# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import operator from django.template.defaultfilters import filesizeformat # noqa from django.utils.text import normalize_newlines # noqa from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy from django.views.decorators.debug import sensitive_variables # noqa from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon.utils import functions from horizon.utils import validators from horizon import workflows from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.api import base from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.images \ import utils as image_utils from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances \ import utils as instance_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SelectProjectUserAction(workflows.Action): project_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Project")) user_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("User")) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectProjectUserAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) # Set our project choices projects = [(tenant.id, tenant.name) for tenant in request.user.authorized_tenants] self.fields['project_id'].choices = projects # Set our user options users = [(request.user.id, request.user.username)] self.fields['user_id'].choices = users class Meta: name = _("Project & User") # Unusable permission so this is always hidden. However, we # keep this step in the workflow for validation/verification purposes. permissions = ("!",) class SelectProjectUser(workflows.Step): action_class = SelectProjectUserAction contributes = ("project_id", "user_id") class SetInstanceDetailsAction(workflows.Action): availability_zone = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Availability Zone"), required=False) name = forms.CharField(label=_("Instance Name"), max_length=255) flavor = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Flavor"), help_text=_("Size of image to launch.")) count = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Instance Count"), min_value=1, initial=1, help_text=_("Number of instances to launch.")) source_type = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Instance Boot Source"), help_text=_("Choose Your Boot Source " "Type.")) instance_snapshot_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Instance Snapshot"), required=False) volume_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Volume"), required=False) volume_snapshot_id = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Volume Snapshot"), required=False) image_id = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Image Name"), required=False, widget=forms.SelectWidget( data_attrs=('volume_size',), transform=lambda x: ("%s (%s)" % (x.name, filesizeformat(x.bytes))))) volume_size = forms.IntegerField(label=_("Device size (GB)"), initial=1, min_value=1, required=False, help_text=_("Volume size in gigabytes " "(integer value).")) device_name = forms.CharField(label=_("Device Name"), required=False, initial="vda", help_text=_("Volume mount point (e.g. 'vda' " "mounts at '/dev/vda').")) delete_on_terminate = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Delete on Terminate"), initial=False, required=False, help_text=_("Delete volume on " "instance terminate")) class Meta: name = _("Details") help_text_template = ("project/instances/" "_launch_details_help.html") def __init__(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs): self._init_images_cache() self.request = request self.context = context super(SetInstanceDetailsAction, self).__init__( request, context, *args, **kwargs) source_type_choices = [ ('', _("Select source")), ("image_id", _("Boot from image")), ("instance_snapshot_id", _("Boot from snapshot")), ] if base.is_service_enabled(request, 'volume'): source_type_choices.append(("volume_id", _("Boot from volume"))) try: if api.nova.extension_supported("BlockDeviceMappingV2Boot", request): source_type_choices.append(("volume_image_id", _("Boot from image (creates a new volume)"))) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve extensions ' 'information.')) source_type_choices.append(("volume_snapshot_id", _("Boot from volume snapshot (creates a new volume)"))) self.fields['source_type'].choices = source_type_choices def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(SetInstanceDetailsAction, self).clean() count = cleaned_data.get('count', 1) # Prevent launching more instances