/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api') .factory('horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.cinder', cinderAPI); cinderAPI.$inject = [ 'horizon.framework.util.http.service', 'horizon.framework.widgets.toast.service' ]; /** * @ngdoc service * @param {Object} apiService * @param {Object} toastService * @name cinder * @description Provides direct access to Cinder APIs. * @returns {Object} The service */ function cinderAPI(apiService, toastService) { var service = { getVolumes: getVolumes, getVolume: getVolume, getVolumeTypes: getVolumeTypes, getVolumeMetadata: getVolumeMetadata, getVolumeSnapshotMetadata: getVolumeSnapshotMetadata, getVolumeTypeMetadata: getVolumeTypeMetadata, getVolumeType: getVolumeType, getDefaultVolumeType: getDefaultVolumeType, getVolumeSnapshots: getVolumeSnapshots, getExtensions: getExtensions, getQoSSpecs: getQoSSpecs, getAvailabilityZones:getAvailabilityZones, createVolume: createVolume, getAbsoluteLimits: getAbsoluteLimits, getServices: getServices, getDefaultQuotaSets: getDefaultQuotaSets, setDefaultQuotaSets: setDefaultQuotaSets, updateProjectQuota: updateProjectQuota, editVolumeMetadata: editVolumeMetadata, editVolumeSnapshotMetadata: editVolumeSnapshotMetadata, editVolumeTypeMetadata:editVolumeTypeMetadata }; return service; /////////////// // Volumes /** * @name getVolumes * @description * Get a list of volumes. * * The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is * a volume. * * @param {Object} params * Query parameters. Optional. * * @param {boolean} params.paginate * True to paginate automatically. * * @param {string} params.marker * Specifies the image of the last-seen image. * * The typical pattern of limit and marker is to make an * initial limited request and then to use the last * image from the response as the marker parameter * in a subsequent limited request. With paginate, limit * is automatically set. * * @param {string} params.sort_dir * The sort direction ('asc' or 'desc'). * * @param {string} param.search_opts * Filters to pass through the API. * For example, "status": "available" will show all available volumes. * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getVolumes(params) { var config = params ? {'params': params} : {}; return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumes/', config) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volumes.')); }); } /** * @name getVolume * @description * Get a single Volume by ID. * * @param {string} id * Specifies the id of the Volume to request. * * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getVolume(id) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumes/' + id) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume.')); }); } /** * @name createVolume * @param {Object} newVolume - The new volume object * @description * Create a volume. * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function createVolume(newVolume) { return apiService.post('/api/cinder/volumes/', newVolume) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to create the volume.')); }); } // Volume Types /** * @name getVolumeTypes * @description * Get a list of volume types. * * The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is * a volume type. * * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getVolumeTypes() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumetypes/') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume types.')); }); } function getVolumeMetadata(id) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumes/' + id + '/metadata') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume metadata.')); }); } function getVolumeSnapshotMetadata(id) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumesnapshots/' + id + '/metadata') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the snapshot metadata.')); }); } function getVolumeTypeMetadata(id) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumetypes/' + id + '/metadata') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume type metadata.')); }); } function editVolumeMetadata(id, updated, removed) { return apiService.patch( '/api/cinder/volumes/' + id + '/metadata', { updated: updated, removed: removed } ).error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to edit volume metadata.')); }); } function editVolumeSnapshotMetadata(id, updated, removed) { return apiService.patch( '/api/cinder/volumesnapshots/' + id + '/metadata', { updated: updated, removed: removed } ).error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to edit snapshot metadata.')); }); } function editVolumeTypeMetadata(id, updated, removed) { return apiService.patch( '/api/cinder/volumetypes/' + id + '/metadata', { updated: updated, removed: removed } ).error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to edit volume type metadata.')); }); } /** * @name getVolumeType * @description * Get a single Volume Type by ID. * * @param {string} id * Specifies the id of the Volume Type to request. * * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getVolumeType(id) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumetypes/' + id) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume type.')); }); } /** * @name getDefaultVolumeType * @description * Get the default Volume Type * * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getDefaultVolumeType() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumetypes/default') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the default volume type.')); }); } // Volume Snapshots /** * @name getVolumeSnapshots * @description * Get a list of volume snapshots. * * The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is * a volume snapshot. * * @param {Object} params * Query parameters. Optional. * * @param {string} param.search_opts * Filters to pass through the API. * For example, "status": "available" will show all available volume * snapshots. * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getVolumeSnapshots(params) { var config = params ? {'params': params} : {}; return apiService.get('/api/cinder/volumesnapshots/', config) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume snapshots.')); }); } // Cinder Extensions /** * @name getExtensions * @param {Object} config - The configuration for retrieving the extensions * @description * Returns a list of enabled extensions. * * The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is * an extension. * @example * The following is an example response: * * { * "items": [ * { * "alias": "OS-SCH-HNT", * "description": "Pass arbitrary key/value pairs to the scheduler.", * "links": [], * "name": "SchedulerHints", * "updated": "2013-04-18T00:00:00+00:00" * } * ] * } * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getExtensions(config) { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/extensions/', config) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the extensions.')); }); } // Cinder Services /** * @name getServices * @description Get the list of Cinder services. * * @returns {Object} An object with property "services." Each item is * a service. */ function getServices() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/services/') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the cinder services.')); }); } /** * @name getQoSSpecs * @description * Get a list of Quality of Service. * * The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is * a Quality of Service Spec. * * @param {Object} params * Query parameters. Optional. * @returns {Object} The result of the API call * */ function getQoSSpecs(params) { var config = params ? {'params': params} : {}; return apiService.get('/api/cinder/qosspecs/', config) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the QoS Specs.')); }); } /** * @name getAbsoluteLimits * @description * Get the limits for the current tenant. * * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getAbsoluteLimits() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/tenantabsolutelimits/') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the Absolute Limits.')); }); } // Default Quota Sets /** * @name horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.cinder.getDefaultQuotaSets * @description * Get default quotasets * * The listing result is an object with property "items." Each item is * a quota. * */ function getDefaultQuotaSets() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/quota-sets/defaults/') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the default quotas.')); }); } /** * @name horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.cinder.setDefaultQuotaSets * @description * Set default quota sets * */ function setDefaultQuotaSets(quotas) { return apiService.patch('/api/cinder/quota-sets/defaults/', quotas) .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to set the default quotas.')); }); } // Quota Sets /** * @name updateProjectQuota * @description * Update a single project quota data. * @param {application/json} quota * A JSON object with the attributes to set to new quota values. * @param {string} projectId * Specifies the id of the project that'll have the quota data updated. */ function updateProjectQuota(quota, projectId) { var url = '/api/cinder/quota-sets/' + projectId; return apiService.patch(url, quota) .error(function() { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to update project quota data.')); }); } // Availability Zones /** * @name getAvailabilityZones * @description * Get a list of Availability Zones. * * The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is * an availability zone. * @returns {Object} The result of the API call */ function getAvailabilityZones() { return apiService.get('/api/cinder/availzones/') .error(function () { toastService.add('error', gettext('Unable to retrieve the volume availability zones.')); }); } } }());