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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Stack endpoint for Heat CloudFormation v1 API.
import httplib
import json
import os
import socket
import sys
import urlparse
import webob
from heat.api.aws import exception
from heat.api.aws import utils as api_utils
from heat.common import wsgi
from heat.common import config
from heat.common import context
from heat import utils
from heat.engine import rpcapi as engine_rpcapi
import heat.engine.api as engine_api
from heat.engine import identifier
from heat.openstack.common import rpc
import heat.openstack.common.rpc.common as rpc_common
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
logger = logging.getLogger('heat.api.cfn.v1.stacks')
class StackController(object):
WSGI controller for stacks resource in Heat CloudFormation v1 API
Implements the API actions
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
self.engine_rpcapi = engine_rpcapi.EngineAPI()
def _stackid_format(self, resp):
Add a host:port:stack prefix, this formats the StackId in the response
more like the AWS spec
if 'StackId' in resp:
identity = identifier.HeatIdentifier(**resp['StackId'])
resp['StackId'] = identity.arn()
return resp
def _extract_user_params(params):
Extract a dictionary of user input parameters for the stack
In the AWS API parameters, each user parameter appears as two key-value
pairs with keys of the form below:
return api_utils.extract_param_pairs(params,
def _get_identity(self, con, stack_name):
Generate a stack identifier from the given stack name or ARN.
In the case of a stack name, the identifier will be looked up in the
engine over RPC.
return dict(identifier.HeatIdentifier.from_arn(stack_name))
except ValueError:
return self.engine_rpcapi.identify_stack(con, stack_name)
def list(self, req):
Implements ListStacks API action
Lists summary information for all stacks
def format_stack_summary(s):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackSummary" format
# Map the engine-api format to the AWS StackSummary datatype
keymap = {
engine_api.STACK_CREATION_TIME: 'CreationTime',
engine_api.STACK_UPDATED_TIME: 'LastUpdatedTime',
engine_api.STACK_ID: 'StackId',
engine_api.STACK_NAME: 'StackName',
engine_api.STACK_STATUS: 'StackStatus',
engine_api.STACK_STATUS_DATA: 'StackStatusReason',
engine_api.STACK_TMPL_DESCRIPTION: 'TemplateDescription',
result = api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, s)
# AWS docs indicate DeletionTime is ommitted for current stacks
# This is still TODO in the engine, we don't keep data for
# stacks after they are deleted
if engine_api.STACK_DELETION_TIME in s:
result['DeletionTime'] = s[engine_api.STACK_DELETION_TIME]
return self._stackid_format(result)
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
# Note show_stack returns details for all stacks when called with
# no stack_name, we only use a subset of the result here though
stack_list = self.engine_rpcapi.show_stack(con, None)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
res = {'StackSummaries': [format_stack_summary(s)
for s in stack_list['stacks']]}
return api_utils.format_response('ListStacks', res)
def describe(self, req):
Implements DescribeStacks API action
Gets detailed information for a stack (or all stacks)
def format_stack_outputs(o):
keymap = {
engine_api.OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION: 'Description',
engine_api.OUTPUT_KEY: 'OutputKey',
engine_api.OUTPUT_VALUE: 'OutputValue',
def replacecolon(d):
return dict(map(lambda (k, v):
(k.replace(':', '.'), v), d.items()))
def transform(attrs):
Recursively replace all : with . in dict keys
so that they are not interpreted as xml namespaces.
new = replacecolon(attrs)
for key, value in new.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
new[key] = transform(value)
return new
return api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, transform(o))
def format_stack(s):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackSummary" format
keymap = {
engine_api.STACK_CAPABILITIES: 'Capabilities',
engine_api.STACK_CREATION_TIME: 'CreationTime',
engine_api.STACK_DESCRIPTION: 'Description',
engine_api.STACK_DISABLE_ROLLBACK: 'DisableRollback',
engine_api.STACK_UPDATED_TIME: 'LastUpdatedTime',
engine_api.STACK_NOTIFICATION_TOPICS: 'NotificationARNs',
engine_api.STACK_PARAMETERS: 'Parameters',
engine_api.STACK_ID: 'StackId',
engine_api.STACK_NAME: 'StackName',
engine_api.STACK_STATUS: 'StackStatus',
engine_api.STACK_STATUS_DATA: 'StackStatusReason',
engine_api.STACK_TIMEOUT: 'TimeoutInMinutes',
result = api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, s)
# Reformat outputs, these are handled separately as they are
# only present in the engine output for a completely created
# stack
result['Outputs'] = []
if engine_api.STACK_OUTPUTS in s:
for o in s[engine_api.STACK_OUTPUTS]:
