# Copyright 2012 United States Government as represented by the # Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. # All Rights Reserved. # # Copyright 2012 Nebula, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import os import sys import warnings from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from openstack_dashboard import exceptions from openstack_dashboard import theme_settings from openstack_dashboard.utils import settings as settings_utils from horizon.utils.escape import monkeypatch_escape monkeypatch_escape() warnings.formatwarning = lambda message, category, *args, **kwargs: \ '%s: %s' % (category.__name__, message) ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) BIN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'bin')) if ROOT_PATH not in sys.path: sys.path.append(ROOT_PATH) DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = DEBUG SITE_BRANDING = 'OpenStack Dashboard' WEBROOT = '/' LOGIN_URL = None LOGOUT_URL = None LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = None MEDIA_ROOT = None MEDIA_URL = None STATIC_ROOT = None STATIC_URL = None INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT = False NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE = 2592000 ROOT_URLCONF = 'openstack_dashboard.urls' HORIZON_CONFIG = { 'user_home': 'openstack_dashboard.views.get_user_home', 'ajax_queue_limit': 10, 'auto_fade_alerts': { 'delay': 3000, 'fade_duration': 1500, 'types': ['alert-success', 'alert-info'] }, 'bug_url': None, 'help_url': "http://docs.openstack.org", 'exceptions': {'recoverable': exceptions.RECOVERABLE, 'not_found': exceptions.NOT_FOUND, 'unauthorized': exceptions.UNAUTHORIZED}, 'modal_backdrop': 'static', 'angular_modules': [], 'js_files': [], 'js_spec_files': [], 'external_templates': [], 'plugins': [], 'integration_tests_support': INTEGRATION_TESTS_SUPPORT } # The OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND settings can be used to customize features # in the OpenStack Dashboard related to the Image service, such as the list # of supported image formats. OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND = { 'image_formats': [ ('', _('Select format')), ('aki', _('AKI - Amazon Kernel Image')), ('ami', _('AMI - Amazon Machine Image')), ('ari', _('ARI - Amazon Ramdisk Image')), ('docker', _('Docker')), ('iso', _('ISO - Optical Disk Image')), ('ova', _('OVA - Open Virtual Appliance')), ('qcow2', _('QCOW2 - QEMU Emulator')), ('raw', _('Raw')), ('vdi', _('VDI - Virtual Disk Image')), ('vhd', _('VHD - Virtual Hard Disk')), ('vmdk', _('VMDK - Virtual Machine Disk')), ] } MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'horizon.middleware.OperationLogMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware', 'horizon.middleware.HorizonMiddleware', 'horizon.themes.ThemeMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ( 'django.core.context_processors.debug', 'django.core.context_processors.i18n', 'django.core.context_processors.request', 'django.core.context_processors.media', 'django.core.context_processors.static', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'horizon.context_processors.horizon', 'openstack_dashboard.context_processors.openstack', ) TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ('horizon.themes.ThemeTemplateLoader',) CACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', 'horizon.loaders.TemplateLoader',) ADD_TEMPLATE_LOADERS = [] TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'templates'), ) STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'horizon.contrib.staticfiles.finders.HorizonStaticFinder', 'compressor.finders.CompressorFinder', ) COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = ( ('text/scss', 'horizon.utils.scss_filter.HorizonScssFilter'), ) COMPRESS_CSS_FILTERS = ( 'compressor.filters.css_default.CssAbsoluteFilter', ) COMPRESS_ENABLED = True COMPRESS_OUTPUT_DIR = 'dashboard' COMPRESS_CSS_HASHING_METHOD = 'hash' COMPRESS_PARSER = 'compressor.parser.HtmlParser' INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'openstack_dashboard', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.humanize', 'django_pyscss', 'openstack_dashboard.django_pyscss_fix', 'compressor', 'horizon', 'openstack_auth', ] TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner' AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('openstack_auth.backend.KeystoneBackend',) AUTHENTICATION_URLS = ['openstack_auth.urls'] AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'openstack_auth.User' MESSAGE_STORAGE = 'django.contrib.messages.storage.fallback.FallbackStorage' SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.signed_cookies' SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = True SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False # SESSION_TIMEOUT is a method to supersede the token timeout with a shorter # horizon session timeout (in seconds). So if your token expires in 60 # minutes, a value of 1800 will log users out after 30 minutes SESSION_TIMEOUT = 3600 # When using cookie-based sessions, log error when the session cookie exceeds # the following size (common browsers drop cookies above a certain size): SESSION_COOKIE_MAX_SIZE = 4093 # when doing upgrades, it may be wise to stick to PickleSerializer # NOTE(berendt): Check during the K-cycle if this variable can be removed. # https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1349463 SESSION_SERIALIZER = 'django.contrib.sessions.serializers.PickleSerializer' LANGUAGES = ( ('cs', 'Czech'), ('de', 'German'), ('en', 'English'), ('en-au', 'Australian English'), ('en-gb', 'British English'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('fr', 'French'), ('it', 'Italian'), ('ja', 'Japanese'), ('ko', 'Korean (Korea)'), ('pl', 'Polish'), ('pt-br', 'Portuguese (Brazil)'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('tr', 'Turkish'), ('zh-cn', 'Simplified Chinese'), ('zh-tw', 'Chinese (Taiwan)'), ) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME = 'horizon_language' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE = '_member_' DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_REPORTER_FILTER = 'horizon.exceptions.HorizonReporterFilter' POLICY_FILES_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "conf") # Map of local copy of service policy files POLICY_FILES = { 'identity': 'keystone_policy.json', 'compute': 'nova_policy.json', 'volume': 'cinder_policy.json', 'image': 'glance_policy.json', 'orchestration': 'heat_policy.json', 'network': 'neutron_policy.json', 'telemetry': 'ceilometer_policy.json', } SECRET_KEY = None LOCAL_PATH = None SECURITY_GROUP_RULES = { 'all_tcp': { 'name': _('All TCP'), 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': '1', 'to_port': '65535', }, 'all_udp': { 'name': _('All UDP'), 'ip_protocol': 'udp', 'from_port': '1', 'to_port': '65535', }, 'all_icmp': { 'name': _('All ICMP'), 'ip_protocol': 'icmp', 'from_port': '-1', 'to_port': '-1', }, } ADD_INSTALLED_APPS = [] # Deprecated Theme Settings CUSTOM_THEME_PATH = None DEFAULT_THEME_PATH = None # 'key', 'label', 'path' AVAILABLE_THEMES = [ ( 'default', pgettext_lazy('Default style theme', 'Default'), 'themes/default' ), ( 'material', pgettext_lazy("Google's Material Design style theme", "Material"), 'themes/material' ), ] # The default theme if no cookie is present DEFAULT_THEME = 'default' # Theme Static Directory THEME_COLLECTION_DIR = 'themes' # Theme Cookie Name THEME_COOKIE_NAME = 'theme' POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION = None CSRF_COOKIE_AGE = None COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT = 'horizon.themes.offline_context' # Dictionary of currently available angular features ANGULAR_FEATURES = { 'images_panel': True, } # Notice all customizable configurations should be above this line XSTATIC_MODULES = settings_utils.BASE_XSTATIC_MODULES try: from local.local_settings import * # noqa except ImportError: logging.warning("No local_settings file found.") # Template loaders if DEBUG: TEMPLATE_LOADERS += CACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS + tuple(ADD_TEMPLATE_LOADERS) else: TEMPLATE_LOADERS += ( ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', CACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS), ) + tuple(ADD_TEMPLATE_LOADERS) NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE = NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE if not DEBUG else 0 # allow to drop settings snippets into a local_settings_dir LOCAL_SETTINGS_DIR_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "local", "local_settings.d") if os.path.exists(LOCAL_SETTINGS_DIR_PATH): for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(LOCAL_SETTINGS_DIR_PATH): for filename in sorted(filenames): if filename.endswith(".py"): try: execfile(os.path.join(dirpath, filename)) except