/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain * a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ (function () { 'use strict'; var push = Array.prototype.push; var noop = angular.noop; /** * @ngdoc overview * @name horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance * * @description * Manage workflow of creating server. */ angular .module('horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance') .factory('launchInstanceModel', launchInstanceModel); launchInstanceModel.$inject = [ '$q', '$log', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.cinder', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.glance', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.neutron', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.nova', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.novaExtensions', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.security-group', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.serviceCatalog', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.settings', 'horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance.boot-source-types', 'horizon.framework.widgets.toast.service', 'horizon.app.core.openstack-service-api.policy', 'horizon.dashboard.project.workflow.launch-instance.step-policy' ]; /** * @ngdoc service * @name launchInstanceModel * * @param {Object} $q * @param {Object} $log * @param {Object} cinderAPI * @param {Object} glanceAPI * @param {Object} neutronAPI * @param {Object} novaAPI * @param {Object} novaExtensions * @param {Object} securityGroup * @param {Object} serviceCatalog * @param {Object} settings * @param {Object} bootSourceTypes * @param {Object} toast * @param {Object} policy * @param {Object} stepPolicy * @description * This is the M part in MVC design pattern for launch instance * wizard workflow. It is responsible for providing data to the * view of each step in launch instance workflow and collecting * user's input from view for creation of new instance. It is * also the center point of communication between launch instance * UI and services API. * @returns {Object} The model */ function launchInstanceModel( $q, $log, cinderAPI, glanceAPI, neutronAPI, novaAPI, novaExtensions, securityGroup, serviceCatalog, settings, bootSourceTypes, toast, policy, stepPolicy ) { var initPromise; /** * @ngdoc model api object */ var model = { initializing: false, initialized: false, /*eslint-disable max-len */ /** * @name newInstanceSpec * * @description * A dictionary like object containing specification collected from user's * input. Its required properties include: * * @property {String} name: The new server name. * @property {String} source_type: The type of source * Valid options: (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot) * @property {String} source_id: The ID of the image / volume to use. * @property {String} flavor_id: The ID of the flavor to use. * * Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient: * - https://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient/blob/master/novaclient/v2/servers.py#L417 * But may be required additional values as per nova: * - https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/api/rest/nova.py#L127 * * The JS code only needs to set the values below as they are made. * The createInstance function will map them appropriately. */ /*eslint-enable max-len */ // see initializeNewInstanceSpec newInstanceSpec: {}, /** * cloud service properties, they should be READ-ONLY to all UI controllers */ availabilityZones: [], flavors: [], allowedBootSources: [], images: [], allowCreateVolumeFromImage: false, imageSnapshots: [], keypairs: [], metadataDefs: { flavor: null, image: null, volume: null, instance: null, hints: null }, networks: [], ports: [], neutronEnabled: false, novaLimits: {}, securityGroups: [], serverGroups: [], volumeBootable: false, volumes: [], volumeSnapshots: [], metadataTree: null, hintsTree: null, /** * This is to inform users current situation is under loading or not */ loaded: { // Availability Zones on Details tab availabilityZones: false }, /** * api methods for UI controllers */ initialize: initialize, createInstance: createInstance }; // Local function. function initializeNewInstanceSpec() { model.newInstanceSpec = { availability_zone: null, admin_pass: null, config_drive: false, description: null, // REQUIRED Server Key. Null allowed. user_data: '', disk_config: 'AUTO', // REQUIRED flavor: null, instance_count: 1, // REQUIRED Server Key key_pair: [], // REQUIRED name: null, networks: [], ports: [], scheduler_hints: {}, // REQUIRED Server Key. May be empty. security_groups: [], server_groups: [], // REQUIRED for JS logic (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot) source_type: null, source: [], create_volume_default: true, // REQUIRED for JS logic hide_create_volume: false, vol_create: false, vol_delete_on_instance_delete: false, vol_size: 1 }; } function initializeLoadStatus() { angular.forEach(model.loaded, function(val, key) { model.loaded[key] = false; }); } /** * @ngdoc method * @name launchInstanceModel.initialize * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request to get all data to initialize the model. */ function initialize(deep) { var deferred, promise; // Each time opening launch instance wizard, we need to do this, or // we can call the whole methods `reset` instead of `initialize`. initializeNewInstanceSpec(); initializeLoadStatus(); if (model.initializing) { promise = initPromise; } else if (model.initialized && !deep) { deferred = $q.defer(); promise = deferred.promise; deferred.resolve(); } else { model.initializing = true; model.allowedBootSources.length = 0; var launchInstanceDefaults = settings.getSetting('LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS'); promise = $q.all([ novaAPI.getAvailabilityZones().then(onGetAvailabilityZones) .finally(onGetAvailabilityZonesComplete), novaAPI.getFlavors({ is_public: true, get_extras: true }).then(onGetFlavors, noop), novaAPI.getKeypairs().then(onGetKeypairs, noop), novaAPI.getLimits(true).then(onGetNovaLimits, noop), securityGroup.query().then(onGetSecurityGroups, noop), serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('network').then(getNetworks, noop), launchInstanceDefaults.then(addImageSourcesIfEnabled, noop), launchInstanceDefaults.then(setDefaultValues, noop), launchInstanceDefaults.then(addVolumeSourcesIfEnabled, noop) ]); promise.then(onInitSuccess, onInitFail); } return promise; } function onInitSuccess() { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = true; // This provides supplemental data non-critical to launching // an instance. Therefore we load it only if the critical data // all loads successfully. getServerGroups(); getMetadataDefinitions(); } function onInitFail() { model.initializing = false; model.initialized = false; } function setDefaultValues(defaults) { if (!defaults) { return; } if ('config_drive' in defaults) { model.newInstanceSpec.config_drive = defaults.config_drive; } if ('create_volume' in defaults) { // Append "_default" to distinguish from the 'vol_create' item model.newInstanceSpec.create_volume_default = defaults.create_volume; } if ('hide_create_volume' in defaults) { model.newInstanceSpec.hide_create_volume = defaults.hide_create_volume; } } /** * @ngdoc method * @name launchInstanceModel.createInstance * @returns {promise} * * @description * Send request for creating server. */ function createInstance() { var finalSpec = angular.copy(model.newInstanceSpec); cleanNullProperties(finalSpec); setFinalSpecBootsource(finalSpec); setFinalSpecFlavor(finalSpec); setFinalSpecNetworks(finalSpec); setFinalSpecPorts(finalSpec); setFinalSpecKeyPairs(finalSpec); setFinalSpecSecurityGroups(finalSpec); setFinalSpecServerGroup(finalSpec); setFinalSpecSchedulerHints(finalSpec); setFinalSpecMetadata(finalSpec); return novaAPI.createServer(finalSpec).then(successMessage); } function successMessage() { var numberInstances = model.newInstanceSpec.instance_count; var message = ngettext('Scheduled creation of %s instance.', 'Scheduled creation of %s instances.', numberInstances); toast.add('info', interpolate(message, [numberInstances])); } function cleanNullProperties(finalSpec) { // Initially clean fields that don't have any value. for (var key in finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.hasOwnProperty(key) && finalSpec[key] === null) { delete finalSpec[key]; } } } // // Local // function onGetAvailabilityZones(data) { model.availabilityZones.length = 0; push.apply( model.availabilityZones, data.data.items.filter(function (zone) { return zone.zoneState && zone.zoneState.available; }) .map(function (zone) { return {label: zone.zoneName, value: zone.zoneName}; }) ); if (model.availabilityZones.length === 1) { model.newInstanceSpec.availability_zone = model.availabilityZones[0].value; } else if (model.availabilityZones.length > 1) { // There are 2 or more; allow ability for nova scheduler to pick, // and make that the default. model.availabilityZones.unshift({ label: gettext("Any Availability