
986 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import base64
from datetime import datetime
import six
import warnings
from heat.common import exception
from heat.common import identifier
from heat.common import short_id
from heat.db import api as db_api
from heat.engine.attributes import Attributes
from heat.engine import environment
from heat.engine import event
from heat.engine import function
from heat.engine.properties import Properties
from heat.engine import resources
from heat.engine import rsrc_defn
from heat.engine import scheduler
from heat.engine import support
from heat.openstack.common import excutils
from heat.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
from heat.openstack.common import log as logging
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_types(support_status):
'''Return a list of valid resource types.'''
return resources.global_env().get_types(support_status)
def get_class(resource_type, resource_name=None):
'''Return the Resource class for a given resource type.'''
return resources.global_env().get_class(resource_type, resource_name)
def _register_class(resource_type, resource_class):
resources.global_env().register_class(resource_type, resource_class)
class UpdateReplace(Exception):
Raised when resource update requires replacement
def __init__(self, resource_name='Unknown',
message=_("The Resource %s requires replacement.")):
msg = message % resource_name
except TypeError:
msg = message
super(Exception, self).__init__(msg)
class Resource(object):
# If True, this resource must be created before it can be referenced.
strict_dependency = True
# Resource implementation set this to the subset of resource properties
# supported for handle_update, used by update_template_diff_properties
update_allowed_properties = ()
# Resource implementations set this to the name: description dictionary
# that describes the appropriate resource attributes
attributes_schema = {}
# If True, this resource may perform authenticated API requests
# throughout its lifecycle
requires_deferred_auth = False
# Limit to apply to physical_resource_name() size reduction algorithm.
# If set to None no limit will be applied.
physical_resource_name_limit = 255
support_status = support.SupportStatus()
# Default name to use for calls to self.client()
default_client_name = None
def __new__(cls, name, definition, stack):
'''Create a new Resource of the appropriate class for its type.'''
assert isinstance(definition, rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition)
if cls != Resource:
# Call is already for a subclass, so pass it through
ResourceClass = cls
from heat.engine.resources import template_resource
# Select the correct subclass to instantiate.
# Note: If the current stack is an implementation of
# a resource type (a TemplateResource mapped in the environment)
# then don't infinitely recurse by creating a child stack
# of the same type. Instead get the next match which will get
# us closer to a concrete class.
def get_ancestor_template_resources():
"""Return an ancestry list (TemplateResources only)."""
parent = stack.parent_resource
while parent is not None:
if isinstance(parent, template_resource.TemplateResource):
yield parent.template_name
parent = parent.stack.parent_resource
ancestor_list = set(get_ancestor_template_resources())
def accept_class(res_info):
if not isinstance(res_info, environment.TemplateResourceInfo):
return True
return res_info.template_name not in ancestor_list
registry = stack.env.registry
ResourceClass = registry.get_class(definition.resource_type,
assert issubclass(ResourceClass, Resource)
return super(Resource, cls).__new__(ResourceClass)
def __init__(self, name, definition, stack):
if '/' in name:
raise ValueError(_('Resource name may not contain "/"'))
self.stack = stack
self.context = stack.context
self.name = name
self.t = definition
self.attributes = Attributes(self.name,
self.abandon_in_progress = False
self.resource_id = None
# if the stack is being deleted, assume we've already been deleted
if stack.action == stack.DELETE:
self.action = self.DELETE
self.action = self.INIT
self.status = self.COMPLETE
self.status_reason = ''
self.id = None
self._data = {}
self._rsrc_metadata = None
self.created_time = None
self.updated_time = None
resource = stack.db_resource_get(name)
if resource:
def _load_data(self, resource):
'''Load the resource state from its DB representation.'''
self.resource_id = resource.nova_instance
self.action = resource.action
self.status = resource.status
self.status_reason = resource.status_reason
self.id = resource.id
self._data = db_api.resource_data_get_all(self, resource.data)
except exception.NotFound:
self._data = {}
self._rsrc_metadata = resource.rsrc_metadata
self.created_time = resource.created_at
self.updated_time = resource.updated_at
def reparse(self):
self.properties = self.t.properties(self.properties_schema,
def __eq__(self, other):
'''Allow == comparison of two resources.'''
