(function () { 'use strict'; var push = Array.prototype.push; var noop = angular.noop; /** * @ngdoc overview * @name hz.dashboard.launch-instance * * @description * Manage workflow of creating server. */ var module = angular.module('hz.dashboard.launch-instance'); /** * @ngdoc service * @name launchInstanceModel * * @description * This is the M part in MVC design pattern for launch instance * wizard workflow. It is responsible for providing data to the * view of each step in launch instance workflow and collecting * user's input from view for creation of new instance. It is * also the center point of communication between launch instance * UI and services API. */ module.factory('launchInstanceModel', ['$q', '$log', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.cinder', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.glance', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.keystone', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.neutron', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.nova', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.novaExtensions', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.security-group', 'horizon.openstack-service-api.serviceCatalog', function ($q, $log, cinderAPI, glanceAPI, keystoneAPI, neutronAPI, novaAPI, novaExtensions, securityGroup, serviceCatalog) { var initPromise; // Constants (const in ES6) var NON_BOOTABLE_IMAGE_TYPES = ['aki', 'ari']; var SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE = 'image'; var SOURCE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = 'snapshot'; var SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME = 'volume'; var SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT = 'volume_snapshot'; /** * @ngdoc model api object */ var model = { initializing: false, initialized: false, /** * @name newInstanceSpec * * @description * A dictionary like object containing specification collected from user's * input. Its required properties include: * * @property {String} name: The new server name. * @property {String} source_type: The type of source * Valid options: (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot) * @property {String} source_id: The ID of the image / volume to use. * @property {String} flavor_id: The ID of the flavor to use. * * Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient: * - https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/blob/master/novaclient/v2/servers.py#L417 * But may be required additional values as per nova: * - https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/api/rest/nova.py#L127 * * The JS code only needs to set the values below as they are made. * The createInstance function will map them appropriately. */ // see initializeNewInstanceSpec newInstanceSpec: {}, /** * cloud service properties, they should be READ-ONLY to all UI controllers */ availabilityZones: [], flavors: [], allowedBootSources: [], images: [], allowCreateVolumeFromImage: false, arePortProfilesSupported: false, imageSnapshots: [], keypairs: [], metadataDefs: { flavor: null, image: null, volume: null }, networks: [], neutronEnabled: false, novaLimits: {}, profiles: [], securityGroups: [], volumeBootable: false, volumes: [], volumeSnapshots: [], /** * api methods for UI controllers */ initialize: initialize, createInstance: createInstance }; // Local function. function initializeNewInstanceSpec() { model.newInstanceSpec = { availability_zone: null, admin_pass: null, config_drive: false, user_data: '', // REQUIRED Server Key. Null allowed. disk_config: 'AUTO', flavor: null, // REQUIRED instance_count: 1, key_pair: [], // REQUIRED Server Key name: null, // REQUIRED networks: [], profile: {}, security_groups: [], // REQUIRED Server Key. May be empty. source_type: null, // REQUIRED for JS logic (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot) source: [], vol_create: false, // REQUIRED for JS logic vol_device_name: 'vda', // May be null vol_delete_on_terminate: false, vol_size: 1 }; } /** * @ngdoc method * @name launchInstanceModel.initialize * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request to get all data to initialize the model. */ function initialize(deep) { var deferred, promise; // Each time opening launch instance wizard, we need to do this, or // we can call the whole methods `reset` instead of `initialize`. initializeNewInstanceSpec(); if (model.initializing) { promise = initPromise; } else if (model.initialized && !deep) { deferred = $q.defer(); promise = deferred.promise; deferred.resolve(); } else { model.initializing = true; model.allowedBootSources.length = 0; promise = $q.all([ getImages(), novaAPI.getAvailabilityZones().then(onGetAvailabilityZones, noop), novaAPI.getFlavors(true, true).then(onGetFlavors, noop), novaAPI.getKeypairs().then(onGetKeypairs, noop), novaAPI.getLimits().then(onGetNovaLimits, noop), securityGroup.query().then(onGetSecurityGroups, noop), serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('network').then(getNetworks, noop), serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('volume').then(getVolumes, noop) ]); promise.then( function() { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = true; // This provides supplemental data non-critical to launching // an instance. Therefore we load it only if the critical data // all loads successfully. getMetadataDefinitions(); }, function () { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = false; } ); } return promise; } /** * @ngdoc method * @name launchInstanceModel.createInstance * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request for creating server. */ function createInstance() { var finalSpec = angular.copy(model.newInstanceSpec); cleanNullProperties(); setFinalSpecBootsource(finalSpec); setFinalSpecFlavor(finalSpec); setFinalSpecNetworks(finalSpec); setFinalSpecKeyPairs(finalSpec); setFinalSpecSecurityGroups(finalSpec); return novaAPI.createServer(finalSpec); } function cleanNullProperties(finalSpec) { // Initially clean fields that don't have any value. for (var key in finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.hasOwnProperty(key) && finalSpec[key] === null) { delete finalSpec[key]; } } } // // Local // function onGetAvailabilityZones(data) { model.availabilityZones.length = 0; push.apply(model.availabilityZones, data.data.items .filter(function (zone) { return zone.zoneState && zone.zoneState.available; }) .map(function (zone) { return zone.zoneName; }) ); if (model.availabilityZones.length > 0) { model.newInstanceSpec.availability_zone = model.availabilityZones[0]; } } // Flavors function onGetFlavors(data) { model.flavors.length = 0; push.apply(model.flavors, data.data.items); } function setFinalSpecFlavor(finalSpec) { if ( finalSpec.flavor ) { finalSpec.flavor_id = finalSpec.flavor.id; } else { delete finalSpec.flavor_id; } delete finalSpec.flavor; } // Keypairs function onGetKeypairs(data) { angular.extend( model.keypairs, data.data.items.map(function (e) { e.keypair.id = e.keypair.name; return e.keypair; })); } function setFinalSpecKeyPairs(finalSpec) { // Nova only wants the key name. It is a required field, even if None. if (!finalSpec.key_name && finalSpec.key_pair.length === 1) { finalSpec.key_name = finalSpec.key_pair[0].name; } else if (!finalSpec.key_name) { finalSpec.key_name = null; } delete finalSpec.key_pair; } // Security Groups function onGetSecurityGroups(data) { model.securityGroups.length = 0; push.apply(model.securityGroups, data.data.items); // set initial default if (model.newInstanceSpec.security_groups.length === 0 && model.securityGroups.length > 0) { model.securityGroups.forEach(function (securityGroup) { if (securityGroup.name === 'default') { model.newInstanceSpec.security_groups.push(securityGroup); } }); } } function setFinalSpecSecurityGroups(finalSpec) { // pull out the ids from the security groups objects var securityGroupIds = []; finalSpec.security_groups.forEach(function(securityGroup) { if (model.neutronEnabled) { securityGroupIds.push(securityGroup.id); } else { securityGroupIds.push(securityGroup.name); } }); finalSpec.security_groups = securityGroupIds; } // Networks function getNetworks() { return neutronAPI.getNetworks().then(onGetNetworks, noop); } function onGetNetworks(data) { model.neutronEnabled = true; model.networks.length = 0; push.apply(model.networks, data.data.items); } function setFinalSpecNetworks(finalSpec) { finalSpec.nics = []; finalSpec.networks.forEach(function (network) { finalSpec.nics.push( { "net-id": network.id, "v4-fixed-ip": "" }); }); delete finalSpec.networks; } // Boot Source function getImages() { return glanceAPI.getImages({status:'active'}).then(onGetImages); } function isBootableImageType(image) { // This is a blacklist of images that can not be booted. // If the image container type is in the blacklist // The evaluation will result in a 0 or greater index. return NON_BOOTABLE_IMAGE_TYPES.indexOf(image.container_format) < 0; } function onGetImages(data) { model.images.length = 0; push.apply(model.images, data.data.items.filter(function (image) { return isBootableImageType(image) && (!image.properties || image.properties.image_type !