Zone"), value: "" }); model.newInstanceSpec.availability_zone = model.availabilityZones[0].value; } } function onGetAvailabilityZonesComplete() { model.loaded.availabilityZones = true; } // Flavors function onGetFlavors(data) { model.flavors.length = 0; push.apply(model.flavors, data.data.items); } function setFinalSpecFlavor(finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.flavor) { finalSpec.flavor_id = finalSpec.flavor.id; } else { delete finalSpec.flavor_id; } delete finalSpec.flavor; } // Keypairs function onGetKeypairs(data) { angular.extend( model.keypairs, data.data.items.map(function (e) { e.keypair.id = 'li_keypair:' + e.keypair.name; return e.keypair; })); if (data.data.items.length === 1) { model.newInstanceSpec.key_pair.push(data.data.items[0].keypair); } } function setFinalSpecKeyPairs(finalSpec) { // Nova only wants the key name. It is a required field, even if None. if (!finalSpec.key_name && finalSpec.key_pair.length === 1) { finalSpec.key_name = finalSpec.key_pair[0].name; } else if (!finalSpec.key_name) { finalSpec.key_name = null; } delete finalSpec.key_pair; } // Security Groups function onGetSecurityGroups(data) { model.securityGroups.length = 0; angular.forEach(data.data.items, function addDefault(item) { // 'default' is a special security group in neutron. It can not be // deleted and is guaranteed to exist. It by default contains all // of the rules needed for an instance to reach out to the network // so the instance can provision itself. if (item.name === 'default') { model.newInstanceSpec.security_groups.push(item); } }); push.apply(model.securityGroups, data.data.items); } function setFinalSpecSecurityGroups(finalSpec) { // pull out the ids from the security groups objects var securityGroupIds = []; finalSpec.security_groups.forEach(function(securityGroup) { if (model.neutronEnabled) { securityGroupIds.push(securityGroup.id); } else { securityGroupIds.push(securityGroup.name); } }); finalSpec.security_groups = securityGroupIds; } // Server Groups function getServerGroups() { policy.ifAllowed(stepPolicy.serverGroups).then(function() { novaAPI.getServerGroups().then(onGetServerGroups, noop); }, noop); } function onGetServerGroups(data) { model.serverGroups.length = 0; push.apply(model.serverGroups, data.data.items); } function setFinalSpecServerGroup(finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.server_groups.length > 0) { finalSpec.scheduler_hints.group = finalSpec.server_groups[0].id; } delete finalSpec.server_groups; } // Networks function getNetworks() { return neutronAPI.getNetworks().then(onGetNetworks, noop).then(getPorts, noop); } function onGetNetworks(data) { model.neutronEnabled = true; model.networks.length = 0; push.apply(model.networks, data.data.items.filter(function(net) { return net.subnets.length > 0; })); if (model.networks.length === 1) { model.newInstanceSpec.networks.push(model.networks[0]); } return data; } function setFinalSpecNetworks(finalSpec) { finalSpec.nics = []; finalSpec.networks.forEach(function (network) { finalSpec.nics.push( { "net-id": network.id, "v4-fixed-ip": "" }); }); delete finalSpec.networks; } function getPorts(networks) { model.ports.length = 0; networks.data.items.forEach(function(network) { return neutronAPI.getPorts({network_id: network.id}).then( function(ports) { onGetPorts(ports, network); }, noop ); }); } function onGetPorts(networkPorts, network) { var ports = []; networkPorts.data.items.forEach(function(port) { // no device_owner means that the port can be attached if (port.device_owner === "" && port.admin_state === "UP") { port.subnet_names = getPortSubnets(port, network.subnets); port.network_name = network.name; if (!port.hasOwnProperty("trunk_id")) { ports.push(port); } } }); push.apply(model.ports, ports); } // helper function to return an object of IP:NAME pairs for subnet mapping function getPortSubnets(port, subnets) { var subnetNames = {}; port.fixed_ips.forEach(function (ip) { subnets.forEach(function (subnet) { if (ip.subnet_id === subnet.id) { subnetNames[ip.ip_address] = subnet.name; } }); }); return subnetNames; } function setFinalSpecPorts(finalSpec) { // nics should already be filled so we only append to it finalSpec.ports.forEach(function (port) { finalSpec.nics.push( { "port-id": port.id }); }); delete finalSpec.ports; } // Boot Source function addImageSourcesIfEnabled(config) { // in case settings are deleted or not present var allEnabled = !config; // if the settings are missing or the specific setting is missing default to true var enabledImage = allEnabled || !config.disable_image; var enabledSnapshot = allEnabled || !config.disable_instance_snapshot; if (enabledImage || enabledSnapshot) { var filter = {status: 'active', sort_key: 'name', sort_dir: 'asc'}; glanceAPI.getImages(filter).then( function(data) { onGetImageSources(data, enabledImage, enabledSnapshot); } ); } } function addVolumeSourcesIfEnabled(config) { var volumeDeferred = $q.defer(); var volumeSnapshotDeferred = $q.defer(); var absoluteLimitsDeferred = $q.defer(); serviceCatalog .ifTypeEnabled('volumev2') .then(onVolumeServiceEnabled, onCheckVolumeV3); function onCheckVolumeV3() { serviceCatalog .ifTypeEnabled('volumev3') .then(onVolumeServiceEnabled, resolvePromises); } function onVolumeServiceEnabled() { model.volumeBootable = true; novaExtensions .ifNameEnabled('BlockDeviceMappingV2Boot') .then(onBootToVolumeSupported); if (!config || !config.disable_volume) { getVolumes().then(resolveVolumes, failVolumes); getAbsoluteLimits().then(resolveAbsoluteLimitsDeferred, resolveAbsoluteLimitsDeferred); } else { resolveVolumes(); resolveAbsoluteLimitsDeferred(); } if (!config || !config.disable_volume_snapshot) { getVolumeSnapshots().then(resolveVolumeSnapshots, failVolumeSnapshots); } else { resolveVolumeSnapshots(); } } function onBootToVolumeSupported() { model.allowCreateVolumeFromImage = true; } function getVolumes() { return cinderAPI.getVolumes({status: 'available', bootable: 1}) .then(onGetVolumes); } function getAbsoluteLimits() { return cinderAPI.getAbsoluteLimits().then(onGetCinderLimits); } function getVolumeSnapshots() { return cinderAPI.getVolumeSnapshots({status: 'available'}) .then(onGetVolumeSnapshots); } function resolvePromises() { volumeDeferred.resolve(); volumeSnapshotDeferred.resolve(); absoluteLimitsDeferred.resolve(); } function resolveVolumes() { volumeDeferred.resolve(); } function failVolumes() { volumeDeferred.resolve(); } function resolveVolumeSnapshots() { volumeSnapshotDeferred.resolve(); } function failVolumeSnapshots() { volumeSnapshotDeferred.resolve(); } function resolveAbsoluteLimitsDeferred() { absoluteLimitsDeferred.resolve(); } return $q.all( [ volumeDeferred.promise, volumeSnapshotDeferred.promise, absoluteLimitsDeferred.promise ]); } function isBootableImageType(image) { // This is a blacklist of images that can not be booted. // If the image container type is in the blacklist // The evaluation will result in a 0 or greater index. return bootSourceTypes.NON_BOOTABLE_IMAGE_TYPES.indexOf(image.container_format) < 0; } function getImageType(image) { if (image === null || !angular.isDefined(image.properties) || !(angular.isDefined(image.properties.image_type) || angular.isDefined(image.properties.block_device_mapping))) { return 'image'; } return image.properties.image_type || angular.fromJson(image.properties.block_device_mapping)[0].source_type || 'image'; } function isValidImage(image) { return isBootableImageType(image) && (!image.properties || image.properties.image_type !== 'snapshot'); } function isValidSnapshot(image) { return getImageType(image) === 'snapshot' && isBootableImageType(image); } function onGetImageSources(data, enabledImage, enabledSnapshot) { model.imageSnapshots.length = 0; model.images.length = 0; angular.forEach(data.data.items, function(image) { if (isValidSnapshot(image) && enabledSnapshot) { model.imageSnapshots.push(image); } else if (isValidImage(image) && enabledImage) { model.images.push(image); } }); if (enabledImage) { addAllowedBootSource( model.images, bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, gettext('Image') ); } if (enabledSnapshot) { addAllowedBootSource( model.imageSnapshots, bootSourceTypes.INSTANCE_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Instance Snapshot') ); } } function onGetVolumes(data) { model.volumes.length = 0; push.apply(model.volumes, data.data.items); addAllowedBootSource(model.volumes, bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, gettext('Volume')); } function onGetVolumeSnapshots(data) { cinderAPI.getVolumes({bootable: 1}).then(function (volumes) { onGetBootableVolumeSnapshots(volumes.data.items, data.data.items); }); } function onGetBootableVolumeSnapshots(bootableVolumes, volumeSnapshots) { var bootableVolumeIds = []; bootableVolumes.forEach(function(volume) { bootableVolumeIds.push(volume.id); }); model.volumeSnapshots.length = 0; push.apply(model.volumeSnapshots, volumeSnapshots.filter(function (volumeSnapshot) { return bootableVolumeIds.indexOf(volumeSnapshot.volume_id) !