Takashi Kajinami e17f68a83b Deploy healthcheck middleware as app instead of filter
Using the healthcheck middleware as a filter is deprecated and
the middleware should be used as an application[1].
 [1] 6feaa13610c450c8486f969703768db5319b4846

This change updates definition and usage of the healthcheck middleware
accordingly to avoid the following deprecation warning.

DeprecationWarning: Using function/method 'Healthcheck.factory()' is
deprecated: The healthcheck middleware must now be configured as
an application, not as a filter.

This also refactors composite definitions based on flavor by the new
pipeline factory.

Story: 2009071
Task: 42881
Change-Id: I75386dc4a7dc14b3c753dfff01f147ef8233bf94
2022-06-06 23:47:16 +09:00

130 lines
4.2 KiB

# heat-api composite
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api
/healthcheck: healthcheck
# heat-api composite for standalone heat
# ie. uses alternative auth backend that authenticates users against keystone
# using username and password instead of validating token (which requires
# an admin/service token).
# To enable, in heat.conf:
# [paste_deploy]
# flavor = standalone
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api
/healthcheck: healthcheck
# heat-api composite for custom cloud backends
# i.e. in heat.conf:
# [paste_deploy]
# flavor = custombackend
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api
/healthcheck: healthcheck
# To enable, in heat.conf:
# [paste_deploy]
# flavor = noauth
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api
/healthcheck: healthcheck
# heat-api-cfn composite
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api-cfn
/healthcheck: healthcheck
# heat-api-cfn composite for standalone heat
# relies exclusively on authenticating with ec2 signed requests
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:root_app_factory
/: api-cfn
/healthcheck: healthcheck
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:pipeline_factory
default = cors request_id faultwrap http_proxy_to_wsgi versionnegotiation authurl authtoken context osprofiler apiv1app
standalone = cors request_id faultwrap http_proxy_to_wsgi versionnegotiation authurl authpassword context apiv1app
custombackend = cors request_id context faultwrap versionnegotiation custombackendauth apiv1app
noauth = cors request_id faultwrap noauth context http_proxy_to_wsgi versionnegotiation apiv1app
paste.composite_factory = heat.api:pipeline_factory
default = cors request_id http_proxy_to_wsgi cfnversionnegotiation ec2authtoken authtoken context osprofiler apicfnv1app
standalone = cors request_id http_proxy_to_wsgi cfnversionnegotiation ec2authtoken context apicfnv1app
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.openstack.v1:API
paste.app_factory = heat.common.wsgi:app_factory
heat.app_factory = heat.api.cfn.v1:API
paste.app_factory = oslo_middleware:Healthcheck.app_factory
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.openstack:version_negotiation_filter
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.cors:filter_factory
oslo_config_project = heat
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.openstack:faultwrap_filter
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
heat.filter_factory = heat.api.cfn:version_negotiation_filter
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.wsgi:filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.context:ContextMiddleware_filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = heat.api.aws.ec2token:EC2Token_filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware:HTTPProxyToWSGI.factory
# Middleware to set auth_url header appropriately
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.auth_url:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates token against keystone
paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates username/password against keystone
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.auth_password:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that validates against custom backend
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.custom_backend_auth:filter_factory
# Auth middleware that accepts any auth
paste.filter_factory = heat.common.noauth:filter_factory
# Middleware to set x-openstack-request-id in http response header
paste.filter_factory = oslo_middleware.request_id:RequestId.factory
paste.filter_factory = osprofiler.web:WsgiMiddleware.factory