# For the purposes of comparison, we declare two resource objects
# equal if their names and parsed_templates are the same
if isinstance(other, Resource):
return (self.name == other.name) and (
self.parsed_template() == other.parsed_template())
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
'''Allow != comparison of two resources.'''
result = self.__eq__(other)
if result is NotImplemented:
return result
return not result
def metadata(self):
"""DEPRECATED. use method metadata_get instead."""
warnings.warn('metadata attribute is deprecated, '
'use method metadata_get instead',
return self.metadata_get(True)
def metadata(self, metadata):
"""DEPRECATED. use method metadata_set instead."""
warnings.warn('metadata attribute is deprecated, '
'use method metadata_set instead',
def metadata_get(self, refresh=False):
if refresh:
self._rsrc_metadata = None
if self.id is None:
return self.t.metadata()
if self._rsrc_metadata is not None:
return self._rsrc_metadata
rs = db_api.resource_get(self.stack.context, self.id)
self._rsrc_metadata = rs.rsrc_metadata
return rs.rsrc_metadata
def metadata_set(self, metadata):
if self.id is None:
raise exception.ResourceNotAvailable(resource_name=self.name)
rs = db_api.resource_get(self.stack.context, self.id)
rs.update_and_save({'rsrc_metadata': metadata})
self._rsrc_metadata = metadata
def type(self):
return self.t.resource_type
def has_interface(self, resource_type):
"""Check to see if this resource is either mapped to resource_type
or is a "resource_type".
if self.type() == resource_type:
return True
ri = self.stack.env.get_resource_info(self.type(),
return ri.name == resource_type
def implementation_signature(self):
Return a tuple defining the implementation.
This should be broken down into a definition and an
implementation version.
return (self.__class__.__name__, self.support_status.version)
def identifier(self):
'''Return an identifier for this resource.'''
return identifier.ResourceIdentifier(resource_name=self.name,
def parsed_template(self, section=None, default=None):
Return the parsed template data for the resource. May be limited to
only one section of the data, in which case a default value may also
be supplied.
default = default or {}
if section is None:
template = self.t
template = self.t.get(section, default)
return function.resolve(template)
def update_template_diff(self, after, before):
Returns the difference between the before and after json snippets. If
something has been removed in after which exists in before we set it to
# Create a set containing the keys in both current and update template
template_keys = set(before.keys())
# Create a set of keys which differ (or are missing/added)
changed_keys_set = set([k for k in template_keys
if before.get(k) != after.get(k)])
return dict((k, after.get(k)) for k in changed_keys_set)
def update_template_diff_properties(self, after_props, before_props):
Returns the changed Properties between the before and after properties.
If any properties have changed which are not in
update_allowed_properties, raises UpdateReplace.
update_allowed_set = set(self.update_allowed_properties)
for (psk, psv) in self.properties.props.iteritems():
if psv.update_allowed():
# Create a set of keys which differ (or are missing/added)
changed_properties_set = set(k for k in after_props
if before_props.get(k) !=
if not changed_properties_set.issubset(update_allowed_set):
raise UpdateReplace(self.name)
return dict((k, after_props.get(k)) for k in changed_properties_set)
def __str__(self):
if self.stack.id:
if self.resource_id:
return '%s "%s" [%s] %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name,
self.resource_id, str(self.stack))
return '%s "%s" %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name,
return '%s "%s"' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
def add_dependencies(self, deps):
for dep in self.t.dependencies(self.stack):
deps += (self, dep)
deps += (self, None)
def required_by(self):
Returns a list of names of resources which directly require this
resource as a dependency.
return list(
[r.name for r in self.stack.dependencies.required_by(self)])
def client(self, name=None):
client_name = name or self.default_client_name
assert client_name, "Must specify client name"
return self.stack.clients.client(client_name)
def client_plugin(self, name=None):
client_name = name or self.default_client_name
assert client_name, "Must specify client name"
return self.stack.clients.client_plugin(client_name)
def keystone(self):
return self.client('keystone')
def nova(self):
return self.client('nova')
def swift(self):
return self.client('swift')
def neutron(self):
return self.client('neutron')
def cinder(self):
return self.client('cinder')
def trove(self):
return self.client('trove')
def ceilometer(self):
return self.client('ceilometer')
def heat(self):
return self.client('heat')
def glance(self):
return self.client('glance')
def _do_action(self, action, pre_func=None, resource_data=None):
Perform a transition to a new state via a specified action
action should be e.g self.CREATE, self.UPDATE etc, we set
status based on this, the transition is handled by calling the
corresponding handle_* and check_*_complete functions
Note pre_func is an optional function reference which will
be called before the handle_<action> function
If the resource does not declare a check_$action_complete function,
we declare COMPLETE status as soon as the handle_$action call has
finished, and if no handle_$action function is declared, then we do
nothing, useful e.g if the resource requires no action for a given
state transition
assert action in self.ACTIONS, 'Invalid action %s' % action
self.state_set(action, self.IN_PROGRESS)
action_l = action.lower()
handle = getattr(self, 'handle_%s' % action_l, None)
check = getattr(self, 'check_%s_complete' % action_l, None)
if callable(pre_func):
handle_data = None
if callable(handle):
handle_data = (handle(resource_data) if resource_data else
if callable(check):
while not check(handle_data):
except Exception as ex:
LOG.exception('%s : %s' % (action, str(self))) # noqa
failure = exception.ResourceFailure(ex, self, action)
self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, six.text_type(failure))
raise failure
except: # noqa
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self.state_set(action, self.FAILED,
'%s aborted' % action)
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_('Error marking resource as failed'))
self.state_set(action, self.COMPLETE)
def preview(self):
Default implementation of Resource.preview.