== -1; })); addAllowedBootSource( model.volumeSnapshots, bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Volume Snapshot') ); } function addAllowedBootSource(rawTypes, type, label) { if (rawTypes) { model.allowedBootSources.push({ type: type, label: label }); model.allowedBootSources.sort(function(a, b) { return a.type > b.type; }); } } function setFinalSpecBootsource(finalSpec) { finalSpec.source_id = finalSpec.source && finalSpec.source[0] && finalSpec.source[0].id; delete finalSpec.source; switch (finalSpec.source_type.type) { case bootSourceTypes.IMAGE: setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec); break; case bootSourceTypes.INSTANCE_SNAPSHOT: setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec); break; case bootSourceTypes.VOLUME: setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'volume'); break; case bootSourceTypes.VOLUME_SNAPSHOT: setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'snapshot'); break; default: $log.error("Unknown source type: " + finalSpec.source_type); } // The following are all fields gathered into simple fields by // steps so that the view can simply bind to simple model attributes // that are then transformed a single time to Nova's expectation // at launch time. delete finalSpec.source_type; delete finalSpec.vol_create; delete finalSpec.vol_delete_on_instance_delete; delete finalSpec.vol_size; } function setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec) { if (finalSpec.vol_create) { // Specify null to get Autoselection (not empty string) finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2 = []; finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2.push( { 'source_type': bootSourceTypes.IMAGE, 'destination_type': bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, 'delete_on_termination': finalSpec.vol_delete_on_instance_delete, 'uuid': finalSpec.source_id, 'boot_index': '0', 'volume_size': finalSpec.vol_size } ); finalSpec.source_id = null; } } function setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, sourceType) { finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2 = []; finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2.push( { 'source_type': sourceType, 'destination_type': bootSourceTypes.VOLUME, 'delete_on_termination': finalSpec.vol_delete_on_instance_delete, 'uuid': finalSpec.source_id, 'boot_index': '0' } ); // Source ID must be empty for API finalSpec.source_id = ''; } // Cinder Limits function onGetCinderLimits(response) { model.cinderLimits = response.data; } // Nova Limits function onGetNovaLimits(data) { angular.extend(model.novaLimits, data.data); } // Scheduler hints function setFinalSpecSchedulerHints(finalSpec) { if (model.hintsTree) { var hints = model.hintsTree.getExisting(); if (!angular.equals({}, hints)) { angular.forEach(hints, function(value, key) { finalSpec.scheduler_hints[key] = value + ''; }); } } } // Instance metadata function setFinalSpecMetadata(finalSpec) { if (model.metadataTree) { var meta = model.metadataTree.getExisting(); if (!angular.equals({}, meta)) { angular.forEach(meta, function(value, key) { meta[key] = value + ''; }); finalSpec.meta = meta; } } } // Metadata Definitions /** * Metadata definitions provide supplemental information in source image detail * rows and are used on the metadata tab for adding metadata to the instance and * on the scheduler hints tab. */ function getMetadataDefinitions() { // Metadata definitions often apply to multiple resource types. It is optimal to make a // single request for all desired resource types. // : [, ] var resourceTypes = { flavor: ['OS::Nova::Flavor', ''], image: ['OS::Glance::Image', ''], volume: ['OS::Cinder::Volumes', ''], instance: ['OS::Nova::Server', 'metadata'] }; angular.forEach(resourceTypes, applyForResourceType); // Need to check setting and policy for scheduler hints $q.all([ settings.ifEnabled('LAUNCH_INSTANCE_DEFAULTS.enable_scheduler_hints', true, true), policy.ifAllowed(stepPolicy.schedulerHints) ]).then(function getSchedulerHints() { applyForResourceType(['OS::Nova::Server', 'scheduler_hints'], 'hints'); }); } function applyForResourceType(resourceType, key) { glanceAPI .getNamespaces({ resource_type: resourceType[0], properties_target: resourceType[1] }, true) .then(function(data) { var namespaces = data.data.items; // This will ensure that the metaDefs model object remains // unchanged until metadefs are fully loaded. Otherwise, // partial results are loaded and can result in some odd // display behavior. model.metadataDefs[key] = namespaces; }); } return model; } })();