#!/bin/bash set -o errexit # ---------------UPDATE ME-------------------------------# # Increment me any time the environment should be rebuilt. # This includes dependncy changes, directory renames, etc. # Simple integer secuence: 1, 2, 3... environment_version=40 #--------------------------------------------------------# function usage { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]..." echo "Run Horizon's test suite(s)" echo "" echo " -V, --virtual-env Always use virtualenv. Install automatically" echo " if not present" echo " -N, --no-virtual-env Don't use virtualenv. Run tests in local" echo " environment" echo " -c, --coverage Generate reports using Coverage" echo " -f, --force Force a clean re-build of the virtual" echo " environment. Useful when dependencies have" echo " been added." echo " -m, --manage Run a Django management command." echo " --makemessages Update all translation files." echo " --compilemessages Compile all translation files." echo " -p, --pep8 Just run pep8" echo " -t, --tabs Check for tab characters in files." echo " -y, --pylint Just run pylint" echo " -q, --quiet Run non-interactively. (Relatively) quiet." echo " Implies -V if -N is not set." echo " --only-selenium Run only the Selenium unit tests" echo " --with-selenium Run unit tests including Selenium tests" echo " --runserver Run the Django development server for" echo " openstack_dashboard in the virtual" echo " environment." echo " --docs Just build the documentation" echo " --backup-environment Make a backup of the environment on exit" echo " --restore-environment Restore the environment before running" echo " --destroy-environment Destroy the environment and exit" echo " -h, --help Print this usage message" echo "" echo "Note: with no options specified, the script will try to run the tests in" echo " a virtual environment, If no virtualenv is found, the script will ask" echo " if you would like to create one. If you prefer to run tests NOT in a" echo " virtual environment, simply pass the -N option." exit } # DEFAULTS FOR RUN_TESTS.SH # root=`pwd` venv=$root/.venv with_venv=tools/with_venv.sh included_dirs="openstack_dashboard horizon" always_venv=0 backup_env=0 command_wrapper="" destroy=0 force=0 just_pep8=0 just_pylint=0 just_docs=0 just_tabs=0 never_venv=0 quiet=0 restore_env=0 runserver=0 only_selenium=0 with_selenium=0 testopts="" testargs="" with_coverage=0 makemessages=0 compilemessages=0 manage=0 # Jenkins sets a "JOB_NAME" variable, if it's not set, we'll make it "default" [ "$JOB_NAME" ] || JOB_NAME="default" function process_option { # If running manage command, treat the rest of options as arguments. if [ $manage -eq 1 ]; then testargs="$testargs $1" return 0 fi case "$1" in -h|--help) usage;; -V|--virtual-env) always_venv=1; never_venv=0;; -N|--no-virtual-env) always_venv=0; never_venv=1;; -p|--pep8) just_pep8=1;; -y|--pylint) just_pylint=1;; -f|--force) force=1;; -t|--tabs) just_tabs=1;; -q|--quiet) quiet=1;; -c|--coverage) with_coverage=1;; -m|--manage) manage=1;; --makemessages) makemessages=1;; --compilemessages) compilemessages=1;; --only-selenium) only_selenium=1;; --with-selenium) with_selenium=1;; --docs) just_docs=1;; --runserver) runserver=1;; --backup-environment) backup_env=1;; --restore-environment) restore_env=1;; --destroy-environment) destroy=1;; -*) testopts="$testopts $1";; *) testargs="$testargs $1" esac } function run_management_command { ${command_wrapper} python $root/manage.py $testopts $testargs } function run_server { echo "Starting Django development server..." ${command_wrapper} python $root/manage.py runserver $testopts $testargs echo "Server stopped." } function run_pylint { echo "Running pylint ..." PYTHONPATH=$root ${command_wrapper} pylint --rcfile=.pylintrc -f parseable $included_dirs > pylint.txt || true CODE=$? grep Global -A2 pylint.txt if [ $CODE -lt 32 ]; then echo "Completed successfully." exit 0 else echo "Completed with problems." exit $CODE fi } function run_pep8 { echo "Running flake8 ..." DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.test.settings ${command_wrapper} flake8 $included_dirs } function run_sphinx { echo "Building sphinx..." export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=openstack_dashboard.settings ${command_wrapper} sphinx-build -b html doc/source doc/build/html echo "Build complete." } function tab_check { TAB_VIOLATIONS=`find $included_dirs -type f -regex ".