# Copyright 2014, Rackspace, US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """API over the nova service.""" from collections import OrderedDict from django.utils import http as utils_http from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.views import generic from novaclient import exceptions from horizon import exceptions as hz_exceptions from openstack_dashboard import api from openstack_dashboard.api.rest import json_encoder from openstack_dashboard.api.rest import urls from openstack_dashboard.api.rest import utils as rest_utils from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.instances \ import utils as instances_utils from openstack_dashboard.usage import quotas @urls.register class Snapshots(generic.View): """API for nova snapshots.""" url_regex = r'nova/snapshots/$' @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request): instance_id = request.DATA['instance_id'] name = request.DATA['name'] result = api.nova.snapshot_create(request, instance_id=instance_id, name=name) return result @urls.register class Features(generic.View): """API for check if a specified feature is supported.""" url_regex = r'nova/features/(?P[^/]+)/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, name): """Check if a specified feature is supported.""" return api.nova.is_feature_available(request, (name,)) @urls.register class Keypairs(generic.View): """API for nova keypairs.""" url_regex = r'nova/keypairs/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of keypairs associated with the current logged-in user. The listing result is an object with property "items". """ result = api.nova.keypair_list(request) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]} @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request): """Create a keypair. Create a keypair using the parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The parameters are: :param name: the name to give the keypair :param public_key: (optional) a key to import This returns the new keypair object on success. """ if 'public_key' in request.DATA: new = api.nova.keypair_import(request, request.DATA['name'], request.DATA['public_key'], request.DATA['key_type']) else: new = api.nova.keypair_create(request, request.DATA['name'], request.DATA['key_type']) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/nova/keypairs/%s' % utils_http.urlquote(new.name), new.to_dict() ) @urls.register class Keypair(generic.View): """API for retrieving a single keypair.""" url_regex = r'nova/keypairs/(?P[^/]+)$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, name): """Get a specific keypair.""" return api.nova.keypair_get(request, name).to_dict() @rest_utils.ajax() def delete(self, request, name): api.nova.keypair_delete(request, name) @urls.register class Services(generic.View): """API for nova services.""" url_regex = r'nova/services/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of nova services. Will return HTTP 501 status code if the compute service is enabled. """ if api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'): result = api.nova.service_list(request) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]} raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, '') @urls.register class AvailabilityZones(generic.View): """API for nova availability zones.""" url_regex = r'nova/availzones/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of availability zones. The following get parameters may be passed in the GET request: :param detailed: If this equals "true" then the result will include more detail. The listing result is an object with property "items". """ detailed = request.GET.get('detailed') == 'true' result = api.nova.availability_zone_list(request, detailed) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]} @urls.register class Limits(generic.View): """API for nova limits.""" url_regex = r'nova/limits/$' @rest_utils.ajax(json_encoder=json_encoder.NaNJSONEncoder) def get(self, request): """Get an object describing the current project limits. Note: the Horizon API doesn't support any other project (tenant) but the underlying client does... The following get parameters may be passed in the GET request: :param reserved: Take into account the reserved limits. Reserved limits may be instances in the rebuild process for example. The result is an object with limits as properties. """ reserved = request.GET.get('reserved') == 'true' result = api.nova.tenant_absolute_limits(request, reserved) return result @urls.register class ServerActions(generic.View): """API over all server actions.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+)/actions/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, server_id): """Get a list of server actions. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is an action taken against the given server. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers/abcd/actions/ """ actions = api.nova.instance_action_list(request, server_id) return {'items': [s.to_dict() for s in actions]} @urls.register class SecurityGroups(generic.View): """API over all server security groups.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+)/security-groups/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, server_id): """Get a list of server security groups. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is security group associated with this server. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers/abcd/security-groups/ """ groups = api.neutron.server_security_groups(request, server_id) return {'items': [s.to_dict() for s in groups]} @urls.register class Volumes(generic.View): """API over all server volumes.