================== Installing Horizon ================== This page covers the basic installation of horizon, the OpenStack dashboard. .. _system-requirements-label: System Requirements =================== * Python 2.7 * Django 1.7 or 1.8 * Minimum required set of running OpenStack services are: * nova: OpenStack Compute * keystone: OpenStack Identity * glance: OpenStack Image service * neutron: OpenStack Networking (unless nova-network is used) * All other services are optional. Horizon supports the following services in the Juno release. If the keystone endpoint for a service is configured, horizon detects it and enables its support automatically. * swift: OpenStack Object Storage * cinder: OpenStack Block Storage * heat: Orchestration * ceilometer: Telemetry * trove: Database service for OpenStack * sahara: Data processing service for OpenStack Installation ============ 1. Compile translation message catalogs for internationalization. This step is not required if you do not need to support languages other than English. GNU ``gettext`` tool is required to compile message catalogs:: $ sudo apt-get install gettext $ ./run_tests.sh --compilemessages This command compiles translation message catalogs within Python virtualenv named ``.venv``. After this step, you can remove ``.venv`` directory safely. 2. Install the horizon python module into your system. Run the following in the top directory:: $ sudo pip install . 3. Create ``openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py``. It is usually a good idea to copy ``openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py.example`` and edit it. At least we need to customize the following variables in this file. * ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` (unless ``DEBUG`` is ``True``) * ``OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_URL`` For more details, please refer to :doc:`deployment` and :doc:`settings`. 4. Optional: Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files, including standardization and minification/uglification. This processing can be run either online or offline (pre-processed). Letting the compression process occur at runtime will incur processing and memory use when the resources are first requested; doing it ahead of time removes those runtime penalties. If you want the static files to be processed before server runtime, you'll need to configure your local_settings.py to specify ``COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True``, then run the following commands:: $ ./manage.py collectstatic $ ./manage.py compress 5. Set up a web server with WSGI support. It is optional but recommended in production deployments. For example, install Apache web server on Ubuntu:: $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi You will either use the provided ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi`` or generate an ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/horizon.wsgi`` file with the following command (which detects if you use a virtual environment or not to automatically build an adapted wsgi file):: $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --wsgi Then configure the web server to host OpenStack dashboard via WSGI. For apache2 web server, you may need to create ``/etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf``. The template in devstack is a good example of the file. http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/devstack/tree/files/apache-horizon.template Or, if you previously generated an ``openstack_dashboard/wsgi/horizon.wsgi`` you can automatically generate an apache configuration file:: $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --apache > /etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf Same as above but if you want ssl support: $ ./manage.py make_web_conf --apache --ssl --sslkey=/path/to/ssl/key --sslcert=/path/to/ssl/cert > /etc/apache2/sites-available/horizon.conf 6. Finally, enable the above configuration and restart the web server:: $ sudo a2ensite horizon $ sudo service apache2 restart Next Steps ========== * :doc:`deployment` covers some common questions, concerns and pitfalls you may encounter when deploying horizon in a production environment. * :doc:`settings` lists the available settings for horizon. * :doc:`customizing` describes how to customizing horizon as you want.