than the quota allows usages = quotas.tenant_quota_usages(self.request) available_count = usages['instances']['available'] if available_count < count: error_message = ungettext_lazy('The requested instance ' 'cannot be launched as you only ' 'have %(avail)i of your quota ' 'available. ', 'The requested %(req)i instances ' 'cannot be launched as you only ' 'have %(avail)i of your quota ' 'available.', count) params = {'req': count, 'avail': available_count} raise forms.ValidationError(error_message % params) try: flavor_id = cleaned_data.get('flavor') # We want to retrieve details for a given flavor, # however flavor_list uses a memoized decorator # so it is used instead of flavor_get to reduce the number # of API calls. flavors = instance_utils.flavor_list(self.request) flavor = [x for x in flavors if x.id == flavor_id][0] except IndexError: flavor = None count_error = [] # Validate cores and ram. available_cores = usages['cores']['available'] if flavor and available_cores < count * flavor.vcpus: count_error.append(_("Cores(Available: %(avail)s, " "Requested: %(req)s)") % {'avail': available_cores, 'req': count * flavor.vcpus}) available_ram = usages['ram']['available'] if flavor and available_ram < count * flavor.ram: count_error.append(_("RAM(Available: %(avail)s, " "Requested: %(req)s)") % {'avail': available_ram, 'req': count * flavor.ram}) if count_error: value_str = ", ".join(count_error) msg = (_('The requested instance cannot be launched. ' 'The following requested resource(s) exceed ' 'quota(s): %s.') % value_str) if count == 1: self._errors['flavor'] = self.error_class([msg]) else: self._errors['count'] = self.error_class([msg]) # Validate our instance source. source_type = self.data.get('source_type', None) if source_type in ('image_id', 'volume_image_id'): if source_type == 'volume_image_id': if not self.data.get('volume_size', None): msg = _("You must set volume size") self._errors['volume_size'] = self.error_class([msg]) if not cleaned_data.get('device_name'): msg = _("You must set device name") self._errors['device_name'] = self.error_class([msg]) if not cleaned_data.get('image_id'): msg = _("You must select an image.") self._errors['image_id'] = self.error_class([msg]) else: # Prevents trying to launch an image needing more resources. try: image_id = cleaned_data.get('image_id') # We want to retrieve details for a given image, # however get_available_images uses a cache of image list, # so it is used instead of image_get to reduce the number # of API calls. images = image_utils.get_available_images( self.request, self.context.get('project_id'), self._images_cache) image = [x for x in images if x.id == image_id][0] except IndexError: image = None if image and flavor: props_mapping = (("min_ram", "ram"), ("min_disk", "disk")) for iprop, fprop in props_mapping: if getattr(image, iprop) > 0 and \ getattr(image, iprop) > getattr(flavor, fprop): msg = (_("The flavor '%(flavor)s' is too small " "for requested image.\n" "Minimum requirements: " "%(min_ram)s MB of RAM and " "%(min_disk)s GB of Root Disk.") % {'flavor': flavor.name, 'min_ram': image.min_ram, 'min_disk': image.min_disk}) self._errors['image_id'] = self.error_class([msg]) break # Not necessary to continue the tests. volume_size = cleaned_data.get('volume_size') if volume_size and source_type == 'volume_image_id': volume_size = int(volume_size) img_gigs = functions.bytes_to_gigabytes(image.size) smallest_size = max(img_gigs, image.min_disk) if volume_size < smallest_size: msg = (_("The Volume size is too small for the" " '%(image_name)s' image and has to be" " greater than or equal to " "'%(smallest_size)d' GB.") % {'image_name': image.name, 'smallest_size': smallest_size}) self._errors['volume_size'] = self.error_class( [msg]) elif source_type == 'instance_snapshot_id': if not cleaned_data['instance_snapshot_id']: msg = _("You must select a snapshot.") self._errors['instance_snapshot_id'] = self.error_class([msg]) elif source_type == 'volume_id': if not cleaned_data.get('volume_id'): msg = _("You must select a volume.") self._errors['volume_id'] = self.error_class([msg]) # Prevent launching multiple instances with the same volume. # TODO(gabriel): is it safe to launch multiple instances with # a snapshot since it should be cloned to new volumes? if count > 1: msg = _('Launching multiple instances is only supported for ' 'images and instance snapshots.') raise forms.ValidationError(msg) elif source_type == 'volume_snapshot_id': if