# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import importlib import json import types from selenium.webdriver.common import by from openstack_dashboard.test.integration_tests import config class Navigation(object): """Provide basic navigation among pages. * allows navigation among pages without need to import pageobjects * shortest path possible should be always used for navigation to specific page as user would navigate in the same manner * go_to_*some_page* method respects following pattern: * go_to_{sub_menu}_{pagename}page * go_to_*some_page* methods are generated at runtime at module import * go_to_*some_page* method returns pageobject * pages must be located in the correct directories for the navigation to work correctly * pages modules and class names must respect following pattern to work correctly with navigation module: * module name consist of menu item in lower case without spaces and '&' * page class begins with capital letter and ends with 'Page' Examples: In order to go to Project/Compute/Overview page, one would have to call method go_to_compute_overviewpage() In order to go to Admin/System/Overview page, one would have to call method go_to_system_overviewpage() """ # constants MAX_SUB_LEVEL = 4 MIN_SUB_LEVEL = 2 SIDE_MENU_MAX_LEVEL = 3 CONFIG = config.get_config() PAGES_IMPORT_PATH = [ "openstack_dashboard.test.integration_tests.pages.%s" ] if CONFIG.plugin.is_plugin and CONFIG.plugin.plugin_page_path: for path in CONFIG.plugin.plugin_page_path: PAGES_IMPORT_PATH.append(path + ".%s") ITEMS = "_" CORE_PAGE_STRUCTURE = \ { "Project": { "Compute": { ITEMS: ( "Overview", "Instances", "Images", "Key Pairs", "Server Groups", ) }, "Volumes": { ITEMS: ( "Volumes", "Backups", "Snapshots", ) }, "Network": { ITEMS: ( "Network Topology", "Networks", "Routers", "Security Groups", "Floating IPs", ) }, ITEMS: ( "API Access", ) }, "Admin": { "Compute": { ITEMS: ( "Hypervisors", "Host Aggregates", "Instances", "Flavors", "Images", ) }, "Volume": { ITEMS: ( "Volumes", "Snapshots", "Volume Types", "Group Types", ) }, "Network": { ITEMS: ( "Networks", "Routers", "Floating IPs", ) }, "System": { ITEMS: ( "Defaults", "Metadata Definitions", "System Information" ) }, ITEMS: ( "Overview", ) }, "Identity": { ITEMS: ( "Projects", "Users", "Groups", "Roles", "Application Credentials", ) }, "Settings": { ITEMS: ( "User Settings", "Change Password", ) }, } _main_content_locator = (by.By.ID, 'content_body') # protected methods def _go_to_page(self, path, page_class=None): """Go to page specified via path parameter. * page_class parameter overrides basic process for receiving pageobject """ path_len = len(path) if path_len < self.MIN_SUB_LEVEL or path_len > self.MAX_SUB_LEVEL: raise ValueError("Navigation path length should be in the interval" " between %s and %s, but its length is %s" % (self.MIN_SUB_LEVEL, self.MAX_SUB_LEVEL, path_len)) if path_len == self.MIN_SUB_LEVEL: # menu items that do not contain second layer of menu if path[0] == "Settings": self._go_to_settings_page(path[1]) else: self._go_to_side_menu_page([path[0], None, path[1]]) else: # side menu contains only three sub-levels self._go_to_side_menu_page(path[:self.SIDE_MENU_MAX_LEVEL]) if path_len == self.MAX_SUB_LEVEL: # apparently there is tabbed menu, # because another extra sub level is present self._go_to_tab_menu_page(path[self.MAX_SUB_LEVEL - 1]) # if there is some nonstandard pattern in page object naming return self._get_page_class(path, page_class)(self.driver, self.conf) def _go_to_tab_menu_page(self, item_text): content_body = self.driver.find_element(*self._main_content_locator) content_body.find_element_by_link_text(item_text).click() def _go_to_settings_page(self, item_text): """Go to page that is located under the settings tab.""" self.topbar.user_dropdown_menu.click_on_settings() self.navaccordion.click_on_menu_items(third_level=item_text) def _go_to_side_menu_page(self, menu_items): """Go to page that is located in the side menu (navaccordion).""" self.navaccordion.click_on_menu_items(*menu_items) def _get_page_cls_name(self, filename): """Gather page class name from path. * take last item from path (should be python filename without extension) * make the first letter capital * append 'Page' """ cls_name = "".join((filename.capitalize(), "Page")) return cls_name def _get_page_class(self, path, page_cls_name): # last module name does not contain '_' final_module = self.unify_page_path(path[-1], preserve_spaces=False) page_cls_path = ".".join(path[:-1] + (final_module,)) page_cls_path = self.unify_page_path(page_cls_path) # append 'page' as every page module ends with this keyword page_cls_path += "page" page_cls_name = page_cls_name or self._get_page_cls_name(final_module) module = None # return imported class for path in self.PAGES_IMPORT_PATH: try: module = importlib.import_module(path % page_cls_path) break except ImportError: pass if module is None: raise ImportError("Failed to import module: " + (path % page_cls_path)) return getattr(module, page_cls_name) class GoToMethodFactory(object): """Represent the go_to_some_page method.""" METHOD_NAME_PREFIX = "go_to_" METHOD_NAME_SUFFIX = "page" METHOD_NAME_DELIMITER = "_" # private methods def __init__(self, path, page_class=None): self.path = path self.page_class = page_class self._name = self._create_name() def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return Navigation._go_to_page(args[0], self.path, self.page_class) # protected methods def _create_name(self): """Create method name. * consist of 'go_to_subsubmenu_menuitem_page' """ if len(self.path) < 3: path_2_name = list(self.path[-2:]) else: path_2_name = list(self.path[-3:]) name = self.METHOD_NAME_DELIMITER.join(path_2_name) name = self.METHOD_NAME_PREFIX + name + self.METHOD_NAME_SUFFIX name = Navigation.unify_page_path(name, preserve_spaces=False) return name # properties @property def name(self): return self._name # classmethods @classmethod def _initialize_go_to_methods(cls): """Create all navigation methods based on the PAGE_STRUCTURE.""" def rec(items, sub_menus): if isinstance(items, dict): for sub_menu, sub_item in items.items(): rec(sub_item, sub_menus + (sub_menu,)) elif isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): # exclude ITEMS element from sub_menus paths = (sub_menus[:-1] + (menu_item,) for menu_item in items) for path in paths: cls._create_go_to_method(path) rec(cls.CORE_PAGE_STRUCTURE, ()) plugin_page_structure_strings = cls.CONFIG.plugin.plugin_page_structure for plugin_ps_string in plugin_page_structure_strings: plugin_page_structure = json.loads(plugin_ps_string) rec(plugin_page_structure, ()) @classmethod def _create_go_to_method(cls, path, class_name=None): go_to_method = Navigation.GoToMethodFactory(path, class_name) inst_method = types.MethodType(go_to_method, Navigation) def _go_to_page(self, path): return Navigation._go_to_page(self, path) wrapped_go_to = functools.partialmethod(_go_to_page, path) setattr(Navigation, inst_method.name, wrapped_go_to) @classmethod def unify_page_path(cls, path, preserve_spaces=True): """Unify path to page. Replace '&' in path with 'and', remove spaces (if not specified otherwise) and convert path to lower case. """ path = path.replace("&", "and") path = path.lower() if preserve_spaces: path = path.replace(" ", "_") else: path = path.replace(" ", "") return path Navigation._initialize_go_to_methods()