This method should be overridden by child classes for specific
return self
def create(self):
Create the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_create() method
to customise creation.
action = self.CREATE
if (self.action, self.status) != (self.INIT, self.COMPLETE):
exc = exception.Error(_('State %s invalid for create')
% str(self.state))
raise exception.ResourceFailure(exc, self, action)
LOG.info(_('creating %s') % str(self))
# Re-resolve the template, since if the resource Ref's
# the StackId pseudo parameter, it will change after
# the parser.Stack is stored (which is after the resources
# are __init__'d, but before they are create()'d)
return self._do_action(action, self.properties.validate)
def prepare_abandon(self):
self.abandon_in_progress = True
return {
'name': self.name,
'resource_id': self.resource_id,
'type': self.type(),
'action': self.action,
'status': self.status,
'metadata': self.metadata_get(refresh=True),
'resource_data': self.data()
def adopt(self, resource_data):
Adopt the existing resource. Resource subclasses can provide
a handle_adopt() method to customise adopt.
return self._do_action(self.ADOPT, resource_data=resource_data)
def handle_adopt(self, resource_data=None):
resource_id, data, metadata = self._get_resource_info(resource_data)
if not resource_id:
exc = Exception(_('Resource ID was not provided.'))
failure = exception.ResourceFailure(exc, self)
raise failure
# set resource id
# save the resource data
if data and isinstance(data, dict):
for key, value in data.iteritems():
self.data_set(key, value)
# save the resource metadata
def _get_resource_info(self, resource_data):
if not resource_data:
return None, None, None
return (resource_data.get('resource_id'),
def update(self, after, before=None, prev_resource=None):
update the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_update() method
to customise update, the base-class handle_update will fail by default.
action = self.UPDATE
assert isinstance(after, rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition)
(cur_class_def, cur_ver) = self.implementation_signature()
prev_ver = cur_ver
if prev_resource is not None:
prev_ver) = prev_resource.implementation_signature()
if prev_class_def != cur_class_def:
raise UpdateReplace(self.name)
if before is None:
before = self.parsed_template()
if prev_ver == cur_ver and before == after:
if (self.action, self.status) in ((self.CREATE, self.IN_PROGRESS),
(self.UPDATE, self.IN_PROGRESS),
(self.ADOPT, self.IN_PROGRESS)):
exc = Exception(_('Resource update already requested'))
raise exception.ResourceFailure(exc, self, action)
LOG.info(_('updating %s') % str(self))
self.updated_time = datetime.utcnow()
self.state_set(action, self.IN_PROGRESS)
before_properties = Properties(self.properties_schema,
before.get('Properties', {}),
after_properties = after.properties(self.properties_schema,
tmpl_diff = self.update_template_diff(function.resolve(after),
prop_diff = self.update_template_diff_properties(after_properties,
if callable(getattr(self, 'handle_update', None)):
handle_data = self.handle_update(after, tmpl_diff, prop_diff)
if callable(getattr(self, 'check_update_complete', None)):
while not self.check_update_complete(handle_data):
except UpdateReplace:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.debug("Resource %s update requires replacement" %
except Exception as ex:
LOG.exception(_('update %(resource)s : %(err)s') %
{'resource': str(self), 'err': ex})
failure = exception.ResourceFailure(ex, self, action)
self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, six.text_type(failure))
raise failure
self.t = after
self.state_set(action, self.COMPLETE)
def suspend(self):
Suspend the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_suspend()
method to implement suspend
action = self.SUSPEND
# Don't try to suspend the resource unless it's in a stable state
if (self.action == self.DELETE or self.status != self.COMPLETE):
exc = exception.Error(_('State %s invalid for suspend')
% str(self.state))
raise exception.ResourceFailure(exc, self, action)
LOG.info(_('suspending %s') % str(self))
return self._do_action(action)
def resume(self):
Resume the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_resume()
method to implement resume
action = self.RESUME
# Can't resume a resource unless it's SUSPEND_COMPLETE
if self.state != (self.SUSPEND, self.COMPLETE):
exc = exception.Error(_('State %s invalid for resume')
% str(self.state))
raise exception.ResourceFailure(exc, self, action)
LOG.info(_('resuming %s') % str(self))
return self._do_action(action)
def physical_resource_name(self):
if self.id is None:
return None
name = '%s-%s-%s' % (self.stack.name,
if self.physical_resource_name_limit:
name = self.reduce_physical_resource_name(
name, self.physical_resource_name_limit)
return name
def reduce_physical_resource_name(name, limit):
Reduce length of physical resource name to a limit.