# Reformat Parameters dict-of-dict into AWS API format
# This is a list-of-dict with nasty "ParameterKey" : key
# "ParameterValue" : value format.
result['Parameters'] = [{'ParameterKey':k,
for (k, v) in result['Parameters'].items()]
return self._stackid_format(result)
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
# If no StackName parameter is passed, we pass None into the engine
# this returns results for all stacks (visible to this user), which
# is the behavior described in the AWS DescribeStacks API docs
if 'StackName' in req.params:
identity = self._get_identity(con, req.params['StackName'])
identity = None
stack_list = self.engine_rpcapi.show_stack(con, identity)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
res = {'Stacks': [format_stack(s) for s in stack_list['stacks']]}
return api_utils.format_response('DescribeStacks', res)
def _get_template(self, req):
Get template file contents, either from local file or URL
if 'TemplateBody' in req.params:
logger.info('TemplateBody ...')
return req.params['TemplateBody']
elif 'TemplateUrl' in req.params:
logger.info('TemplateUrl %s' % req.params['TemplateUrl'])
url = urlparse.urlparse(req.params['TemplateUrl'])
if url.scheme == 'https':
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(url.netloc)
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc)
conn.request("GET", url.path)
r1 = conn.getresponse()
logger.info('status %d' % r1.status)
if r1.status == 200:
data = r1.read()
data = None
return data
return None
) = (
"CreateStack", "UpdateStack")
def create(self, req):
return self.create_or_update(req, self.CREATE_STACK)
def update(self, req):
return self.create_or_update(req, self.UPDATE_STACK)
def create_or_update(self, req, action=None):
Implements CreateStack and UpdateStack API actions
Create or update stack as defined in template file
def extract_args(params):
Extract request parameters/arguments and reformat them to match
the engine API. FIXME: we currently only support a subset of
the AWS defined parameters (both here and in the engine)
# TODO : Capabilities, DisableRollback, NotificationARNs
keymap = {'TimeoutInMinutes': engine_api.PARAM_TIMEOUT, }
result = {}
for k in keymap:
if k in req.params:
result[keymap[k]] = params[k]
return result
if action not in self.CREATE_OR_UPDATE_ACTION:
msg = _("Unexpected action %s" % action)
# This should not happen, so return HeatInternalFailureError
return exception.HeatInternalFailureError(detail=msg)
engine_action = {self.CREATE_STACK: self.engine_rpcapi.create_stack,
self.UPDATE_STACK: self.engine_rpcapi.update_stack}
con = req.context
# Extract the stack input parameters
stack_parms = self._extract_user_params(req.params)
# Extract any additional arguments ("Request Parameters")
create_args = extract_args(req.params)
templ = self._get_template(req)
except socket.gaierror:
msg = _('Invalid Template URL')
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(detail=msg)
if templ is None:
msg = _("TemplateBody or TemplateUrl were not given.")
return exception.HeatMissingParameterError(detail=msg)
stack = json.loads(templ)
except ValueError:
msg = _("The Template must be a JSON document.")
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(detail=msg)
args = {'template': stack,
'params': stack_parms,
'args': create_args}
stack_name = req.params['StackName']
if action == self.CREATE_STACK:
args['stack_name'] = stack_name
args['stack_identity'] = self._get_identity(con, stack_name)
result = engine_action[action](con, **args)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
identity = identifier.HeatIdentifier(**result)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
response = result
response = {'StackId': identity.arn()}
return api_utils.format_response(action, response)
def get_template(self, req):
Implements the GetTemplate API action
Get the template body for an existing stack
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
identity = self._get_identity(con, req.params['StackName'])
templ = self.engine_rpcapi.get_template(con, identity)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
if templ is None:
msg = _('stack not not found')
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(detail=msg)
return api_utils.format_response('GetTemplate',
{'TemplateBody': templ})
def estimate_template_cost(self, req):
Implements the EstimateTemplateCost API action
Get the estimated monthly cost of a template
return api_utils.format_response('EstimateTemplateCost',
{'Url': 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gratis'})
def validate_template(self, req):
Implements the ValidateTemplate API action
Validates the specified template
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
templ = self._get_template(req)
except socket.gaierror:
msg = _('Invalid Template URL')
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(detail=msg)
if templ is None:
msg = _("TemplateBody or TemplateUrl were not given.")
return exception.HeatMissingParameterError(detail=msg)
template = json.loads(templ)
except ValueError:
msg = _("The Template must be a JSON document.")