== 'snapshot'); })); addAllowedBootSource(model.images, SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE, gettext('Image')); model.imageSnapshots.length = 0; push.apply(model.imageSnapshots, data.data.items.filter(function (image) { return isBootableImageType(image) && (image.properties && image.properties.image_type === 'snapshot'); })); addAllowedBootSource( model.imageSnapshots, SOURCE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Instance Snapshot') ); } function getVolumes() { var volumePromises = []; // Need to check if Volume service is enabled before getting volumes model.volumeBootable = true; addAllowedBootSource(model.volumes, SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME, gettext('Volume')); addAllowedBootSource( model.volumeSnapshots, SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Volume Snapshot') ); volumePromises.push(cinderAPI.getVolumes({ status: 'available', bootable: 1 }) .then(onGetVolumes)); volumePromises.push(cinderAPI.getVolumeSnapshots({ status: 'available' }) .then(onGetVolumeSnapshots)); // Can only boot image to volume if the Nova extension is enabled. novaExtensions.ifNameEnabled('BlockDeviceMappingV2Boot') .then(function() { model.allowCreateVolumeFromImage = true; }); return $q.all(volumePromises); } function onGetVolumes(data) { model.volumes.length = 0; push.apply(model.volumes, data.data.items); } function onGetVolumeSnapshots(data) { model.volumeSnapshots.length = 0; push.apply(model.volumeSnapshots, data.data.items); } function addAllowedBootSource(rawTypes, type, label) { if (rawTypes && rawTypes.length > 0) { model.allowedBootSources.push({ type: type, label: label }); } } function setFinalSpecBootsource(finalSpec) { finalSpec.source_id = finalSpec.source && finalSpec.source[0] && finalSpec.source[0].id; delete finalSpec.source; switch (finalSpec.source_type.type) { case SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE: setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec); break; case SOURCE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT: break; case SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME: setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'vol'); break; case SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT: setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'snap'); break; default: $log.error("Unknown source type: " + finalSpec.source_type); } // The following are all fields gathered into simple fields by // steps so that the view can simply bind to simple model attributes // that are then transformed a single time to Nova's expectation // at launch time. delete finalSpec.source_type; delete finalSpec.vol_create; delete finalSpec.vol_device_name; delete finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate; delete finalSpec.vol_size; } function setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.vol_create) { // Specify null to get Autoselection (not empty string) var deviceName = finalSpec.vol_device_name ? finalSpec.vol_device_name : null; finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2 = []; finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2.push( { 'device_name': deviceName, 'source_type': SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE, 'destination_type': SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME, 'delete_on_termination': finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate ? 1 : 0, 'uuid': finalSpec.source_id, 'boot_index': '0', 'volume_size': finalSpec.vol_size } ); finalSpec.source_id = null; } } function setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, sourceType) { finalSpec.block_device_mapping = {}; finalSpec.block_device_mapping[finalSpec.vol_device_name] = [ finalSpec.source_id, ':', sourceType, '::', (finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate ? 1 : 0) ].join(''); // Source ID must be empty for API finalSpec.source_id = ''; } // Nova Limits function onGetNovaLimits(data) { angular.extend(model.novaLimits, data.data); } // Metadata Definitions /** * Metadata definitions provide supplemental information in detail * rows and should not slow down any of the other load processes. * All code should be written to treat metadata definitions as * optional, because they are never guaranteed to exist. */ function getMetadataDefinitions() { // Metadata definitions often apply to multiple // resource types. It is optimal to make a single // request for all desired resource types. var resourceTypes = { flavor: 'OS::Nova::Flavor', image: 'OS::Glance::Image', volume: 'OS::Cinder::Volumes' }; angular.forEach(resourceTypes, function (resourceType, key) { glanceAPI.getNamespaces({ 'resource_type': resourceType }, true) .then(function (data) { var namespaces = data.data.items; // This will ensure that the metaDefs model object remains // unchanged until metadefs are fully loaded. Otherwise, // partial results are loaded and can result in some odd // display behavior. if (namespaces.length) { model.metadataDefs[key] = namespaces; } }); }); } return model; } ]); })();