Exception as e: logging.exception( "Can not exec settings snippet %s" % filename) # The purpose of OPENSTACK_IMAGE_FORMATS is to provide a simple object # that does not contain the lazy-loaded translations, so the list can # be sent as JSON to the client-side (Angular). OPENSTACK_IMAGE_FORMATS = [fmt for (fmt, name) in OPENSTACK_IMAGE_BACKEND['image_formats']] if not WEBROOT.endswith('/'): WEBROOT += '/' if LOGIN_URL is None: LOGIN_URL = WEBROOT + 'auth/login/' if LOGOUT_URL is None: LOGOUT_URL = WEBROOT + 'auth/logout/' if LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL is None: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = WEBROOT if MEDIA_ROOT is None: MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'media')) if MEDIA_URL is None: MEDIA_URL = WEBROOT + 'media/' if STATIC_ROOT is None: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'static')) if STATIC_URL is None: STATIC_URL = WEBROOT + 'static/' AVAILABLE_THEMES, DEFAULT_THEME = theme_settings.get_available_themes( AVAILABLE_THEMES, CUSTOM_THEME_PATH, DEFAULT_THEME_PATH, DEFAULT_THEME ) if CUSTOM_THEME_PATH is not None: logging.warning("CUSTOM_THEME_PATH has been deprecated. Please convert " "your settings to make use of AVAILABLE_THEMES.") if DEFAULT_THEME_PATH is not None: logging.warning("DEFAULT_THEME_PATH has been deprecated. Please convert " "your settings to make use of AVAILABLE_THEMES.") # Discover all the directories that contain static files; at the same time # discover all the xstatic module entry points to embed in our HTML STATICFILES_DIRS = settings_utils.get_xstatic_dirs( XSTATIC_MODULES, HORIZON_CONFIG) STATICFILES_DIRS += theme_settings.get_theme_static_dirs( AVAILABLE_THEMES, THEME_COLLECTION_DIR, ROOT_PATH) # Ensure that we always have a SECRET_KEY set, even when no local_settings.py # file is present. See local_settings.py.example for full documentation on the # horizon.utils.secret_key module and its use. if not SECRET_KEY: if not LOCAL_PATH: LOCAL_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'local') from horizon.utils import secret_key SECRET_KEY = secret_key.generate_or_read_from_file(os.path.join(LOCAL_PATH, '.secret_key_store')) # populate HORIZON_CONFIG with auto-discovered JavaScript sources, mock files, # specs files and external templates. settings_utils.find_static_files(HORIZON_CONFIG, AVAILABLE_THEMES, THEME_COLLECTION_DIR, ROOT_PATH) # Load the pluggable dashboard settings import openstack_dashboard.enabled import openstack_dashboard.local.enabled INSTALLED_APPS = list(INSTALLED_APPS) # Make sure it's mutable settings_utils.update_dashboards( [ openstack_dashboard.enabled, openstack_dashboard.local.enabled, ], HORIZON_CONFIG, INSTALLED_APPS, ) INSTALLED_APPS[0:0] = ADD_INSTALLED_APPS def check(actions, request, target=None): # Note(Itxaka): This is to prevent circular dependencies and apps not ready # If you do django imports in your settings, you are gonna have a bad time from openstack_auth import policy return policy.check(actions, request, target) if POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION is None: POLICY_CHECK_FUNCTION = check NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE = NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE if not DEBUG else 0 # This base context objects gets added to the offline context generator # for each theme configured. HORIZON_COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT_BASE = { 'WEBROOT': WEBROOT, 'STATIC_URL': STATIC_URL, 'HORIZON_CONFIG': HORIZON_CONFIG, 'NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE': NG_TEMPLATE_CACHE_AGE, } if DEBUG: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Here comes the Django settings deprecation section. Being at the very end # of settings.py allows it to catch the settings defined in local_settings.py # or inside one of local_settings.d/ snippets. if 'HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD' in globals(): message = 'The setting HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD is deprecated in ' \ 'Newton and will be removed in P release. Use the setting ' \ 'HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE instead.' if not HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD: message += ' Keep in mind that HORIZON_IMAGES_ALLOW_UPLOAD set to ' \ 'False overrides the value of HORIZON_IMAGES_UPLOAD_MODE.' logging.warning(message)