/* * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; /** * @ngdoc controller * @name LaunchInstanceSourceController * @description * The `LaunchInstanceSourceController` controller provides functions for * configuring the source step of the Launch Instance Wizard. * */ var push = [].push; angular .module('horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance') .controller('LaunchInstanceSourceController', LaunchInstanceSourceController); LaunchInstanceSourceController.$inject = [ '$scope', 'horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance.boot-source-types', 'bytesFilter', 'dateFilter', 'decodeFilter', 'diskFormatFilter', 'gbFilter', 'horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance.basePath', 'horizon.framework.widgets.transfer-table.events', 'horizon.framework.widgets.magic-search.events' ]; function LaunchInstanceSourceController($scope, bootSourceTypes, bytesFilter, dateFilter, decodeFilter, diskFormatFilter, gbFilter, basePath, events, magicSearchEvents ) { var ctrl = this; // Error text for invalid fields /*eslint-disable max-len */ ctrl.bootSourceTypeError = gettext('Volumes can only be attached to 1 active instance at a time. Please either set your instance count to 1 or select a different source type.'); /*eslint-enable max-len */ // toggle button label/value defaults ctrl.toggleButtonOptions = [ { label: gettext('Yes'), value: true }, { label: gettext('No'), value: false } ]; /* * Boot Sources */ ctrl.updateBootSourceSelection = updateBootSourceSelection; var selection = ctrl.selection = $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source; /* * Transfer table */ ctrl.tableHeadCells = []; ctrl.tableBodyCells = []; ctrl.tableData = { available: [], allocated: selection, displayedAvailable: [], displayedAllocated: [] }; ctrl.helpText = {}; ctrl.sourceDetails = basePath + 'source/source-details.html'; var bootSources = { image: { available: $scope.model.images, allocated: selection, displayedAvailable: $scope.model.images, displayedAllocated: selection }, snapshot: { available: $scope.model.imageSnapshots, allocated: selection, displayedAvailable: [], displayedAllocated: selection }, volume: { available: $scope.model.volumes, allocated: selection, displayedAvailable: [], displayedAllocated: selection }, volume_snapshot: { available: $scope.model.volumeSnapshots, allocated: selection, displayedAvailable: [], displayedAllocated: selection } }; var diskFormats = [ { label: gettext('AKI'), key: 'aki' }, { label: gettext('AMI'), key: 'ami' }, { label: gettext('ARI'), key: 'ari' }, { label: gettext('Docker'), key: 'docker' }, { label: gettext('ISO'), key: 'iso' }, { label: gettext('OVA'), key: 'ova' }, { label: gettext('QCOW2'), key: 'qcow2' }, { label: gettext('RAW'), key: 'raw' }, { label: gettext('VDI'), key: 'vdi' }, { label: gettext('VHD'), key: 'vhd' }, { label: gettext('VMDK'), key: 'vmdk' } ]; // Mapping for dynamic table headers var tableHeadCellsMap = { image: [ { text: gettext('Name'), sortable: true, sortDefault: true }, { text: gettext('Updated'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Size'), classList: ['number'], sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Type'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Visibility'), sortable: true } ], snapshot: [ { text: gettext('Name'), sortable: true, sortDefault: true }, { text: gettext('Updated'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Size'), classList: ['number'], sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Type'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Visibility'), sortable: true } ], volume: [ { text: gettext('Name'), sortable: true, sortDefault: true }, { text: gettext('Description'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Size'), classList: ['number'], sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Type'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Availability Zone'), sortable: true } ], volume_snapshot: [ { text: gettext('Name'), sortable: true, sortDefault: true }, { text: gettext('Description'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Size'), classList: ['number'], sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Created'), sortable: true }, { text: gettext('Status'), sortable: true } ] }; // Map Visibility data so we can decode true/false to Public/Private var _visibilitymap = { true: gettext('Public'), false: gettext('Private') }; // Mapping for dynamic table data var tableBodyCellsMap = { image: [ { key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light', 'word-break'] }, { key: 'updated_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' }, { key: 'size', filter: bytesFilter, classList: ['number'] }, { key: 'disk_format', filter: diskFormatFilter, filterRawData: true }, { key: 'is_public', filter: decodeFilter, filterArg: _visibilitymap } ], snapshot: [ { key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light', 'word-break'] }, { key: 'updated_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' }, { key: 