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(detail=msg)
res = self.engine_rpcapi.validate_template(con, template)
return api_utils.format_response('ValidateTemplate', res)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
def delete(self, req):
Implements the DeleteStack API action
Deletes the specified stack
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
identity = self._get_identity(con, req.params['StackName'])
res = self.engine_rpcapi.delete_stack(con, identity, cast=False)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
if res is None:
return api_utils.format_response('DeleteStack', '')
return api_utils.format_response('DeleteStack', res['Error'])
def events_list(self, req):
Implements the DescribeStackEvents API action
Returns events related to a specified stack (or all stacks)
def format_stack_event(e):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackEvent" format
keymap = {
engine_api.EVENT_ID: 'EventId',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_NAME: 'LogicalResourceId',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_PHYSICAL_ID: 'PhysicalResourceId',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_PROPERTIES: 'ResourceProperties',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_STATUS: 'ResourceStatus',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_STATUS_DATA: 'ResourceStatusReason',
engine_api.EVENT_RES_TYPE: 'ResourceType',
engine_api.EVENT_STACK_ID: 'StackId',
engine_api.EVENT_STACK_NAME: 'StackName',
engine_api.EVENT_TIMESTAMP: 'Timestamp',
result = api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, e)
result['ResourceProperties'] = json.dumps(
return self._stackid_format(result)
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
stack_name = req.params.get('StackName', None)
identity = stack_name and self._get_identity(con, stack_name)
event_res = self.engine_rpcapi.list_events(con, identity)
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
events = 'Error' not in event_res and event_res['events'] or []
result = [format_stack_event(e) for e in events]
return api_utils.format_response('DescribeStackEvents',
{'StackEvents': result})
def describe_stack_resource(self, req):
Implements the DescribeStackResource API action
Return the details of the given resource belonging to the given stack.
def format_resource_detail(r):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackResourceDetail" format
keymap = {
engine_api.RES_DESCRIPTION: 'Description',
engine_api.RES_UPDATED_TIME: 'LastUpdatedTimestamp',
engine_api.RES_NAME: 'LogicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_METADATA: 'Metadata',
engine_api.RES_PHYSICAL_ID: 'PhysicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_STATUS: 'ResourceStatus',
engine_api.RES_STATUS_DATA: 'ResourceStatusReason',
engine_api.RES_TYPE: 'ResourceType',
engine_api.RES_STACK_ID: 'StackId',
engine_api.RES_STACK_NAME: 'StackName',
result = api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, r)
return self._stackid_format(result)
con = req.context
identity = self._get_identity(con, req.params['StackName'])
resource_details = self.engine_rpcapi.describe_stack_resource(con,
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
result = format_resource_detail(resource_details)
return api_utils.format_response('DescribeStackResource',
{'StackResourceDetail': result})
def describe_stack_resources(self, req):
Implements the DescribeStackResources API action
Return details of resources specified by the parameters.
`StackName`: returns all resources belonging to the stack
`PhysicalResourceId`: returns all resources belonging to the stack this
resource is associated with.
Only one of the parameters may be specified.
Optional parameter:
`LogicalResourceId`: filter the resources list by the logical resource
def format_stack_resource(r):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackResource" format
keymap = {
engine_api.RES_DESCRIPTION: 'Description',
engine_api.RES_NAME: 'LogicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_PHYSICAL_ID: 'PhysicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_STATUS: 'ResourceStatus',
engine_api.RES_STATUS_DATA: 'ResourceStatusReason',
engine_api.RES_TYPE: 'ResourceType',
engine_api.RES_STACK_ID: 'StackId',
engine_api.RES_STACK_NAME: 'StackName',
engine_api.RES_UPDATED_TIME: 'Timestamp',
result = api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, r)
return self._stackid_format(result)
con = req.context
stack_name = req.params.get('StackName')
physical_resource_id = req.params.get('PhysicalResourceId')
if stack_name and physical_resource_id:
msg = 'Use `StackName` or `PhysicalResourceId` but not both'
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterCombinationError(detail=msg)
identity = self._get_identity(con, stack_name)
resources = self.engine_rpcapi.describe_stack_resources(con,
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
result = [format_stack_resource(r) for r in resources]
return api_utils.format_response('DescribeStackResources',
{'StackResources': result})
def list_stack_resources(self, req):
Implements the ListStackResources API action
Return summary of the resources belonging to the specified stack.
def format_resource_summary(r):
Reformat engine output into the AWS "StackResourceSummary" format
keymap = {
engine_api.RES_UPDATED_TIME: 'LastUpdatedTimestamp',
engine_api.RES_NAME: 'LogicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_PHYSICAL_ID: 'PhysicalResourceId',
engine_api.RES_STATUS: 'ResourceStatus',
engine_api.RES_STATUS_DATA: 'ResourceStatusReason',
engine_api.RES_TYPE: 'ResourceType',
return api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, r)
con = req.context
identity = self._get_identity(con, req.params['StackName'])
resources = self.engine_rpcapi.list_stack_resources(con,
except rpc_common.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
summaries = [format_resource_summary(r) for r in resources]
return api_utils.format_response('ListStackResources',
{'StackResourceSummaries': summaries})
def create_resource(options):
Stacks resource factory method.
deserializer = wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer()
return wsgi.Resource(StackController(options), deserializer)