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+)/volumes/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, server_id): """Get a list of server volumes. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is a volume. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers/abcd/volumes/ """ volumes = api.nova.instance_volumes_list(request, server_id) return {'items': [s.to_dict() for s in volumes]} @urls.register class RemoteConsoleInfo(generic.View): """API for remote console information.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+)/console-info/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def post(self, request, server_id): """Gets information of a remote console for the given server. Example POST: http://localhost/api/nova/servers/abcd/console-info/ """ console_type = request.DATA.get('console_type', 'AUTO') CONSOLES = OrderedDict([('VNC', api.nova.server_vnc_console), ('SPICE', api.nova.server_spice_console), ('RDP', api.nova.server_rdp_console), ('SERIAL', api.nova.server_serial_console), ('MKS', api.nova.server_mks_console)]) """Get a tuple of console url and console type.""" if console_type == 'AUTO': check_consoles = CONSOLES else: try: check_consoles = {console_type: CONSOLES[console_type]} except KeyError: msg = _('Console type "%s" not supported.') % console_type raise hz_exceptions.NotAvailable(msg) # Ugly workaround due novaclient API change from 2.17 to 2.18. try: httpnotimplemented = exceptions.HttpNotImplemented except AttributeError: httpnotimplemented = exceptions.HTTPNotImplemented for con_type, api_call in check_consoles.items(): try: console = api_call(request, server_id) # If not supported, don't log it to avoid lot of errors in case # of AUTO. except httpnotimplemented: continue except Exception: continue if con_type == 'SERIAL': console_url = console.url else: console_url = "%s&%s(%s)" % ( console.url, utils_http.urlencode({'title': _("Console")}), server_id) return {"type": con_type, "url": console_url} raise hz_exceptions.NotAvailable(_('No available console found.')) @urls.register class ConsoleOutput(generic.View): """API for console output.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+)/console-output/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def post(self, request, server_id): """Get a list of lines of console output. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is a line of output from the server. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers/abcd/console-output/ """ log_length = request.DATA.get('length', 100) console_lines = api.nova.server_console_output(request, server_id, tail_length=log_length) return {"lines": console_lines.split('\n')} @urls.register class Servers(generic.View): """API over all servers.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/$' _optional_create = [ 'block_device_mapping', 'block_device_mapping_v2', 'nics', 'meta', 'availability_zone', 'instance_count', 'admin_pass', 'disk_config', 'config_drive', 'scheduler_hints', 'description' ] @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of servers. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is a server. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers """ servers = api.nova.server_list(request)[0] return {'items': [s.to_dict() for s in servers]} @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request): """Create a server. Create a server using the parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The required parameters as specified by the underlying novaclient are: :param name: The new server name. :param source_id: The ID of the image to use. :param flavor_id: The ID of the flavor to use. :param key_name: (optional) name of previously created keypair to inject into the instance. :param user_data: user data to pass to be exposed by the metadata server this can be a file type object as well or a string. :param security_groups: An array of one or more objects with a "name" attribute. Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient: "block_device_mapping", "block_device_mapping_v2", "nics", "meta", "availability_zone", "instance_count", "admin_pass", "disk_config", "config_drive", "scheduler_hints" This returns the new server object on success. """ try: args = ( request, request.DATA['name'], request.DATA['source_id'], request.DATA['flavor_id'], request.DATA['key_name'], request.DATA['user_data'], request.DATA['security_groups'], ) except KeyError as e: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(400, 'missing required parameter ' "'%s'" % e.args[0]) kw = {} for name in self._optional_create: if name in request.DATA: kw[name] = request.DATA[name] new = api.nova.server_create(*args, **kw) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/nova/servers/%s' % utils_http.urlquote(new.id), new.to_dict() ) @urls.register class Server(generic.View): """API for retrieving a single server""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+|default)$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, server_id): """Get a specific server http://localhost/api/nova/servers/1 """ return api.nova.server_get(request, server_id).to_dict() @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request, server_id): """Perform a change to a server""" operation = request.DATA.get('operation', 'none') operations = { 'stop': api.nova.server_stop, 'start': api.nova.server_start, 'pause': api.nova.server_pause, 'unpause': api.nova.server_unpause, 