The reduced name will consist of the following:
* the first 2 characters of the name
* a hyphen
* the end of the name, truncated on the left to bring
the name length within the limit
:param name: The name to reduce the length of
:param limit: The max length limit
:returns: A name whose length is less than or equal to the limit
if len(name) <= limit:
return name
if limit < 4:
raise ValueError(_('limit cannot be less than 4'))
postfix_length = limit - 3
return name[0:2] + '-' + name[-postfix_length:]
def validate(self):
LOG.info(_('Validating %s') % str(self))
return self.properties.validate()
def validate_deletion_policy(cls, policy):
if policy not in rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition.DELETION_POLICIES:
msg = _('Invalid deletion policy "%s"') % policy
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
if policy == rsrc_defn.ResourceDefinition.SNAPSHOT:
if not callable(getattr(cls, 'handle_snapshot_delete', None)):
msg = _('"%s" deletion policy not supported') % policy
raise exception.StackValidationFailed(message=msg)
def delete(self):
Delete the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_delete() method
to customise deletion.
action = self.DELETE
if (self.action, self.status) == (self.DELETE, self.COMPLETE):
# No need to delete if the resource has never been created
if self.action == self.INIT:
initial_state = self.state
LOG.info(_('deleting %s') % str(self))
self.state_set(action, self.IN_PROGRESS)
if self.abandon_in_progress:
deletion_policy = self.t.RETAIN
deletion_policy = self.t.deletion_policy()
handle_data = None
if deletion_policy == self.t.DELETE:
if callable(getattr(self, 'handle_delete', None)):
handle_data = self.handle_delete()
elif deletion_policy == self.t.SNAPSHOT:
if callable(getattr(self, 'handle_snapshot_delete', None)):
handle_data = self.handle_snapshot_delete(initial_state)
if (deletion_policy != self.t.RETAIN and
callable(getattr(self, 'check_delete_complete', None))):
while not self.check_delete_complete(handle_data):
except Exception as ex:
LOG.exception(_('Delete %s') % str(self))
failure = exception.ResourceFailure(ex, self, self.action)
self.state_set(action, self.FAILED, six.text_type(failure))
raise failure
except: # noqa
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self.state_set(action, self.FAILED,
'Deletion aborted')
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_('Error marking resource deletion failed'))
self.state_set(action, self.COMPLETE)
def destroy(self):
Delete the resource and remove it from the database.
yield self.delete()
if self.id is None:
db_api.resource_get(self.context, self.id).delete()
except exception.NotFound:
# Don't fail on delete if the db entry has
# not been created yet.
self.id = None
def resource_id_set(self, inst):
self.resource_id = inst
if self.id is not None:
rs = db_api.resource_get(self.context, self.id)
rs.update_and_save({'nova_instance': self.resource_id})
except Exception as ex:
LOG.warn(_('db error %s') % ex)
def _store(self):
'''Create the resource in the database.'''
metadata = self.metadata_get()
rs = {'action': self.action,
'status': self.status,
'status_reason': self.status_reason,
'stack_id': self.stack.id,
'nova_instance': self.resource_id,
'name': self.name,
'rsrc_metadata': metadata,
'stack_name': self.stack.name}
new_rs = db_api.resource_create(self.context, rs)
self.id = new_rs.id
self.created_time = new_rs.created_at
self._rsrc_metadata = metadata
except Exception as ex:
LOG.error(_('DB error %s') % ex)
def _add_event(self, action, status, reason):
'''Add a state change event to the database.'''
