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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
import os
import util
import verify
import re
import nose
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
import unittest
import json
import datetime
@attr(tag=['func', 'wordpress', 'api', 'cfn', 'boto'])
class CfnApiBotoFunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase):
This test launches a wordpress stack then attempts to verify
correct operation of all actions supported by the heat CFN API
Note we use class-level fixtures to avoid setting up a new stack
for every test method, we set up the stack once then do all the
tests, this means all tests methods are performed on one class
instance, instead of creating a new class for every method, which
is the normal nose unittest.TestCase behavior.
The nose docs are a bit vague on how to do this, but it seems that
(setup|teardown)All works and they have to be classmethods.
Contrary to the nose docs, the class can be a unittest.TestCase subclass
This version of the test uses the boto client library, hence uses AWS auth
and checks the boto-parsed results rather than parsing the XML directly
def setupAll(cls):
print "SETUPALL"
template = 'WordPress_Single_Instance.template'
stack_paramstr = ';'.join(['InstanceType=m1.xlarge',
'DBPassword=' + os.environ['OS_PASSWORD']])
cls.logical_resource_name = 'WikiDatabase'
cls.logical_resource_type = 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
# Just to get the assert*() methods
class CfnApiFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
@unittest.skip('Not a real test case')
def runTest(self):
inst = CfnApiFunctions()
cls.stack = util.StackBoto(inst, template, 'F17', 'x86_64', 'cfntools',
cls.WikiDatabase = util.Instance(inst, cls.logical_resource_name)
cls.logical_resource_status = "CREATE_COMPLETE"
# Save some compiled regexes and strings for response validation
cls.time_re = re.compile(
cls.description_re = re.compile(
"^AWS CloudFormation Sample Template")
cls.stack_status = "CREATE_COMPLETE"
cls.stack_status_reason = "Stack successfully created"
cls.stack_timeout = 60
cls.stack_disable_rollback = True
# Match the expected format for an instance's physical resource ID
cls.phys_res_id_re = re.compile(
def teardownAll(cls):
def test_instance(self):
# ensure wordpress was installed by checking for expected
# configuration file over ssh
# This is the same as the standard wordress template test
# but we still do it to prove the stack is OK
print "Wordpress installation detected"
# Verify the output URL parses as expected, ie check that
# the wordpress installation is operational
stack_url = self.stack.get_stack_output("WebsiteURL")
print "Got stack output WebsiteURL=%s, verifying" % stack_url
ver = verify.VerifyStack()
def testListStacks(self):
response = self.stack.heatclient.list_stacks()
prefix = '/ListStacksResponse/ListStacksResult/StackSummaries/member'
# Extract the StackSummary for this stack
summary = [s for s in response
if s.stack_name == self.stack.stackname]
self.assertEqual(len(summary), 1)
# Note the boto StackSummary object does not contain every item
# output by our API (ie defined in the AWS docs), we can only
# test what boto encapsulates in the StackSummary class
self.assertEqual(type(summary[0].creation_time), datetime.datetime)
summary[0].template_description) != None)
self.assertEqual(summary[0].stack_name, self.stack.stackname)
self.assertEqual(summary[0].stack_status, self.stack_status)
print "ListStacks : OK"
def testDescribeStacks(self):
parameters = {}
parameters['StackName'] = self.stack.stackname
response = self.stack.heatclient.describe_stacks(**parameters)
# Extract the Stack object for this stack
stacks = [s for s in response
if s.stack_name == self.stack.stackname]
self.assertEqual(len(stacks), 1)
self.assertEqual(type(stacks[0].creation_time), datetime.datetime)
!= None)
self.assertEqual(stacks[0].stack_name, self.stack.stackname)
self.assertEqual(stacks[0].stack_status, self.stack_status)
self.assertEqual(stacks[0].timeout_in_minutes, self.stack_timeout)
# Create a dict to lookup the expected template parameters
template_parameters = {'DBUsername': 'dbuser',
'LinuxDistribution': 'F17',
'InstanceType': 'm1.xlarge',
'DBRootPassword': 'admin',
'KeyName': self.stack.keyname,
'DBName': 'wordpress'}
for key, value in template_parameters.iteritems():
# The parameters returned via the API include a couple
# of fields which we don't care about (region/stackname)
# and may possibly end up getting removed, so we just
# look for the list of expected parameters above
plist = [p for p in s.parameters if p.key == key]
self.assertEqual(len(plist), 1)
self.assertEqual(key, plist[0].key)
self.assertEqual(value, plist[0].value)
# Then to a similar lookup to verify the Outputs section
expected_url = "http://" + self.WikiDatabase.ip + "/wordpress"
