{% load compress %} {% load url from future %} {% load datepicker_locale from horizon %} {% datepicker_locale as DATEPICKER_LOCALE %} {% include "horizon/_script_i18n.html" %} {% comment %} Compress jQuery, Angular, Plugins, Bootstrap, Hogan.js and Horizon-specific JS. {% endcomment %} {% compress js %} {% for file in HORIZON_CONFIG.js_files %} {% endfor %} {% block custom_js_files %}{% endblock %} {% endcompress %} {% comment %} Client-side Templates (These should *not* be inside the "compress" tag.) {% endcomment %} {% include "horizon/client_side/templates.html" %} {% comment %}Locale sensitive js needs to be included outisde the "compress" tag{% endcomment %} {% if DATEPICKER_LOCALE and DATEPICKER_LOCALE != 'en' %} {% endif %} {% comment %}Go!{% endcomment %}