*\.\(css\|js\|py\|html\)" -print0 | xargs -0 awk '/\t/' | wc -l` if [ $TAB_VIOLATIONS -gt 0 ]; then echo "TABS! $TAB_VIOLATIONS of them! Oh no!" HORIZON_FILES=`find $included_dirs -type f -regex ".*\.\(css\|js\|py|\html\)"` for TABBED_FILE in $HORIZON_FILES do TAB_COUNT=`awk '/\t/' $TABBED_FILE | wc -l` if [ $TAB_COUNT -gt 0 ]; then echo "$TABBED_FILE: $TAB_COUNT" fi done fi return $TAB_VIOLATIONS; } function destroy_venv { echo "Cleaning environment..." echo "Removing virtualenv..." rm -rf $venv echo "Virtualenv removed." rm -f .environment_version echo "Environment cleaned." } function environment_check { echo "Checking environment." if [ -f .environment_version ]; then ENV_VERS=`cat .environment_version` if [ $ENV_VERS -eq $environment_version ]; then if [ -e ${venv} ]; then # If the environment exists and is up-to-date then set our variables command_wrapper="${root}/${with_venv}" echo "Environment is up to date." return 0 fi fi fi if [ $always_venv -eq 1 ]; then install_venv else if [ ! -e ${venv} ]; then echo -e "Environment not found. Install? (Y/n) \c" else echo -e "Your environment appears to be out of date. Update? (Y/n) \c" fi read update_env if [ "x$update_env" = "xY" -o "x$update_env" = "x" -o "x$update_env" = "xy" ]; then install_venv else # Set our command wrapper anyway. command_wrapper="${root}/${with_venv}" fi fi } function sanity_check { # Anything that should be determined prior to running the tests, server, etc. # Don't sanity-check anything environment-related in -N flag is set if [ $never_venv -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -e ${venv} ]; then echo "Virtualenv not found at $venv. Did install_venv.py succeed?" exit 1 fi fi # Remove .pyc files. This is sanity checking because they can linger # after old files are deleted. find . -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \; } function backup_environment { if [ $backup_env -eq 1 ]; then echo "Backing up environment \"$JOB_NAME\"..." if [ ! -e ${venv} ]; then echo "Environment not installed. Cannot back up." return 0 fi if [ -d /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME ]; then mv /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME.old rm -rf /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME fi mkdir -p /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME cp -r $venv /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME/ cp .environment_version /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME/ # Remove the backup now that we've completed successfully rm -rf /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME.old echo "Backup completed" fi } function restore_environment { if [ $restore_env -eq 1 ]; then echo "Restoring environment from backup..." if [ ! -d /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME ]; then echo "No backup to restore from." return 0 fi cp -r /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME/.venv ./ || true cp -r /tmp/.horizon_environment/$JOB_NAME/.environment_version ./ || true echo "Environment restored successfully." fi } function install_venv { # Install with install_venv.py export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=${PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE-/tmp/.pip_download_cache} export PIP_USE_MIRRORS=true if [ $quiet -eq 1 ]; then export PIP_NO_INPUT=true fi echo "Fetching new src packages..." rm -rf $venv/src python tools/install_venv.py command_wrapper="$root/${with_venv}" # Make sure it worked and record the environment version sanity_check chmod -R 754 $venv echo $environment_version > .environment_version } function run_tests { sanity_check if [ $with_selenium -eq 1 ]; then export WITH_SELENIUM=1 elif [ $only_selenium -eq 1 ]; then export WITH_SELENIUM=1 export SKIP_UNITTESTS=1 fi if [ -z "$testargs" ]; then run_tests_all else run_tests_subset fi } function run_tests_subset { project=`echo $testargs | awk -F. '{print $1}'` ${command_wrapper} python $root/manage.py test --settings=$project.test.settings $testopts $testargs } function run_tests_all { echo "Running Horizon application tests" export NOSE_XUNIT_FILE=horizon/nosetests.xml if [ "$NOSE_WITH_HTML_OUTPUT" = '1' ]; then export NOSE_HTML_OUT_FILE='horizon_nose_results.html' fi ${command_wrapper} coverage erase ${command_wrapper} coverage run -p $root/manage.py test horizon --settings=horizon.test.settings $testopts # get results of the Horizon tests HORIZON_RESULT=$? echo "Running openstack_dashboard tests" export NOSE_XUNIT_FILE=openstack_dashboard/nosetests.xml if [ "$NOSE_WITH_HTML_OUTPUT" = '1' ]; then export NOSE_HTML_OUT_FILE='dashboard_nose_results.html' fi ${command_wrapper} coverage run -p $root/manage.py test openstack_dashboard --settings=openstack_dashboard.test.settings $testopts # get results of the openstack_dashboard tests DASHBOARD_RESULT=$? if [ $with_coverage -eq 1 ]; then echo "Generating coverage reports" ${command_wrapper} coverage combine ${command_wrapper} coverage xml -i --omit='/usr*,setup.py,*egg*,.venv/*' ${command_wrapper} coverage html -i --omit='/usr*,setup.py,*egg*,.venv/*' -d reports fi # Remove the leftover coverage files from the -p flag earlier. rm -f .coverage.* if [ $(($HORIZON_RESULT || $DASHBOARD_RESULT)) -eq 0 ]; then echo "Tests completed successfully." else echo "Tests failed." fi exit $(($HORIZON_RESULT || $DASHBOARD_RESULT)) } function run_makemessages { echo -n "horizon: " cd horizon ${command_wrapper} $root/manage.py makemessages -l en --no-obsolete HORIZON_PY_RESULT=$? echo -n "horizon javascript: " ${command_wrapper} $root/manage.py makemessages -d djangojs -l en --no-obsolete HORIZON_JS_RESULT=$? echo -n "openstack_dashboard: " cd ../openstack_dashboard ${command_wrapper} $root/manage.py makemessages -l en --ignore=openstack/common/* --no-obsolete DASHBOARD_RESULT=$? cd .. exit $(($HORIZON_PY_RESULT || $HORIZON_JS_RESULT || $DASHBOARD_RESULT)) } function run_compilemessages { cd horizon ${command_wrapper} $root/manage.py compilemessages HORIZON_PY_RESULT=$? cd ../openstack_dashboard ${command_wrapper} $root/manage.py compilemessages DASHBOARD_RESULT=$? cd .. exit $(($HORIZON_PY_RESULT || $DASHBOARD_RESULT)) } # ---------PREPARE THE ENVIRONMENT------------ # # PROCESS ARGUMENTS, OVERRIDE DEFAULTS for arg in "$@"; do process_option $arg done if [ $quiet -eq 1 ] && [ $never_venv -eq 0 ] && [ $always_venv -eq 0 ] then always_venv=1 fi # If destroy is set, just blow it away and exit. if [ $destroy -eq 1 ]; then destroy_venv exit 0 fi # Ignore all of this if the -N flag was set if [ $never_venv -eq 0 ]; then # Restore previous environment if desired if [ $restore_env -eq 1 ]; then restore_environment fi # Remove the virtual environment if --force used if [ $force -eq 1 ]; then destroy_venv fi # Then check if it's up-to-date environment_check # Create a backup of the up-to-date environment if desired if [ $backup_env -eq 1 ]; then backup_environment fi fi # ---------EXERCISE THE CODE------------ # # Run management commands if [ $manage -eq 1 ]; then run_management_command exit $? fi # Build the docs if [ $just_docs -eq 1 ]; then run_sphinx exit $? fi # Update translation files if [ $makemessages -eq 1 ]; then run_makemessages exit $? fi # Compile translation files if [ $compilemessages -eq 1 ]; then run_compilemessages exit $? fi # PEP8 if [ $just_pep8 -eq 1 ]; then run_pep8 exit $? fi # Pylint if [ $just_pylint -eq 1 ]; then run_pylint exit $? fi # Tab checker if [ $just_tabs -eq 1 ]; then tab_check exit $? fi # Django development server if [ $runserver -eq 1 ]; then run_server exit $? fi # Full test suite run_tests || exit