ev = event.Event(self.context, self.stack, action, status, reason,
self.resource_id, self.properties,
self.name, self.type())
def _store_or_update(self, action, status, reason):
self.action = action
self.status = status
self.status_reason = reason
if self.id is not None:
rs = db_api.resource_get(self.context, self.id)
rs.update_and_save({'action': self.action,
'status': self.status,
'status_reason': reason,
'stack_id': self.stack.id,
'updated_at': self.updated_time,
'nova_instance': self.resource_id})
except Exception as ex:
LOG.error(_('DB error %s') % ex)
# store resource in DB on transition to CREATE_IN_PROGRESS
# all other transitions (other than to DELETE_COMPLETE)
# should be handled by the update_and_save above..
elif (action, status) in [(self.CREATE, self.IN_PROGRESS),
(self.ADOPT, self.IN_PROGRESS)]:
def _resolve_attribute(self, name):
Default implementation; should be overridden by resources that expose
:param name: The attribute to resolve
:returns: the resource attribute named key
# By default, no attributes resolve
def state_reset(self):
Reset state to (INIT, COMPLETE)
self.action = self.INIT
self.status = self.COMPLETE
def state_set(self, action, status, reason="state changed"):
if action not in self.ACTIONS:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid action %s") % action)
if status not in self.STATUSES:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid status %s") % status)
old_state = (self.action, self.status)
new_state = (action, status)
self._store_or_update(action, status, reason)
if new_state != old_state:
self._add_event(action, status, reason)
def state(self):
'''Returns state, tuple of action, status.'''
return (self.action, self.status)
def FnGetRefId(self):
For the intrinsic function Ref.
:results: the id or name of the resource.
if self.resource_id is not None:
return unicode(self.resource_id)
return unicode(self.name)
def FnGetAtt(self, key):
For the intrinsic function Fn::GetAtt.
:param key: the attribute key.
:returns: the attribute value.
return self.attributes[key]
except KeyError:
raise exception.InvalidTemplateAttribute(resource=self.name,
def FnBase64(self, data):
For the instrinsic function Fn::Base64.
:param data: the input data.
:returns: the Base64 representation of the input data.
return base64.b64encode(data)
def signal(self, details=None):
signal the resource. Subclasses should provide a handle_signal() method
to implement the signal, the base-class raise an exception if no
handler is implemented.
def get_string_details():
if details is None:
return 'No signal details provided'
if isinstance(details, basestring):
return details
if isinstance(details, dict):
if all(k in details for k in ('previous', 'current',
# this is from Ceilometer.
auto = '%(previous)s to %(current)s (%(reason)s)' % details
return 'alarm state changed from %s' % auto
elif 'state' in details:
# this is from watchrule
return 'alarm state changed to %(state)s' % details
elif 'deploy_status_code' in details:
# this is for SoftwareDeployment
if details['deploy_status_code'] == 0:
return 'deployment succeeded'
return ('deployment failed '
'(%(deploy_status_code)s)' % details)
return 'Unknown'
if not callable(getattr(self, 'handle_signal', None)):
msg = (_('Resource %s is not able to receive a signal') %
raise Exception(msg)
signal_result = self.handle_signal(details)
if signal_result:
reason_string = "Signal: %s" % signal_result
reason_string = get_string_details()
self._add_event('signal', self.status, reason_string)
except Exception as ex:
LOG.exception(_('signal %(name)s : %(msg)s') % {'name': str(self),
'msg': ex})
failure = exception.ResourceFailure(ex, self)
raise failure
def handle_update(self, json_snippet=None, tmpl_diff=None, prop_diff=None):
if prop_diff:
raise UpdateReplace(self.name)
def metadata_update(self, new_metadata=None):
No-op for resources which don't explicitly override this method
if new_metadata:
LOG.warning(_("Resource %s does not implement metadata update")
% self.name)
def resource_to_template(cls, resource_type):
:param resource_type: The resource type to be displayed in the template
:returns: A template where the resource's properties_schema is mapped
as parameters, and the resource's attributes_schema is mapped as
(parameters, properties) = (Properties.
resource_name = cls.__name__
return {
'HeatTemplateFormatVersion': '2012-12-12',
'Parameters': parameters,
'Resources': {
resource_name: {
'Type': resource_type,
'Properties': properties
'Outputs': Attributes.as_outputs(resource_name, cls)
def data(self):
Resource data for this resource
Use methods data_set and data_delete to modify the resource data
for this resource.
:returns: a dict representing the resource data for this resource.
if self._data is None and self.id:
self._data = db_api.resource_data_get_all(self)
except exception.NotFound:
return self._data or {}
def data_set(self, key, value, redact=False):
'''Save resource's key/value pair to database.'''
db_api.resource_data_set(self, key, value, redact)
# force fetch all resource data from the database again
self._data = None
def data_delete(self, key):
Remove a resource_data element associated to a resource.
:returns: True if the key existed to delete
db_api.resource_data_delete(self, key)
except exception.NotFound:
return False
# force fetch all resource data from the database again
self._data = None
return True