not cleaned_data.get('volume_snapshot_id'): msg = _("You must select a snapshot.") self._errors['volume_snapshot_id'] = self.error_class([msg]) if not cleaned_data.get('device_name'): msg = _("You must set device name") self._errors['device_name'] = self.error_class([msg]) return cleaned_data def populate_flavor_choices(self, request, context): flavors = instance_utils.flavor_list(request) if flavors: return instance_utils.sort_flavor_list(request, flavors) return [] def populate_availability_zone_choices(self, request, context): try: zones = api.nova.availability_zone_list(request) except Exception: zones = [] exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve availability zones.')) zone_list = [(zone.zoneName, zone.zoneName) for zone in zones if zone.zoneState['available']] zone_list.sort() if not zone_list: zone_list.insert(0, ("", _("No availability zones found"))) elif len(zone_list) > 1: zone_list.insert(0, ("", _("Any Availability Zone"))) return zone_list def get_help_text(self, extra_context=None): extra = extra_context or {} try: extra['usages'] = api.nova.tenant_absolute_limits(self.request) extra['usages_json'] = json.dumps(extra['usages']) flavors = json.dumps([f._info for f in instance_utils.flavor_list(self.request)]) extra['flavors'] = flavors images = image_utils.get_available_images(self.request, self.initial['project_id'], self._images_cache) if images is not None: attrs = [{'id': i.id, 'min_disk': getattr(i, 'min_disk', 0), 'min_ram': getattr(i, 'min_ram', 0)} for i in images] extra['images'] = json.dumps(attrs) except Exception: exceptions.handle(self.request, _("Unable to retrieve quota information.")) return super(SetInstanceDetailsAction, self).get_help_text(extra) def _init_images_cache(self): if not hasattr(self, '_images_cache'): self._images_cache = {} def _get_volume_display_name(self, volume): if hasattr(volume, "volume_id"): vol_type = "snap" visible_label = _("Snapshot") else: vol_type = "vol" visible_label = _("Volume") return (("%s:%s" % (volume.id, vol_type)), (_("%(name)s - %(size)s GB (%(label)s)") % {'name': volume.name, 'size': volume.size, 'label': visible_label})) def populate_image_id_choices(self, request, context): choices = [] images = image_utils.get_available_images(request, context.get('project_id'), self._images_cache) for image in images: image.bytes = image.size image.volume_size = max( image.min_disk, functions.bytes_to_gigabytes(image.bytes)) choices.append((image.id, image)) if context.get('image_id') == image.id and \ 'volume_size' not in context: context['volume_size'] = image.volume_size if choices: choices.sort(key=lambda c: c[1].name) choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select Image"))) else: choices.insert(0, ("", _("No images available"))) return choices def populate_instance_snapshot_id_choices(self, request, context): images = image_utils.get_available_images(request, context.get('project_id'), self._images_cache) choices = [(image.id, image.name) for image in images if image.properties.get("image_type", '') == "snapshot"] if choices: choices.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1)) choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select Instance Snapshot"))) else: choices.insert(0, ("", _("No snapshots available"))) return choices def populate_volume_id_choices(self, request, context): try: volumes = [self._get_volume_display_name(v) for v in cinder.volume_list(self.request) if v.status == api.cinder.VOLUME_STATE_AVAILABLE and v.bootable == 'true'] except Exception: volumes = [] exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve list of volumes.')) if volumes: volumes.insert(0, ("", _("Select Volume"))) else: volumes.insert(0, ("", _("No volumes available"))) return volumes def populate_volume_snapshot_id_choices(self, request, context): try: snapshots = cinder.volume_snapshot_list(self.request) snapshots = [self._get_volume_display_name(s) for s in snapshots if s.status == api.cinder.VOLUME_STATE_AVAILABLE] except Exception: snapshots = [] exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve list of volume ' 'snapshots.')) if snapshots: snapshots.insert(0, ("", _("Select Volume Snapshot"))) else: snapshots.insert(0, ("", _("No volume snapshots available"))) return snapshots class SetInstanceDetails(workflows.Step): action_class = SetInstanceDetailsAction depends_on = ("project_id", "user_id") contributes = ("source_type", "source_id", "availability_zone", "name", "count", "flavor", "device_name", # Can