huangtianhua 8cdfc3b293 Don't return the sensitive information to user
We return back the sensitive information to user
when some exceptions happened, for example,
when DBError happened, we return the whole sql
statement to user, it's not safe.
This patch changes to return the message if the
exception is the HeatException, otherwise the message
won't be revealed to user.

Change-Id: I6e01b1003a39106274e79c3b413917a30b5651b6
Closes-Bug: #1708122
2017-11-09 16:24:40 +08:00

242 lines
10 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import re
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
import six
import webob
import heat.api.middleware.fault as fault
from heat.common import exception as heat_exc
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.tests import common
class StackNotFoundChild(heat_exc.EntityNotFound):
class ErrorWithNewline(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest):
class FaultMiddlewareTest(common.HeatTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(FaultMiddlewareTest, self).setUp()
def test_disguised_http_exception_with_newline(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
newline_error = ErrorWithNewline('Error with \n newline')
msg = wrapper._error(heat_exc.HTTPExceptionDisguise(newline_error))
expected = {'code': 400,
'error': {'message': 'Error with \n newline',
'traceback': None,
'type': 'ErrorWithNewline'},
'explanation': ('The server could not comply with the '
'request since it is either malformed '
'or otherwise incorrect.'),
'title': 'Bad Request'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_http_exception_with_traceback(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
newline_error = ErrorWithNewline(
'Error with \n newline\nTraceback (most recent call last):\nFoo')
msg = wrapper._error(heat_exc.HTTPExceptionDisguise(newline_error))
expected = {'code': 400,
'error': {'message': 'Error with \n newline',
'traceback': None,
'type': 'ErrorWithNewline'},
'explanation': ('The server could not comply with the '
'request since it is either malformed '
'or otherwise incorrect.'),
'title': 'Bad Request'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_openstack_exception_with_kwargs(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(heat_exc.EntityNotFound(entity='Stack', name='a'))
expected = {'code': 404,
'error': {'message': 'The Stack (a) could not be found.',
'traceback': None,
'type': 'EntityNotFound'},
'explanation': 'The resource could not be found.',
'title': 'Not Found'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_openstack_exception_without_kwargs(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(heat_exc.StackResourceLimitExceeded())
expected = {'code': 500,
'error': {'message': 'Maximum resources '
'per stack exceeded.',
'traceback': None,
'type': 'StackResourceLimitExceeded'},
'explanation': 'The server has either erred or is '
'incapable of performing the requested '
'title': 'Internal Server Error'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_exception_with_non_ascii_chars(self):
# We set debug to true to test the code path for serializing traces too
cfg.CONF.set_override('debug', True)
msg = u'Error with non-ascii chars \x80'
class TestException(heat_exc.HeatException):
msg_fmt = msg
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(TestException())
expected = {'code': 500,
'error': {'message': u'Error with non-ascii chars \x80',
'traceback': 'None\n',
'type': 'TestException'},
'explanation': ('The server has either erred or is '
'incapable of performing the requested '
'title': 'Internal Server Error'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_remote_exception(self):
# We want tracebacks
cfg.CONF.set_override('debug', True)
error = heat_exc.EntityNotFound(entity='Stack', name='a')
exc_info = (type(error), error, None)
serialized = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(exc_info)
remote_error = rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
serialized, ["heat.common.exception"])
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(remote_error)
expected_message, expected_traceback = six.text_type(
remote_error).split('\n', 1)
expected = {'code': 404,
'error': {'message': expected_message,
'traceback': expected_traceback,
'type': 'EntityNotFound'},
'explanation': 'The resource could not be found.',
'title': 'Not Found'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def remote_exception_helper(self, name, error):
if six.PY3:
error.args = ()
exc_info = (type(error), error, None)
serialized = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(exc_info)
remote_error = rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
serialized, name)
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(remote_error)
expected = {'code': 500,
'error': {'traceback': None,
'type': 'RemoteError'},
'explanation': msg['explanation'],
'title': 'Internal Server Error'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_all_remote_exceptions(self):
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(
heat_exc, lambda x: inspect.isclass(x) and issubclass(
x, heat_exc.HeatException)):
if '__init__' in obj.__dict__:
if obj == heat_exc.HeatException: # manually ignore baseclass
elif obj == heat_exc.Error:
error = obj('Error')
elif obj == heat_exc.NotFound:
error = obj()
elif obj == heat_exc.ResourceFailure:
exc = heat_exc.Error(_('Error'))
error = obj(exc, None, 'CREATE')
elif obj == heat_exc.ResourcePropertyConflict:
error = obj('%s' % 'a test prop')
self.remote_exception_helper(name, error)
if hasattr(obj, 'msg_fmt'):
kwargs = {}
spec_names = re.findall('%\((\w+)\)([cdeEfFgGinorsxX])',
for key, convtype in spec_names:
if convtype == 'r' or convtype == 's':
kwargs[key] = '"' + key + '"'
# this is highly unlikely
raise Exception("test needs additional conversion"
" type added due to %s exception"
" using '%c' specifier" % (obj,
error = obj(**kwargs)
self.remote_exception_helper(name, error)
def test_should_not_ignore_parent_classes(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(StackNotFoundChild(entity='Stack', name='a'))
expected = {'code': 404,
'error': {'message': 'The Stack (a) could not be found.',
'traceback': None,
'type': 'StackNotFoundChild'},
'explanation': 'The resource could not be found.',
'title': 'Not Found'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_internal_server_error_when_exeption_and_parents_not_mapped(self):
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
class NotMappedException(Exception):
msg = wrapper._error(NotMappedException('A message'))
expected = {'code': 500,
'error': {'traceback': None,
'type': 'NotMappedException'},
'explanation': ('The server has either erred or is '
'incapable of performing the requested '
'title': 'Internal Server Error'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
def test_should_not_ignore_parent_classes_even_for_remote_ones(self):
# We want tracebacks
cfg.CONF.set_override('debug', True)
error = StackNotFoundChild(entity='Stack', name='a')
exc_info = (type(error), error, None)
serialized = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(exc_info)
remote_error = rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
serialized, ["heat.tests.test_fault_middleware"])
wrapper = fault.FaultWrapper(None)
msg = wrapper._error(remote_error)
expected_message, expected_traceback = six.text_type(
remote_error).split('\n', 1)
expected = {'code': 404,
'error': {'message': expected_message,
'traceback': expected_traceback,
'type': 'StackNotFoundChild'},
'explanation': 'The resource could not be found.',
'title': 'Not Found'}
self.assertEqual(expected, msg)