'suspend': api.nova.server_suspend, 'resume': api.nova.server_resume, 'hard_reboot': lambda r, s: api.nova.server_reboot(r, s, False), 'soft_reboot': lambda r, s: api.nova.server_reboot(r, s, True), } return operations[operation](request, server_id) @rest_utils.ajax() def delete(self, request, server_id): api.nova.server_delete(request, server_id) @urls.register class ServerGroups(generic.View): """API for nova server groups.""" url_regex = r'nova/servergroups/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of server groups. The listing result is an object with property "items". """ result = api.nova.server_group_list(request) return {'items': [u.to_dict() for u in result]} @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request): """Create a server group. Create a server group using parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The "name" (string) parameter is required and the "policies" (array) parameter is required. This method returns the new server group object on success. """ new_servergroup = api.nova.server_group_create(request, **request.DATA) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/nova/servergroups/%s' % utils_http.urlquote( new_servergroup.id), new_servergroup.to_dict() ) @urls.register class ServerGroup(generic.View): url_regex = r'nova/servergroups/(?P[^/]+)/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def delete(self, request, servergroup_id): """Delete a specific server group DELETE http://localhost/api/nova/servergroups/ """ api.nova.server_group_delete(request, servergroup_id) @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, servergroup_id): """Get a specific server group http://localhost/api/nova/servergroups/1 """ return api.nova.server_group_get(request, servergroup_id).to_dict() @urls.register class ServerMetadata(generic.View): """API for server metadata.""" url_regex = r'nova/servers/(?P[^/]+|default)/metadata$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, server_id): """Get a specific server's metadata http://localhost/api/nova/servers/1/metadata """ return api.nova.server_get(request, server_id).to_dict().get('metadata') @rest_utils.ajax() def patch(self, request, server_id): """Update metadata items for a server http://localhost/api/nova/servers/1/metadata """ updated = request.DATA['updated'] removed = request.DATA['removed'] if updated: api.nova.server_metadata_update(request, server_id, updated) if removed: api.nova.server_metadata_delete(request, server_id, removed) @urls.register class Flavors(generic.View): """API for nova flavors.""" url_regex = r'nova/flavors/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of flavors. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is a flavor. By default this will return the flavors for the user's current project. If the user is admin, public flavors will also be returned. :param is_public: For a regular user, set to True to see all public flavors. For an admin user, set to False to not see public flavors. :param get_extras: Also retrieve the extra specs. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors?is_public=true """ is_public = request.GET.get('is_public') is_public = (is_public and is_public.lower() == 'true') get_extras = request.GET.get('get_extras') get_extras = bool(get_extras and get_extras.lower() == 'true') flavors = api.nova.flavor_list(request, is_public=is_public, get_extras=get_extras) flavors = instances_utils.sort_flavor_list(request, flavors, with_menu_label=False) result = {'items': []} for flavor in flavors: d = flavor.to_dict() if get_extras: d['extras'] = flavor.extras result['items'].append(d) return result @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def post(self, request): flavor_access = request.DATA.get('flavor_access', []) flavor_id = request.DATA['id'] is_public = not flavor_access flavor = api.nova.flavor_create(request, name=request.DATA['name'], memory=request.DATA['ram'], vcpu=request.DATA['vcpus'], disk=request.DATA['disk'], ephemeral=request .DATA['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'], swap=request.DATA['swap'], flavorid=flavor_id, is_public=is_public ) for project in flavor_access: api.nova.add_tenant_to_flavor( request, flavor.id, project.get('id')) return rest_utils.CreatedResponse( '/api/nova/flavors/%s' % flavor.id, flavor.to_dict() ) @urls.register class Flavor(generic.View): """API for retrieving a single flavor""" url_regex = r'nova/flavors/(?P[^/]+)/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, flavor_id): """Get a specific flavor :param get_extras: Also retrieve the extra specs. Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1 """ get_extras = self.extract_boolean(request, 'get_extras') get_access_list = self.extract_boolean(request, 'get_access_list') flavor = api.nova.flavor_get(request, flavor_id, get_extras=get_extras) result = flavor.to_dict() # Bug: nova API stores and returns empty string when swap equals 0 # https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1408954 if 'swap' in result and result['swap'] == '': result['swap'] = 0 if get_extras: result['extras'] = flavor.extras if get_access_list and not flavor.is_public: access_list = [item.tenant_id for item in api.nova.flavor_access_list(request, flavor_id)] result['access-list'] = access_list return result @rest_utils.ajax() def delete(self, request, flavor_id): api.nova.flavor_delete(request, flavor_id) @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def patch(self, request, flavor_id): flavor_access = request.DATA.get('flavor_access', []) is_public = not