be None for an image. "delete_on_terminate") def prepare_action_context(self, request, context): if 'source_type' in context and 'source_id' in context: context[context['source_type']] = context['source_id'] return context def contribute(self, data, context): context = super(SetInstanceDetails, self).contribute(data, context) # Allow setting the source dynamically. if ("source_type" in context and "source_id" in context and context["source_type"] not in context): context[context["source_type"]] = context["source_id"] # Translate form input to context for source values. if "source_type" in data: if data["source_type"] in ["image_id", "volume_image_id"]: context["source_id"] = data.get("image_id", None) else: context["source_id"] = data.get(data["source_type"], None) if "volume_size" in data: context["volume_size"] = data["volume_size"] return context KEYPAIR_IMPORT_URL = "horizon:project:access_and_security:keypairs:import" class SetAccessControlsAction(workflows.Action): keypair = forms.DynamicChoiceField(label=_("Key Pair"), required=False, help_text=_("Key pair to use for " "authentication."), add_item_link=KEYPAIR_IMPORT_URL) admin_pass = forms.RegexField( label=_("Admin Pass"), required=False, widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False), regex=validators.password_validator(), error_messages={'invalid': validators.password_validator_msg()}) confirm_admin_pass = forms.CharField( label=_("Confirm Admin Pass"), required=False, widget=forms.PasswordInput(render_value=False)) groups = forms.MultipleChoiceField(label=_("Security Groups"), initial=["default"], widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(), help_text=_("Launch instance in these " "security groups.")) class Meta: name = _("Access & Security") help_text = _("Control access to your instance via key pairs, " "security groups, and other mechanisms.") def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SetAccessControlsAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) if not api.nova.can_set_server_password(): del self.fields['admin_pass'] del self.fields['confirm_admin_pass'] def populate_keypair_choices(self, request, context): try: keypairs = api.nova.keypair_list(request) keypair_list = [(kp.name, kp.name) for kp in keypairs] except Exception: keypair_list = [] exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve key pairs.')) if keypair_list: if len(keypair_list) == 1: self.fields['keypair'].initial = keypair_list[0][0] keypair_list.insert(0, ("", _("Select a key pair"))) else: keypair_list = (("", _("No key pairs available")),) return keypair_list def populate_groups_choices(self, request, context): try: groups = api.network.security_group_list(request) security_group_list = [(sg.name, sg.name) for sg in groups] except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve list of security groups')) security_group_list = [] return security_group_list def clean(self): '''Check to make sure password fields match.''' cleaned_data = super(SetAccessControlsAction, self).clean() if 'admin_pass' in cleaned_data: if cleaned_data['admin_pass'] != cleaned_data.get( 'confirm_admin_pass', None): raise forms.ValidationError(_('Passwords do not match.')) return cleaned_data class SetAccessControls(workflows.Step): action_class = SetAccessControlsAction depends_on = ("project_id", "user_id") contributes = ("keypair_id", "security_group_ids", "admin_pass", "confirm_admin_pass") def contribute(self, data, context): if data: post = self.workflow.request.POST context['security_group_ids'] = post.getlist("groups") context['keypair_id'] = data.get("keypair", "") context['admin_pass'] = data.get("admin_pass", "") context['confirm_admin_pass'] = data.get("confirm_admin_pass", "") return context class CustomizeAction(workflows.Action): class Meta: name = _("Post-Creation") help_text_template = ("project/instances/" "_launch_customize_help.html") source_choices = [('raw', _('Direct Input')), ('file', _('File'))] attributes = {'class': 'switchable', 'data-slug': 'scriptsource'} script_source = forms.ChoiceField(label=_('Customization Script Source'), choices=source_choices, widget=forms.Select(attrs=attributes)) script_help = _("A script or set of commands to be executed after the " "instance has been built (max 16kb).") script_upload = forms.FileField( label=_('Script File'), help_text=script_help, widget=forms.FileInput(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'scriptsource', 'data-scriptsource-file': _('Script File')}), required=False) script_data = forms.CharField( label=_('Script Data'), help_text=script_help, widget=forms.widgets.Textarea(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'scriptsource', 'data-scriptsource-raw': _('Script Data')}), required=False) def __init__(self, *args): super(CustomizeAction, self).