--- features: - | [:bug:`1795851`] Operators now can control whether the links of "Download OpenRC" and "Download clouds.yaml" are displayed or not via new settings ``SHOW_OPENRC_FILE`` and ``SHOW_OPENSTACK_CLOUDS_YAML``. ``openrc`` and ``clouds.yaml`` files provided by horizon now assume the basic simple deployment and do not cover keystone authentication like saml2, openid and so on. The default ``openrc`` and ``clouds.yaml`` from horizon do not make sense for such environments. Custom templates for ``clouds.yaml`` and ``openrc`` files can be configured now via ``OPENSTACK_CLOUDS_YAML_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE`` and ``OPENRC_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE`` settings. For more detail, see the `Settings Reference `__. ``ADD_TEMPLATE_DIRS`` setting is also added so that operators can place custom templates for ``clouds.yaml`` at deployment-specific paths.