# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import contextlib import unittest import selenium.common.exceptions as Exceptions from selenium.webdriver.common import by from selenium.webdriver.remote import webelement import selenium.webdriver.support.ui as Support from selenium.webdriver.support import wait class BaseWebObject(unittest.TestCase): """Base class for all web objects.""" _spinner_locator = (by.By.CSS_SELECTOR, '.modal-body > .loader') def __init__(self, driver, conf): self.driver = driver self.conf = conf self.explicit_wait = self.conf.selenium.explicit_wait def _is_element_present(self, *locator): with self.waits_disabled(): try: self._get_element(*locator) return True except Exceptions.NoSuchElementException: return False def _is_element_visible(self, *locator): try: return self._get_element(*locator).is_displayed() except (Exceptions.NoSuchElementException, Exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException): return False def _is_element_displayed(self, element): if element is None: return False try: if isinstance(element, webelement.WebElement): return element.is_displayed() else: return element.src_elem.is_displayed() except (Exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException, Exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException): return False def _is_text_visible(self, element, text, strict=True): if not hasattr(element, 'text'): return False if strict: return element.text == text else: return text in element.text def _get_element(self, *locator): return self.driver.find_element(*locator) def _get_elements(self, *locator): return self.driver.find_elements(*locator) def _fill_field_element(self, data, field_element): field_element.clear() field_element.send_keys(data) return field_element def _select_dropdown(self, value, element): select = Support.Select(element) select.select_by_visible_text(value) def _select_dropdown_by_value(self, value, element): select = Support.Select(element) select.select_by_value(value) def _get_dropdown_options(self, element): select = Support.Select(element) return select.options def _turn_off_implicit_wait(self): self.driver.implicitly_wait(0) def _turn_on_implicit_wait(self): self.driver.implicitly_wait(self.conf.selenium.implicit_wait) def _wait_until(self, predicate, timeout=None, poll_frequency=0.5): """Wait until the value returned by predicate is not False. It also returns when the timeout is elapsed. 'predicate' takes the driver as argument. """ if not timeout: timeout = self.explicit_wait return wait.WebDriverWait(self.driver, timeout, poll_frequency).until( predicate) def _wait_till_text_present_in_element(self, element, texts, timeout=None): """Waiting for a text to appear in a certain element. Most frequent usage is actually to wait for a _different_ element with a different text to appear in place of an old element. So a way to avoid capturing stale element reference should be provided for this use case. Better to wrap getting entity status cell in a lambda to avoid problems with cell being replaced with totally different element by Javascript """ if not isinstance(texts, (list, tuple)): texts = (texts,) def predicate(_): elt = element() if hasattr(element, '__call__') else element for text in texts: if self._is_text_visible(elt, text): return text return False return self._wait_until(predicate, timeout) def _wait_till_element_visible(self, locator, timeout=None): self._wait_until(lambda x: self._is_element_visible(*locator), timeout) def _wait_till_element_disappears(self, element, timeout=None): self._wait_until(lambda x: not self._is_element_displayed(element), timeout) @contextlib.contextmanager def waits_disabled(self): try: self._turn_off_implicit_wait() yield finally: self._turn_on_implicit_wait() def wait_till_element_disappears(self, element_getter): with self.waits_disabled(): try: self._wait_till_element_disappears(element_getter()) except Exceptions.NoSuchElementException: # NOTE(mpavlase): This is valid state. When request completes # even before Selenium get a chance to get the spinner element, # it will raise the NoSuchElementException exception. pass def wait_till_spinner_disappears(self): def getter(): return self.driver.find_element(*self._spinner_locator) self.wait_till_element_disappears(getter)