__init__(*args) def clean(self): cleaned = super(CustomizeAction, self).clean() files = self.request.FILES script = self.clean_uploaded_files('script', files) if script is not None: cleaned['script_data'] = script return cleaned def clean_uploaded_files(self, prefix, files): upload_str = prefix + "_upload" has_upload = upload_str in files if has_upload: upload_file = files[upload_str] log_script_name = upload_file.name LOG.info('got upload %s' % log_script_name) if upload_file._size > 16 * 1024: # 16kb msg = _('File exceeds maximum size (16kb)') raise forms.ValidationError(msg) else: script = upload_file.read() if script != "": try: normalize_newlines(script) except Exception as e: msg = _('There was a problem parsing the' ' %(prefix)s: %(error)s') msg = msg % {'prefix': prefix, 'error': e} raise forms.ValidationError(msg) return script else: return None class PostCreationStep(workflows.Step): action_class = CustomizeAction contributes = ("script_data",) class SetNetworkAction(workflows.Action): network = forms.MultipleChoiceField(label=_("Networks"), widget=forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple(), error_messages={ 'required': _( "At least one network must" " be specified.")}, help_text=_("Launch instance with" " these networks")) if api.neutron.is_port_profiles_supported(): widget = None else: widget = forms.HiddenInput() profile = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Policy Profiles"), required=False, widget=widget, help_text=_("Launch instance with " "this policy profile")) def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SetNetworkAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) network_list = self.fields["network"].choices if len(network_list) == 1: self.fields['network'].initial = [network_list[0][0]] if api.neutron.is_port_profiles_supported(): self.fields['profile'].choices = ( self.get_policy_profile_choices(request)) class Meta: name = _("Networking") permissions = ('openstack.services.network',) help_text = _("Select networks for your instance.") def populate_network_choices(self, request, context): network_list = [] try: tenant_id = self.request.user.tenant_id networks = api.neutron.network_list_for_tenant(request, tenant_id) for n in networks: n.set_id_as_name_if_empty() network_list.append((n.id, n.name)) sorted(network_list, key=lambda obj: obj[1]) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve networks.')) return network_list def get_policy_profile_choices(self, request): profile_choices = [('', _("Select a profile"))] for profile in self._get_profiles(request, 'policy'): profile_choices.append((profile.id, profile.name)) return profile_choices def _get_profiles(self, request, type_p): profiles = [] try: profiles = api.neutron.profile_list(request, type_p) except Exception: msg = _('Network Profiles could not be retrieved.') exceptions.handle(request, msg) return profiles class SetNetwork(workflows.Step): action_class = SetNetworkAction # Disabling the template drag/drop only in the case port profiles # are used till the issue with the drag/drop affecting the # profile_id detection is fixed. if api.neutron.is_port_profiles_supported(): contributes = ("network_id", "profile_id",) else: template_name = "project/instances/_update_networks.html" contributes = ("network_id",) def contribute(self, data, context): if data: networks = self.workflow.request.POST.getlist("network") # If no networks are explicitly specified, network list # contains an empty string, so remove it. networks = [n for n in networks if n != ''] if networks: context['network_id'] = networks if api.neutron.is_port_profiles_supported(): context['profile_id'] = data.get('profile', None) return context class SetAdvancedAction(workflows.Action): disk_config = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Disk Partition"), required=False, help_text=_("Automatic: The entire disk is a single partition and " "automatically resizes. Manual: Results in faster build " "times but requires manual partitioning.")) config_drive = forms.BooleanField(label=_("Configuration Drive"), required=False, help_text=_("Configure OpenStack to write metadata to " "a special configuration drive that " "attaches to the instance when it boots.")) def __init__(self, request, context, *args, **kwargs): super(SetAdvancedAction, self).