========================== Releasing Horizon Projects ========================== Since the responsibility for releases will move between people, we document that process here. A full list of projects that horizon manages is available in the `governance site <https://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/horizon.html>`__. Who is responsible for releases? -------------------------------- The current PTL is ultimately responsible for making sure code gets released. They may choose to delegate this responsibility to a liaison, which is documented in the `cross-project liaison wiki <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/CrossProjectLiaisons#Release_management>`__. Anyone may submit a release request per the process below, but the PTL or liaison must +1 the request for it to be processed. Release process --------------- Releases are managed by the OpenStack release team. The release process is documented in the `Project Team Guide <https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/release-management.html#how-to-release>`__. In general, horizon deliverables follow the `cycle-with-intermediary <https://releases.openstack.org/reference/release_models.html#cycle-with-intermediary>`__ release model. Things to do before releasing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Update default policy-in-code rules in horizon for all backend services like cinder/glance/keystone/neutron/nova. For more information on how to update these policy rules see the :doc:`/contributor/topics/policy`. * Check for any open patches that are close to be merged or release critical. This usually includes important bug fixes and/or features that we'd like to release, including the related documentation.