Fix published docs
Change I90d064e63baa5f067f38a881eb9a556dfb435e97 contained a few typos which broke the PDF and "Report a bug" icons on . Fix the typos. Change pygments_style to 'native' since old theme version always used 'native' and the theme now respects the setting and using 'sphinx' can lead to some strange rendering. Change-Id: Iab18f322331f13f85f64fb4730d276b9d351b8cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ extensions = [
# openstackdocstheme options
openstackdocs_repo__name = 'openstack/horizon'
openstackdocs_repo_bug_project = 'horizon'
openstackdocs_repo_name = 'openstack/horizon'
openstackdocs_bug_project = 'horizon'
openstackdocs_bug_tag = 'documentation'
openstackdocs_pdf_link = True
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ exclude_patterns = ['**/#*', '**~', '**/#*#']
show_authors = False
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
pygments_style = 'native'
# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
modindex_common_prefix = ['horizon.', 'openstack_dashboard.']
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ exclude_patterns = []
# show_authors = False
# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
pygments_style = 'sphinx'
pygments_style = 'native'
# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
# modindex_common_prefix = []
@ -156,10 +156,6 @@ html_static_path = ['_static']
# directly to the root of the documentation.
# html_extra_path = []
# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
# using the given strftime format.
# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
# typographically correct entities.
# html_use_smartypants = True
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