These support classes started as a forklift of the classes needed to run tempest scenario orchestration tests. The original tempest code has been pared back to provide the small subset required by heat integration tests. From this point on these support classes can evolve to the specific needs of the integration tests. There is some unused code (especially in remote_client) which has been left in as it may become useful in the future, and is already extremely well reviewed and tested from being developed for tempest. The script heat_integrationtests/generate_sample.sh will generate an up-to-date heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf.sample file which can be copied to heat_integrationtests/heat_integrationtests.conf to override default configuration values. A local ConfigOpts is created for each test to avoid any potential interaction with heat's global CONF. Configuration options for credentials default to being sourced from the environment. The default tox testenv now excludes tests in heat_integrationtests. A new testenv called "integration" will only run tests in heat_integrationtests. Integration tests will fail if preconditions are not met, including a keystone endpoint, credentials and glance containing the expected named image. Devstack gate hooks have been moved to heat_integrationtests now that the name of the package has been decided. Change-Id: I174429c16bb606c5c325ee8b62c6e600ea77a6e6 Partial-Blueprint: functional-tests
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# Options defined in heat_integrationtests.common.config
# Username to use for API requests. (string value)
# API key to use when authenticating. (string value)
# Tenant name to use for API requests. (string value)
# Full URI of the OpenStack Identity API (Keystone), v2
# (string value)
# The region name to us (string value)
# Instance type for tests. Needs to be big enough for a full
# OS plus the test workload (string value)
# Name of image to use for tests which boot servers. (string
# value)
# Name of existing keypair to launch servers with. (string
# value)
# Name of minimal (e.g cirros) image to use when launching
# test instances. (string value)
# Identity API version to be used for authentication for API
# tests. (string value)
# Set to True if using self-signed SSL certificates. (boolean
# value)
# Time in seconds between build status checks. (integer value)
# Timeout in seconds to wait for a stack to build. (integer
# value)
# Network used for SSH connections. (string value)
# Visible fixed network name (string value)
# Timeout in seconds to wait for authentication to succeed.
# (integer value)
# IP version used for SSH connections. (integer value)
# Timeout in seconds to wait for output from ssh channel.
# (integer value)
# The mask bits for tenant ipv4 subnets (integer value)
# Default size in GB for volumes created by volumes tests
# (integer value)