "bar", "items": [1, 2, 3]}
err = self.assertRaises(ValueError,
self.new_parameter, 'p', schema, val)
self.assertIn('overflows', str(err))
def test_missing_param(self):
'''Test missing user parameter.'''
self.new_parameter, 'p',
{'Type': 'String'})
params_schema = json.loads('''{
"Parameters" : {
"User" : { "Type": "String" },
"Defaulted" : {
"Type": "String",
"Default": "foobar"
class ParametersTest(testtools.TestCase):
def new_parameters(self, stack_name, tmpl, user_params={}, stack_id=None,
tmpl = template.Template(tmpl)
return parameters.Parameters(stack_name, tmpl, user_params, stack_id,
def test_pseudo_params(self):
params = self.new_parameters('test_stack', {"Parameters": {}})
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackName'], 'test_stack')
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackId'], 'None')
self.assertTrue('AWS::Region' in params)
def test_pseudo_param_stackid(self):
params = self.new_parameters('test_stack', {'Parameters': {}},
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackId'], '123::foo')
self.assertEqual(params['AWS::StackId'], '456::bar')
def test_schema_invariance(self):
params1 = self.new_parameters('test', params_schema,
{'User': 'foo',
'Defaulted': 'wibble'})
self.assertEqual(params1['Defaulted'], 'wibble')
params2 = self.new_parameters('test', params_schema, {'User': 'foo'})
self.assertEqual(params2['Defaulted'], 'foobar')
def test_to_dict(self):
template = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': '42'}}}
params = self.new_parameters('test_params', template, {'Foo': 'foo'})
as_dict = dict(params)
self.assertEqual(as_dict['Foo'], 'foo')
self.assertEqual(as_dict['Bar'], 42)
self.assertEqual(as_dict['AWS::StackName'], 'test_params')
self.assertTrue('AWS::Region' in as_dict)
def test_map(self):
template = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': '42'}}}
params = self.new_parameters('test_params', template, {'Foo': 'foo'})
expected = {'Foo': False,
'Bar': True,
'AWS::Region': True,
'AWS::StackId': True,
'AWS::StackName': True}
self.assertEqual(params.map(lambda p: p.has_default()), expected)
def test_map_str(self):
template = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number'}}}
params = self.new_parameters('test_params', template,
{'Foo': 'foo', 'Bar': '42'})
expected = {'Foo': 'foo',
'Bar': '42',
'AWS::Region': 'ap-southeast-1',
'AWS::StackId': 'None',
'AWS::StackName': 'test_params'}
self.assertEqual(params.map(str), expected)
def test_unknown_params(self):
user_params = {'Foo': 'wibble'}
def test_missing_params(self):
user_params = {}
def test_missing_attribute_params(self):
params = {'Parameters': {'Foo': {'Type': 'String'},
'NoAttr': 'No attribute.',
'Bar': {'Type': 'Number', 'Default': '1'}}}