rabi abfec544d7 Don't allow nested or stacks in FAILED state to be migrated
Stack and its nested stacks should be in *_COMPLETE state for
it to be migrated. Also, we should not allow migration of a
nested stack.

This also changes stack_get_all_by_owner_id() to not select the
backup stacks. This seems to be used only in convergence code
path and migrate_convergence_1().

Change-Id: Icd54465d0c593557a12d853ddee4ee8ce6483499
Closes-Bug: #1767962
Story: #1767962
Task: #17363
2018-05-11 11:06:23 +05:30
migrate_repo Remove db api and tables for CloudWatch 2018-01-28 09:35:07 +05:30
__init__.py Stub out the database access API 2012-03-29 18:02:16 +02:00
api.py Don't allow nested or stacks in FAILED state to be migrated 2018-05-11 11:06:23 +05:30
filters.py replace dict.iteritems() with six.iteritems(dict) 2014-08-06 10:56:09 +08:00
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models.py Remove db api and tables for CloudWatch 2018-01-28 09:35:07 +05:30
types.py Remove usage of sqlalchemy mutables 2015-06-26 11:02:03 +02:00
utils.py Replace retrying with tenacity 2016-11-15 04:34:17 +00:00