flavor_access # Grab any existing extra specs, because flavor edit is currently # implemented as a delete followed by a create. extras_dict = api.nova.flavor_get_extras(request, flavor_id, raw=True) # Mark the existing flavor as deleted. api.nova.flavor_delete(request, flavor_id) # Then create a new flavor with the same name but a new ID. # This is in the same try/except block as the delete call # because if the delete fails the API will error out because # active flavors can't have the same name. flavor = api.nova.flavor_create(request, name=request.DATA['name'], memory=request.DATA['ram'], vcpu=request.DATA['vcpus'], disk=request.DATA['disk'], ephemeral=request .DATA['OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral'], swap=request.DATA['swap'], flavorid=flavor_id, is_public=is_public ) for project in flavor_access: api.nova.add_tenant_to_flavor( request, flavor.id, project.get('id')) if extras_dict: api.nova.flavor_extra_set(request, flavor.id, extras_dict) def extract_boolean(self, request, name): bool_string = request.GET.get(name) return bool(bool_string and bool_string.lower() == 'true') @urls.register class FlavorExtraSpecs(generic.View): """API for managing flavor extra specs""" url_regex = r'nova/flavors/(?P[^/]+)/extra-specs/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, flavor_id): """Get a specific flavor's extra specs Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1/extra-specs """ return api.nova.flavor_get_extras(request, flavor_id, raw=True) @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def patch(self, request, flavor_id): """Update a specific flavor's extra specs. This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ if request.DATA.get('removed'): api.nova.flavor_extra_delete( request, flavor_id, request.DATA.get('removed') ) api.nova.flavor_extra_set( request, flavor_id, request.DATA['updated'] ) @urls.register class AggregateExtraSpecs(generic.View): """API for managing aggregate extra specs""" url_regex = r'nova/aggregates/(?P[^/]+)/extra-specs/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request, aggregate_id): """Get a specific aggregate's extra specs Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1/extra-specs """ return api.nova.aggregate_get(request, aggregate_id).metadata @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def patch(self, request, aggregate_id): """Update a specific aggregate's extra specs. This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ updated = request.DATA['updated'] if request.DATA.get('removed'): for name in request.DATA.get('removed'): updated[name] = None api.nova.aggregate_set_metadata(request, aggregate_id, updated) @urls.register class DefaultQuotaSets(generic.View): """API for getting default quotas for nova""" url_regex = r'nova/quota-sets/defaults/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get the values for Nova specific quotas Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/quota-sets/defaults/ """ if not api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'): raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Nova is disabled.')) quota_set = api.nova.default_quota_get(request, request.user.tenant_id) disabled_quotas = quotas.get_disabled_quotas(request) filtered_quotas = [quota for quota in quota_set if quota.name not in disabled_quotas] result = [{ 'display_name': quotas.QUOTA_NAMES.get( quota.name, quota.name.replace("_", " ").title() ) + '', 'name': quota.name, 'limit': quota.limit } for quota in filtered_quotas] return {'items': result} @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def patch(self, request): """Update the values for Nova specific quotas This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ if api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'): disabled_quotas = quotas.get_disabled_quotas(request) filtered_quotas = [quota for quota in quotas.NOVA_QUOTA_FIELDS if quota not in disabled_quotas] request_data = { key: request.DATA.get(key, None) for key in filtered_quotas } nova_data = {key: value for key, value in request_data.items() if value is not None} api.nova.default_quota_update(request, **nova_data) else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Nova is disabled.')) @urls.register class EditableQuotaSets(generic.View): """API for editable quotas.""" url_regex = r'nova/quota-sets/editable/$' @rest_utils.ajax() def get(self, request): """Get a list of editable quota fields. The listing result is an object with property "items". Each item is an editable quota. Returns an empty list in case no editable quota is found. """ disabled_quotas = quotas.get_disabled_quotas(request) editable_quotas = [quota for quota in quotas.QUOTA_FIELDS if quota not in disabled_quotas] return {'items': editable_quotas} @urls.register class QuotaSets(generic.View): """API for setting quotas for a given project.""" url_regex = r'nova/quota-sets/(?P[0-9a-f]+)$' @rest_utils.ajax(data_required=True) def patch(self, request, project_id): """Update a single project quota data. The PATCH data should be an application/json object with the attributes to set to new quota values. This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success. """ disabled_quotas = quotas.get_disabled_quotas(request) if api.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'compute'): nova_data = { key: request.DATA[key] for key in quotas.NOVA_QUOTA_FIELDS if key not in disabled_quotas } api.nova.tenant_quota_update(request, project_id, **nova_data) else: raise rest_utils.AjaxError(501, _('Service Nova is disabled.'))