'size', filter: bytesFilter, classList: ['number'] }, { key: 'disk_format', filter: diskFormatFilter, filterRawData: true }, { key: 'is_public', filter: decodeFilter, filterArg: _visibilitymap } ], volume: [ { key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light', 'word-break'] }, { key: 'description' }, { key: 'size', filter: gbFilter, classList: ['number'] }, { key: 'volume_image_metadata', filter: diskFormatFilter }, { key: 'availability_zone' } ], volume_snapshot: [ { key: 'name', classList: ['hi-light', 'word-break'] }, { key: 'description' }, { key: 'size', filter: gbFilter, classList: ['number'] }, { key: 'created_at', filter: dateFilter, filterArg: 'short' }, { key: 'status' } ] }; /** * Filtering - client-side MagicSearch */ ctrl.sourceFacets = []; // All facets for source step var facets = { created: { label: gettext('Created'), name: 'created_at', singleton: true }, description: { label: gettext('Description'), name: 'description', singleton: true }, encrypted: { label: gettext('Encrypted'), name: 'encrypted', singleton: true, options: [ { label: gettext('Yes'), key: 'true' }, { label: gettext('No'), key: 'false' } ] }, name: { label: gettext('Name'), name: 'name', singleton: true }, size: { label: gettext('Size'), name: 'size', singleton: true }, status: { label: gettext('Status'), name: 'status', singleton: true, options: [ { label: gettext('Available'), key: 'available' }, { label: gettext('Creating'), key: 'creating' }, { label: gettext('Deleting'), key: 'deleting' }, { label: gettext('Error'), key: 'error' }, { label: gettext('Error Deleting'), key: 'error_deleting' } ] }, type: { label: gettext('Type'), name: 'disk_format', singleton: true, options: diskFormats }, updated: { label: gettext('Updated'), name: 'updated_at', singleton: true }, visibility: { label: gettext('Visibility'), name: 'is_public', singleton: true, options: [ { label: gettext('Public'), key: 'true' }, { label: gettext('Private'), key: 'false' } ] }, volumeType: { label: gettext('Type'), name: 'volume_image_metadata.disk_format', singleton: true, options: diskFormats } }; // Mapping for filter facets based on boot source type var sourceTypeFacets = { image: [ facets.name, facets.updated, facets.size, facets.type, facets.visibility ], snapshot: [ facets.name, facets.updated, facets.size, facets.type, facets.visibility ], volume: [ facets.name, facets.description, facets.size, facets.volumeType, facets.encrypted ], volume_snapshot: [ facets.name, facets.description, facets.size, facets.created, facets.status ] }; var newSpecWatcher = $scope.$watch( function () { return $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count; }, function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { validateBootSourceType(); } } ); var allocatedWatcher = $scope.$watch( function () { return ctrl.tableData.allocated.length; }, function (newValue) { checkVolumeForImage(newValue); } ); // Since available transfer table for Launch Instance Source step is // dynamically selected based on Boot Source, we need to update the // model here accordingly. Otherwise it will only calculate the items // available based on the original selection Boot Source: Image. var bootSourceWatcher = $scope.$watch( function getBootSource() { return ctrl.currentBootSource; }, function onBootSourceChange(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { $scope.$broadcast(events.AVAIL_CHANGED, { 'data': bootSources[newValue] }); } } ); var imagesWatcher = $scope.$watchCollection( function getImages() { return $scope.model.images; }, function onImagesChange() { $scope.initPromise.then(function () { $scope.$applyAsync(function () { if ($scope.launchContext.imageId) { setSourceImageWithId($scope.launchContext.imageId); } }); }); } ); var volumeWatcher = $scope.$watchCollection( function getVolumes() { return $scope.model.volumes; }, function onVolumesChange() { $scope.initPromise.then(function onInit() { $scope.$applyAsync(function setDefaultVolume() { if ($scope.launchContext.volumeId) { setSourceVolumeWithId($scope.launchContext.volumeId); } }); }); } ); var snapshotWatcher = $scope.$watchCollection( function getSnapshots() { return $scope.model.volumeSnapshots; }, function onSnapshotsChange() { $scope.initPromise.then(function onInit() { $scope.$applyAsync(function setDefaultSnapshot() { if ($scope.launchContext.snapshotId) { setSourceSnapshotWithId($scope.launchContext.snapshotId); } }); }); } ); // When the allowedboot list changes, change the source_type // and update the table for the new source selection. Only done // with the first item for the list var allowedBootSourcesWatcher = $scope.$watchCollection( function getAllowedBootSources() { return $scope.model.allowedBootSources; }, function changeBootSource(newValue) { if (angular.isArray(newValue) && newValue.length > 0 && !$scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type) { updateBootSourceSelection(newValue[0].type); $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = newValue[0]; } } ); // Explicitly remove watchers on destruction of this controller $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { allowedBootSourcesWatcher(); newSpecWatcher(); allocatedWatcher(); bootSourceWatcher(); imagesWatcher(); volumeWatcher(); snapshotWatcher(); }); //////////////////// function updateBootSourceSelection(selectedSource) { ctrl.currentBootSource = selectedSource; if ((selectedSource === bootSourceTypes.IMAGE) && $scope.model.volumeBootable) { $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_create = true; } else { $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_create = false; } $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_delete_on_instance_delete = false; changeBootSource(selectedSource); validateBootSourceType(); } // Dynamically update page based on boot source selection function changeBootSource(key, preSelection) { updateDataSource(key, preSelection); updateHelpText(key); updateTableHeadCells(key); updateTableBodyCells(key); updateFacets(key); } function updateDataSource(key, preSelection) { selection.length = 0; if (preSelection) { push.apply(selection, preSelection); } angular.extend(ctrl.tableData, bootSources[key]); } function updateHelpText() { angular.extend(ctrl.helpText, { noneAllocText: gettext('Select a source from those listed below.'), availHelpText: gettext('Select one'), /*eslint-disable max-len */ volumeAZHelpText: gettext('When selecting volume as boot source, please ensure the instance\'s availability zone is compatible with your volume\'s availability zone.') /*eslint-enable max-len */ }); } function updateTableHeadCells(key) { refillArray(ctrl.tableHeadCells, tableHeadCellsMap[key]); } function updateTableBodyCells(key) { refillArray(ctrl.tableBodyCells, tableBodyCellsMap[key]); } function updateFacets(key) { refillArray(ctrl.sourceFacets, sourceTypeFacets[key]); $scope.$broadcast(magicSearchEvents.FACETS_CHANGED); } function refillArray(arrayToRefill, contentArray) { arrayToRefill.length = 0; Array.prototype.push.apply(arrayToRefill, contentArray); } /* * Validation */ /* * If boot source type is 'image' and 'Create New Volume' is checked, set the minimum volume * size for validating vol_size field */ function checkVolumeForImage() { var source = selection[0]; if (source && ctrl.currentBootSource === bootSourceTypes.IMAGE) { var imageGb = source.size * 1e-9; var imageDisk = source.min_disk; ctrl.minVolumeSize = Math.ceil(Math.max(imageGb, imageDisk)); if ($scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_size < ctrl.minVolumeSize) { $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.vol_size = ctrl.minVolumeSize; } var volumeSizeText = gettext('The volume size must be at least %(minVolumeSize)s GB'); var volumeSizeObj = { minVolumeSize: ctrl.minVolumeSize }; ctrl.volumeSizeError = interpolate(volumeSizeText, volumeSizeObj, true); } else { ctrl.minVolumeSize = 0; ctrl.volumeSizeError = gettext('Volume size is required and must be an integer'); } } // Validator for boot source type. Instance count must to be 1 if volume selected function validateBootSourceType() { var bootSourceType = ctrl.currentBootSource; var instanceCount = $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count; /* * Field is valid if boot source type is not volume, instance count is blank/undefined * (this is an error with instance count) or instance count is 1 */ var isValid = bootSourceType !== bootSourceTypes.VOLUME || !instanceCount || instanceCount === 1; $scope.launchInstanceSourceForm['boot-source-type'] .$setValidity('bootSourceType', isValid); } function findSourceById(sources, id) { var len = sources.length; var source; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { source = sources[i]; if (source.id === id) { return source; } } } function setSourceImageWithId(id) { var pre = findSourceById($scope.model.images, id); if (pre) { changeBootSource(bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, [pre]); $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = { type: bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, label: gettext('Image') }; ctrl.currentBootSource = bootSourceTypes.IMAGE; } } function setSourceVolumeWithId(id) { var pre = findSourceById($scope.model.volumes, id); if (pre) { changeBootSource(bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, [pre]); $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = { type: bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, label: gettext('Volume') }; ctrl.currentBootSource = bootSourceTypes.VOLUME; } } function setSourceSnapshotWithId(id) { var pre = findSourceById($scope.model.volumeSnapshots, id); if (pre) { changeBootSource(bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, [pre]); $scope.model.newInstanceSpec.source_type = { type: bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, label: gettext('Snapshot') }; ctrl.currentBootSource = bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT; } } } })();