__init__(request, context, *args, **kwargs) try: if not api.nova.extension_supported("DiskConfig", request): del self.fields['disk_config'] else: # Set our disk_config choices config_choices = [("AUTO", _("Automatic")), ("MANUAL", _("Manual"))] self.fields['disk_config'].choices = config_choices # Only show the Config Drive option for the Launch Instance # workflow (not Resize Instance) and only if the extension # is supported. if context.get('workflow_slug') != 'launch_instance' or ( not api.nova.extension_supported("ConfigDrive", request)): del self.fields['config_drive'] except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _('Unable to retrieve extensions ' 'information.')) class Meta: name = _("Advanced Options") help_text_template = ("project/instances/" "_launch_advanced_help.html") class SetAdvanced(workflows.Step): action_class = SetAdvancedAction contributes = ("disk_config", "config_drive",) def prepare_action_context(self, request, context): context = super(SetAdvanced, self).prepare_action_context(request, context) # Add the workflow slug to the context so that we can tell which # workflow is being used when creating the action. This step is # used by both the Launch Instance and Resize Instance workflows. context['workflow_slug'] = self.workflow.slug return context class LaunchInstance(workflows.Workflow): slug = "launch_instance" name = _("Launch Instance") finalize_button_name = _("Launch") success_message = _('Launched %(count)s named "%(name)s".') failure_message = _('Unable to launch %(count)s named "%(name)s".') success_url = "horizon:project:instances:index" multipart = True default_steps = (SelectProjectUser, SetInstanceDetails, SetAccessControls, SetNetwork, PostCreationStep, SetAdvanced) def format_status_message(self, message): name = self.context.get('name', 'unknown instance') count = self.context.get('count', 1) if int(count) > 1: return message % {"count": _("%s instances") % count, "name": name} else: return message % {"count": _("instance"), "name": name} @sensitive_variables('context') def handle(self, request, context): custom_script = context.get('script_data', '') dev_mapping_1 = None dev_mapping_2 = None image_id = '' # Determine volume mapping options source_type = context.get('source_type', None) if source_type in ['image_id', 'instance_snapshot_id']: image_id = context['source_id'] elif source_type in ['volume_id', 'volume_snapshot_id']: dev_mapping_1 = {context['device_name']: '%s::%s' % (context['source_id'], int(bool(context['delete_on_terminate'])))} elif source_type == 'volume_image_id': dev_mapping_2 = [ {'device_name': str(context['device_name']), 'source_type': 'image', 'destination_type': 'volume', 'delete_on_termination': int(bool(context['delete_on_terminate'])), 'uuid': context['source_id'], 'boot_index': '0', 'volume_size': context['volume_size'] } ] netids = context.get('network_id', None) if netids: nics = [{"net-id": netid, "v4-fixed-ip": ""} for netid in netids] else: nics = None avail_zone = context.get('availability_zone', None) # Create port with Network Name and Port Profile # for the use with the plugin supporting port profiles. # neutron port-create --n1kv:profile # for net_id in context['network_id']: # HACK for now use first network. if api.neutron.is_port_profiles_supported(): net_id = context['network_id'][0] LOG.debug("Horizon->Create Port with %(netid)s %(profile_id)s", {'netid': net_id, 'profile_id': context['profile_id']}) port = None try: port = api.neutron.port_create( request, net_id, policy_profile_id=context['profile_id']) except Exception: msg = (_('Port not created for profile-id (%s).') % context['profile_id']) exceptions.handle(request, msg) if port and port.id: nics = [{"port-id": port.id}] try: api.nova.server_create(request, context['name'], image_id, context['flavor'], context['keypair_id'], normalize_newlines(custom_script), context['security_group_ids'], block_device_mapping=dev_mapping_1, block_device_mapping_v2=dev_mapping_2, nics=nics, availability_zone=avail_zone, instance_count=int(context['count']), admin_pass=context['admin_pass'], disk_config=context.get('disk_config'), config_drive=context.get('config_drive')) return True except Exception: exceptions.handle(request) return False