self.assertEqual(len(s.outputs), 1)
self.assertEqual(s.outputs[0].key, 'WebsiteURL')
self.assertEqual(s.outputs[0].value, expected_url)
print "DescribeStacks : OK"
def testDescribeStackEvents(self):
parameters = {}
parameters['StackName'] = self.stack.stackname
response = self.stack.heatclient.list_stack_events(**parameters)
events = [e for e in response
if e.logical_resource_id == self.logical_resource_name
and e.resource_status == self.logical_resource_status]
self.assertEqual(len(events), 1)
self.assertTrue(re.match("[0-9]*$", events[0].event_id) != None)
self.assertEqual(events[0].resource_type, self.logical_resource_type)
self.assertEqual(type(events[0].timestamp), datetime.datetime)
self.assertEqual(events[0].resource_status_reason, "state changed")
self.assertEqual(events[0].stack_name, self.stack.stackname)
events[0].physical_resource_id) != None)
# Check ResourceProperties, skip pending resolution of #245
properties = json.loads(events[0].resource_properties)
self.assertEqual(properties["InstanceType"], "m1.xlarge")
print "DescribeStackEvents : OK"
def testGetTemplate(self):
parameters = {}
parameters['StackName'] = self.stack.stackname
response = self.stack.heatclient.get_template(**parameters)
self.assertTrue(response != None)
result = response['GetTemplateResponse']['GetTemplateResult']
self.assertTrue(result != None)
template = result['TemplateBody']
self.assertTrue(template != None)
# Then sanity check content - I guess we could diff
# with the template file but for now just check the
# description looks sane..
description = template['Description']
self.assertTrue(self.description_re.match(description) != None)
print "GetTemplate : OK"
def testDescribeStackResource(self):
parameters = {'StackName': self.stack.stackname,
'LogicalResourceId': self.logical_resource_name}
response = self.stack.heatclient.describe_stack_resource(**parameters)
# Note boto_client response for this is a dict, if upstream
# pull request ever gets merged, this will change, see note/
# link in boto_client.py
desc_resp = response['DescribeStackResourceResponse']
self.assertTrue(desc_resp != None)
desc_result = desc_resp['DescribeStackResourceResult']
self.assertTrue(desc_result != None)
res = desc_result['StackResourceDetail']
self.assertTrue(res != None)
self.assertEqual(res['ResourceStatus'], self.logical_resource_status)
self.assertEqual(res['ResourceType'], self.logical_resource_type)
# Note due to issue mentioned above timestamp is a string in this case
# not a datetime.datetime object
!= None)
self.assertEqual(res['ResourceStatusReason'], 'state changed')
self.assertEqual(res['StackName'], self.stack.stackname)
self.assertEqual(res['LogicalResourceId'], self.logical_resource_name)
!= None)
self.assertTrue("AWS::CloudFormation::Init" in res['Metadata'])
print "DescribeStackResource : OK"
def testDescribeStackResources(self):
parameters = {'NameOrPid': self.stack.stackname,
'LogicalResourceId': self.logical_resource_name}
response = self.stack.heatclient.describe_stack_resources(**parameters)
self.assertEqual(len(response), 1)
res = response[0]
self.assertTrue(res != None)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_status, self.logical_resource_status)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_type, self.logical_resource_type)
self.assertEqual(type(res.timestamp), datetime.datetime)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_status_reason, 'state changed')
self.assertEqual(res.stack_name, self.stack.stackname)
self.assertEqual(res.logical_resource_id, self.logical_resource_name)
!= None)
print "DescribeStackResources : OK"
def testListStackResources(self):
parameters = {}
parameters['StackName'] = self.stack.stackname
response = self.stack.heatclient.list_stack_resources(**parameters)
self.assertEqual(len(response), 1)
res = response[0]
self.assertTrue(res != None)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_status, self.logical_resource_status)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_status_reason, 'state changed')
self.assertEqual(type(res.last_updated_timestamp), datetime.datetime)
self.assertEqual(res.resource_type, self.logical_resource_type)
self.assertEqual(res.logical_resource_id, self.logical_resource_name)
!= None)
print "ListStackResources : OK"
def testValidateTemplate(self):
# Use stack.format_parameters to get the TemplateBody
params = self.stack.format_parameters()
val_params = {'TemplateBody': params['TemplateBody']}
response = self.stack.heatclient.validate_template(**val_params)
# Check the response contains all the expected paramter keys
templ_params = ['DBUsername', 'LinuxDistribution', 'InstanceType',
'DBRootPassword', 'KeyName', 'DBPassword', 'DBName']
resp_params = [p.parameter_key for p in response.template_parameters]
for param in templ_params:
self.assertTrue(param in resp_params)
print "ValidateTemplate : OK"