Some markup features are sphinx-specific and are not supported by current library. Some bug were reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/doc8/+bug/1426503 about this, but it is not fixed and we need working docs. In current situation whole blocks of code are not shown so i removed usages of error-inflicting directive :linenos: Change-Id: I25e2d193b10d713bbe64fb227afb71310874bb9f
Building the developer docs
For user and admin docs, go to the directory doc/docbkx.
You'll need to install python Sphinx package and oslosphinx package:
sudo pip install sphinx oslosphinx
If you are using the virtualenv you'll need to install them in the virtualenv.
Get Help
Just type make to get help:
It will list available build targets.
Build Doc
To build the man pages:
make man
To build the developer documentation as HTML:
make html
Type make for more formats.
Test Doc
If you modify doc files, you can type:
make doctest
to check whether the format has problem.