api.cinder: refactor microversioning logic
There are sevral similar logics to handle microversioning in Cinder API wrapper. This commit refactors them and introduces _cinderclient_with_features() function. The parent commit to fix bug 1810309 does not introduce this logic to make it easy to backport the fix. Change-Id: I378e58c7a80e2d00481a582eb3fa449f51c3612a Related-Bug: #1810309
This commit is contained in:
@ -259,17 +259,33 @@ def get_microversion(request, features):
return None
min_ver, max_ver = cinder_client.get_server_version(cinder_url)
return (microversions.get_microversion_for_features(
'cinder', features, api_versions.APIVersion, min_ver, max_ver))
return microversions.get_microversion_for_features(
'cinder', features, api_versions.APIVersion, min_ver, max_ver)
def _cinderclient_with_generic_groups(request):
version = get_microversion(request, 'groups')
def _cinderclient_with_features(request, features,
raise_exc=False, message=False):
version = get_microversion(request, features)
if version is None:
if message:
versions = microversions.get_requested_versions('cinder', features)
if message is True:
message = ('Insufficient microversion for cinder feature(s) '
'%(features)s. One of the following API '
'microversion(s) is required: %(versions).')
{'features': features, 'versions': versions})
if raise_exc:
raise microversions.MicroVersionNotFound(features)
if version is not None:
version = version.get_string()
return cinderclient(request, version=version)
def _cinderclient_with_generic_groups(request):
return _cinderclient_with_features(request, 'groups')
def version_get():
api_version = VERSIONS.get_active_version()
return api_version['version']
@ -986,23 +1002,15 @@ def qos_specs_list(request):
return [QosSpecs(s) for s in qos_spec_list(request)]
def _cinderclient_with_limits_project_id_query(request):
version = get_microversion(request, ['limits_project_id_query'])
if version is None:
cinder_microversions = microversions.MICROVERSION_FEATURES['cinder']
LOG.warning('Insufficient microversion for GET limits with '
'project_id query. One of the following API micro '
'version is required: %s',
version = version.get_string()
return cinderclient(request, version=version)
def tenant_absolute_limits(request, tenant_id=None):
_cinderclient = _cinderclient_with_limits_project_id_query(request)
_cinderclient = _cinderclient_with_features(
request, ['limits_project_id_query'],
message=('Insufficient microversion for GET limits with '
'project_id query. One of the following API micro '
'version is required: %(versions)s. '
'This causes bug 1810309 on updating quotas.'))
limits = _cinderclient.limits.get(tenant_id=tenant_id).absolute
limits_dict = {}
for limit in limits:
@ -1097,11 +1105,12 @@ def pool_list(request, detailed=False):
def message_list(request, search_opts=None):
version = get_microversion(request, ['message_list'])
if version is None:
LOG.warning("insufficient microversion for message_list")
c_client = _cinderclient_with_features(request, ['message_list'],
raise_exc=True, message=True)
except microversions.MicroVersionNotFound:
LOG.warning("Insufficient microversion for message_list")
return []
c_client = cinderclient(request, version=version)
return c_client.messages.list(search_opts)
@ -45,12 +45,15 @@ MICROVERSION_FEATURES = {
# NOTE(robcresswell): Since each client implements their own wrapper class for
# API objects, we'll need to allow that to be passed in. In the future this
# should be replaced by some common handling in Oslo.
def get_microversion_for_features(service, features, wrapper_class,
min_ver, max_ver):
"""Retrieves that highest known functional microversion for features"""
class MicroVersionNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, features):
self.features = features
def __str__(self):
return "Insufficient microversion for %s" % self.features
def get_requested_versions(service, features):
if not features:
return None
# Convert a single feature string into a list for backward compatibility.
@ -68,10 +71,22 @@ def get_microversion_for_features(service, features, wrapper_class,
feature_versions &= set(service_features[feature])
if not feature_versions:
return None
# Sort version candidates from larger versins
feature_versions = sorted(feature_versions, reverse=True,
key=lambda v: [int(i) for i in v.split('.')])
return feature_versions
# NOTE(robcresswell): Since each client implements their own wrapper class for
# API objects, we'll need to allow that to be passed in. In the future this
# should be replaced by some common handling in Oslo.
def get_microversion_for_features(service, features, wrapper_class,
min_ver, max_ver):
"""Retrieves that highest known functional microversion for features"""
feature_versions = get_requested_versions(service, features)
if not feature_versions:
return None
for version in feature_versions:
microversion = wrapper_class(version)
if microversion.matches(min_ver, max_ver):
@ -394,8 +394,7 @@ class CinderApiTests(test.APIMockTestCase):
self.assertEqual(associate_spec, qos_specs_only_one[0].name)
@mock.patch.object(api.cinder, '_cinderclient_with_features')
def test_absolute_limits_with_negative_values(self, mock_cinderclient):
values = {"maxTotalVolumes": -1, "totalVolumesUsed": -1}
expected_results = {"maxTotalVolumes": float("inf"),
@ -422,7 +421,8 @@ class CinderApiTests(test.APIMockTestCase):
self.assertEqual(expected_results[key], ret_val[key])
self.request, ['limits_project_id_query'], message=test.IsA(str))
@mock.patch.object(api.cinder, 'cinderclient')
def test_pool_list(self, mock_cinderclient):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user